Monthly Archives: December 2023

From Pemberley to Milton’s 2023 Wrap Up

2023 Wrap Up

Happy New Year everyone!

I know we’re still a day away from New Year, but this will be my last post of the year, so I think my best wishes for a happy New Year full of reading moments are in order ๐Ÿ™‚

As usual I thought it would be nice to do a wrap up of my year in terms of reading and blogging, so stats will follow! You know how I love those ๐Ÿ™‚

I admit that when I started preparing this post I was a bit dissapointed because even though I was able to surpass once more my GR challenge by reading 52 books (my goal was 50), I’ve read an reviewed less in 2023 than in 2022, but then I started looking at my goals, and in fact this is quite in line with what I thought I would do this year, so I guess it wasn’t that bad after all.ย 

My Year in Books

My numbers have decreased this year not only in terms of books read, but also reviews published, in fact,ย  I haven’t reviewed this little since 2019, so there is clearly a shift in my habits. I should say that I’ll do better next year, but I’m not sure I will. The truth is I am more and more interested in different types of posts lately, so I think I’ll dedicate more time to those.

reviews per year

While analysing my stats last year I mentioned that I see more engagement when I share excerpts than reviews so I would reduce the stress level and the number of reviews in 2023 getting closer to my 2018 stats, and I guess I did just that. For 2024 I am aiming once more for an average of 3 reviews per month so I can focus on more different and fun posts. I really do hope you like those. Did you like the Who is Your Mr. Darcy post? That’s what I am talking about when I say I want to post different things more often ๐Ÿ™‚

Books Read By Genre

Have you noticed anything missing? I haven’t read one single Modernization or Different Era JAFF book this year! I can’t believe this happened because to be honest this is a sub genre I am more interested in as of late, so this is something I need to work on next year.

Variations are still coming first as the most read, followed by Non JAFF books, and then very low numbers on many diverse sub-genres, but if I look at the sub genres, there isn’t much diversity in 2023 which goes against my goal from last year.

Looking at these stats, and thinking about my year, I think I didn’t really decide what to read myself. Last year I mentioned that with the TBR increasing each month, and the stress I was feeling to reduce it, I kept reading the books I was receiving in the mail without actually choosing the order by which I would read them and that would definitely have to change in 2023, well…it did not! And that will once more be a goal for me! To make sure I keep my resolution, I will start doing it today by picking up a book I bought because I wanted to read it ๐Ÿ™‚ This will not help my TBR but I am on a mission ๐Ÿ™‚

Books Read by Austen Novel 2

As always P&P is the book that dominates my reading and this year I only read 5 books that were not inspired by it. I am, however, happy to see that I read one North & South variation book as well. It’s been a while since I read one and I want to continue doing it in 2024. Usually I want to read more Persuasion books, but next year I will be happy to read mostly P&P books as long as they are different, either with different secondary characters, or set in different eras, etc.

non jaff

25% of the books I’ve read this year were Non-JAFF and the majority were Historical Romance novels, a genre in which I’ve discovered quite a few favourite authors ๐Ÿ™‚

Sci-Fi comes next in my list, followed by Contemporary Fiction. I am sad to see that I haven’t read any Dystopian books this year and I will change that in 2024 ๐Ÿ™‚


Audiobooks were definitely my go to format this year, and I see that trend continuing because with life beeing so busy, even if I don’t have time to stop and read, I can always squeeze in some time to listen to a book while driving or cooking.

Anyway, those were my personal reading stats, which are probably not that interesting to you, so lets check From Pemberley to Milton’s numbers, shall we?


I published 105 posts in 2023, only one below my 2022 number, however, the type of posts that I published was a little different from previous years with fewer reviews and more excerpts. In fact, this year I published as many reviews as exerpts, which seems like the perfect balance for me ๐Ÿ™‚

40ย Reviews

40ย Excerpts

1 Cover Reveals

2 Author Interviews

21ย Other Matters (Giveaway winners announcements, freebes & sales, etc)

Once more if I look at my 2022 goals, I can see I was completely unfocused in completing them! I had mentioned that I wanted to diversify the type of published posts by creating content such as Character of the Month, Book of the Month, Movie of the Month etc., and I never ended up doing that. But this year I will try to be more organized and focused to make sure I achieve this goal. I hope January will bring you a few different and fun posts ๐Ÿ™‚ And above all, I hope you like them!

