The Scarred Duchess by Barry Richman- Excerpt & Giveaway

Good Afternoon everyone,

It’s release day for The Scarred Duchess, a Pride and Prejudice multi-generational saga penned by Barry Richman and published by Quills & Quartos Publishing. This book doesn’t seem to follow canon and I love the freshness that difference brings.

The book also appears to focus on Jane Bennet, so I wonder, are there any #TeamJane readers out there? If so, read on the excerpt, I’m sure you’ll feel enticed! I certainly got curious about this romantic hero 😊

Thank you so much for visiting Mr. Richman! And best of luck with this new release 😊

NEW excerpt

Knowing that Ishtar would stay true to the road, John focused upon the cautions Bennet had discussed with him: ‘Forgo your carriage; ride your horse. Present yourself at all times as a country gentleman. Do not draw unwanted attention. Remember, there are eyes everywhere.’

Some three hours after leaving Netherfield Park, he arrived at a tidy Cheapside house with a green door. The red brick facade stood tall, the street-level windows, adorned with lace curtains, allowed a glimpse of a lavish interior. He tied off his horse, brushed out his coat, and took a deep breath. Will Jane welcome me? Does she still love me? He banged the door knocker.

He followed a housekeeper into a well-appointed parlour where Jane’s aunt and uncle were waiting. “Good afternoon, Mr Gardiner. Mrs Gardiner. I apologise if my call is ill-timed.”

The couple exchanged a glance, and then Mr Gardiner spoke. “Not at all. How may we be of service, my lord?” 

John, who was just taking his seat, quickly stood up again. “You know?”

“Of your true standing? We do,” replied Gardiner, glancing at his wife. “What brings you here?”

Mrs Gardiner’s small smile wiped away John’s reservations of asking after Jane. He sat and took a breath. “Mr Bennet provided me your direction, as I am unfamiliar with town.”

Gardiner turned to his wife, who answered him with an uplifted eyebrow. He nodded.

“Tea?” asked Mrs Gardiner. Before he could reply, she was fixing him a cup. “May we ask if you are seeking Jane?”

He nodded and accepted the cup. “I am. Is she here? May I speak to her?”

Mr and Mrs Gardiner exchanged what he thought was a meaningful look. “She is not here,” replied Mr Gardiner.

John found that odd. It was hours after most outings would end and well before evening activities would begin. “I assume there is more to this than you have offered?”

“There was an incident. At Kew Gardens,” replied Mr Gardiner.

John nearly spilled his cup. “With Jane? What…what happened?”

“Peace, all is well,” said Mr Gardiner. “Jane is unhurt and is now under Lord Matlock’s protection.”

“Her sponsor?”

“That would be Lady Matlock. My cousin,” said Mrs Gardiner.

John exhaled, though his heart still raced. “Thank goodness.” Unhurt, they had said. “She is well?” He was grateful for Mrs Gardiner’s reassuring nod. “I-I am so relieved.”

“As is everyone who cares for Jane,” replied Mrs Gardiner. “Truly, she is well. She was a bit shaken, but received more than adequate protection before any harm was rendered.”

“By whom, if you will entertain my asking?”

“Our footmen,” replied Mrs Gardiner, which she followed with a smile. “And Bill.”

John could not help but chuckle in relief. “Yes, I agree. Bill is more than adequate for any occasion.” He relaxed back into his chair and lifted his teacup to his lips.

“As to Jane’s whereabouts, she has chosen to remain at Matlock House, most likely until the Season ends,” Mr Gardiner said.

“I see.” John set his cup on the table. How he wished to console her, to see how she fared after today’s events.

Mrs Gardiner stood. “Would you dine with us? We would enjoy hearing more of your history with Jane.”

He stood. “I accept with gratitude. And with one binding request.”

“An acceptance of an invitation under conditions. How singular,” said Mrs Gardiner with a chuckle. “I shall allow you men to speak while I see to our evening.”

John followed Mr Gardiner to his study and accepted a small glass of brandy.

The older man looked at him curiously. “My lord, am I remiss in understanding Bennet’s instructions regarding Jane having a Season, which requires your absence from her company?”

A few weeks remain in the Season. A few more weeks of waiting to see Jane. “You are not.”

“I then repeat myself. How may we be of service?” asked Mr Gardiner.

Biting back his frustration, John looked down into his drink. I cannot approach Jane? Why must Bennet be so unmovable regarding my suit?

NEW book blurb

Her Majesty has made me the enemy of every young lady seeking a husband and the target of every rake seeking a conquest.

FOLLOWING DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THE REGULARS, young Thomas Bennet finds himself the unexpected master of Longbourn. He is determined not to repeat the mistakes of his grandfather Bennet who made enemies that cost his daughter her life. Thomas’s own responsibilities number five more than his ancestor had. How is a father to protect his beloved daughter Jane when the man she loves is the target of those who are willing to shed blood to achieve their nefarious goals? How can he save Jane from the jealousy and spite inspired by her own beauty, or the consequences of his own past dealings?

MISS JANE BENNET AND HER SISTER ELIZABETH are travelling to town to shop for Jane’s wedding to an eligible young earl when an altered seating arrangement leads to grievous injury for one sister and unceasing self-recrimination for the other. Once the envy of the neighbourhood, Jane is now a pitiable object of scorn, shunned and ridiculed by those she once thought her friends. Releasing her suitor from his attachment to her, Jane hides away for years, believing that all hope of happiness is lost.

WILL THE PROCESS OF HEALING, of both of her body and her spirt, ever be complete enough to allow her to love again? Will her attachment to Lord Lambrook survive the obstacles presented to them and allow them a second chance at life and love? And will Thomas Bennet ever be able to forgive himself for failing to keep her from harm?

The Scarred Duchess is a Pride and Prejudice reimagining, a multi-generational saga telling how love and devotion triumph over vengeance and villainy to shape the destinies of two families in Georgian England.

The Scarred Duchess-EBOOK-Medium

You can find The Scarred Duchess at:

and on Kindle Unlimited

Quills & Quartos is giving away 1 ebook copy of The Scarred Duchess to one lucky reader who stops by at From Pemberley to Milton. To apply to the giveawaw, all you have to do is comment this post and follow their Facebook Page to know if you were the winner 🙂

Good luck everyone!


Filed under JAFF, North and South, Pride and Prejudice

7 responses to “The Scarred Duchess by Barry Richman- Excerpt & Giveaway

  1. I like that Jane will have a chance with what appears to be a strong suitor. Some of the Bingleys out there are a bit spineless. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!


  2. glyniswhitelegg

    I wonder why Mr Bennet is insisting on Jane having a full season, although it seems that John is the target of ill wishers. But it seems that Jane is also with the incident at Kew? I hope this isn’t too angsty? I can cope when it isn’t conflict between Darcy and Elizabeth so I’ll look forward to reading this.


  3. coleen561

    I’m really looking forward to reading this, so thanks for the giveaway! Fingers crossed!


  4. I do like Jane, at least when she retains her canon personality and is not turned into the villain of the story. Congrats on the release and thanks for the chance to win a copy.


  5. goodmanjuliea

    Love Jane. Congrats on your release!


  6. Glory

    Congratulations on the new book & I can’t wait to read it!


  7. pamh5230

    Ooo, this sounds so interesting! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I’d love to read it!


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