After all these stats, all that is left to do is to thank you for visiting From Pemberley to Milton this year and to tell you which were my favorite books read in 2023, but that will only happen next Monday, so stop by to see which of the 52 books I’ve read marked me the most this year ๐Ÿ™‚

I am looking forward to seeing if you share any favourites with me because I do love the #favouritesoftheyear season ๐Ÿ™‚ Until then:

Happy New Year everyone!


Filed under JAFF

The Trouble with Friends – Giveaway Winner Announcement

Good afternoon everyone,

The year is coming to an end but I still have some news to give to you so this week I’m actually posting every single day! Today I am the bearer of good news! I am here to announce the winners of the giveaway Kely Miller offered last month at From Pemberley to Milton.

Kelly was very nice not only to bring an excerpt of her book The Trouble with Friends, but also to offer 3 ebook copies to readers stopping by!

Thank you so much for visiting once more and for hosting this giveaway Kelly, and thank you so much for stopping by and commenting everyone!

Now, without further ado, the last winners of the year are:

The Trouble With Friends

*** Jeanne Garrett ***
*** Colleen D. ***
*** Nancy W. ***
Ladies, can you please send me your contacts to ritaluzdeodato at gmail dot com so that the prizes may be sent to you.

Happy Reading everyone!


Filed under JAFF

The Vanishing Woman by Kelly Dean Jolley- Excerpt & Giveaway

Good Afternoon everyone,

I can’t believe Christmas is over and that I wasn’t able to do all the Christmas activities I wanted to, namely reading a few more Christmas books. So even though it is over, I think I’ll continue to bring you some news and reviews of Christmas books, is that something you’d like? Or do you feel that all Christmas events are in the past now? I hope you donโ€™t because today Kelly Dean Jolley is visiting with an excerpt of The Vanishing Woman, a Christmas mystery set on a train! I absolutely love the cover of this book and the blurb left me very curious, so I am reading it soon and possibly bring you the review in January ๐Ÿ™‚

The excerpt we’re sharing today is continued from a post Meryton Press did on Facebook, so please check it out to have a full picture of the scene ๐Ÿ™‚ And donโ€™t forget to tell us what you think about the blurb and the excerpt!

Thank you so much for visiting Kelly, I am looking forward to reading your book.

NEW excerpt

Tad stood in the middle of Aubrey’s cabin, his hands in the pockets of his robe, looking carefully at everything. Except Aubrey. She was not there.
He had not yet touched anything. Aubrey’s phone was still on the bathroom counter. A small foldout tray stood in the seat on one side of the room, silver covers over the plates. On the other side of the room was a closed leather suitcaseโ€”beautifully madeโ€”with the initials โ€œA. R. B.โ€ gold-embossed near the handle. A pair of expensive sunglasses sat atop the suitcase, as did a matching leather purse
Quinn was watching Tad as he rotated in place, scouring the details.
“So, Quinn, you have a keycard to the cabin, since you just opened it?”
“Yes, she gave it to me. Aubrey is lousy at keeping up with the small stuff. That’s part of the reason I wasโ€”amโ€”traveling with her, to keep up with it. I sweat the small stuff. Also, she wasn’t planning to leave her cabin without me, or so she said.”
“And did you move anything in here when you came in?”
“I picked up the tray covers, to see if Aubrey had eaten. She hadn’t.”
Tad stepped to the tray and lifted one of the covers himself. It was surprisingly heavy. Beneath it was a steak sandwich, untouched. Returning the first cover to its original position, he lifted the other to reveal a salad. It too was unmolested.
He put the cover down and frowned, looking at his watch. “When did she last eat anything?”
“Yesterday at breakfast. A few bites of a single piece of avocado toast. Nothing since then as far as I know.”
“Do you by any chance know the password to her phone?”
Quinn gave Tad a look. “Well, she’s never told me butโ€””
“But you might have an educated guess?”
“Yes, I might.”
“We’ll hold off on that for now. She might not take kindly to us invading her phone if this all turns out to be a mix-up. Is anything missing that should be here?”
Quinn took a turn scouring the room, opening the narrow closet, empty. She stopped suddenly, staring into the emptiness. “Her coat. Aubrey had on a khaki mid-length woman’s trench coat. She’s had it for years, she said. It’s her favorite. Coach, her version of Target. I liked it and mentioned it one day a while ago, and she bought me one for the trip, but in red. Mine’s in my cabin, hanging up. She had hers on, around her shoulders, when we boarded.”
“What was she wearing, other than the coat?”
“A yellow-gold silk blouse, dark brown slacks. Brown flats.”
Quinn concentrated, and despite everything, it registered on Tad how lovely she was as she did. “Small topaz earrings, I think. A gold chain with a cross. Her gold Rolex.”
Tad nodded slowly, memorizing the list. Memorization had always been one of his strengths, nearly effortless. Sometimes he remembered too much.
“Did you help her pack?”
“Yes.ย  I did her packing.”
“Okay, take a minute and look inside her suitcase and tell me if anything is missing from it.”
Quinn walked to the suitcase and bent over, moving the sunglasses and purse, turning the suitcase a bit so that it faced her more squarely, then she unzipped it and opened it. The clothes inside were crisply folded, held in place with straps internal to the suitcase.
Tad let Quinn rummage through it, while he went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water faucet.
“Everything’s here, Tad, including her jewelry bag; all her jewelry is there.”
“Okay,” Tad said as he stared at the mirror above the sink.
Quinn stepped beside him and looked inside at the running water, the rising steam. “What are you doing?”
Tad shrugged, feeling a bit silly. “I just wondered if maybe she’d left a secret message on the mirror that we would need steam to see. Something private, only for you.”
Quinn looked at him, then again at the mirror. “I don’t see anything.”
“Me, either,” Tad said with a shrug. He turned off the water, embarrassed. “Can you check her purse?”
Quinn stepped back to the seat and picked up the purse. It was small; it only took her a moment to look through it. “Wallet, tickets, compact, lipstick . . . condoms?” Quinn’s inflection changed on the last item. She stared into the purse as if it had become a well.
“Are those not something she carries?”
“No, I never knew her to carry . . . those. But maybe, since her breakup . . . ” Quinn looked at him, uncertainty in her eyes.
“Anything else?”
“A small bottle of aspirin. That’s all. Normal stuff, except for . . . “
Tad stepped out of the cabin and looked down the hallway in both directions. It was still too early to expect people to be up and about. He saw no one. He stepped back inside.
“Give her phone a try. You say you guessed her password?”
“Yes, but the condoms make me less confident. Maybe she was keeping secrets from me.”

NEW book blurb

A Christmas journey by trainโ€ฆ

A mysterious lady in redโ€ฆ

A vanishing womanโ€ฆ

Tad Fowler has recently sold his programming business and plans to spend the holiday with family. Now supplied with ample money and leisure for a slow trip by train from Los Angeles to New York, he hopes to spend the trip daydreaming and reading mystery novels โ€“ and reconsidering his solitary, work-obsessed life.ย 

A chance meeting aboard the train derails Tad’sย hope for a quiet, reflective journey.ย The woman he meets,ย Quinn Shepherd, immediately captures hisย imagination.ย  He discovers that Quinn is the traveling companion of her wealthy friend, Aubrey Bordenโ€”who has confined herself reclusively to her cabin.ย ย 

When Aubrey vanishes, Quinn comes to Tad for help. Together they face a real-life mystery: how can a woman vanish from a moving train?ย ย 

TVW Final FW 11_25_23 M

You can find The Vanishing Woman at:

and on Kindle Unlimited

NEW author bio

Kelly Dean Jolley writes, teaches, and lives in Auburn, AL.ย  He is the author ofย Big Swamp,ย and (as Newton Priors)ย Balter (Pride and Prejudice Retelling),ย Tides of Bath (Persuasion Retelling),ย andย Heaven and Hell. ย 

Kelly Dean Jolley Pipe

Meryton Press is offering one ebook copy of The Vanishing Woman to readers commenting on this blog post, so let us know your opinion of this excerpt and apply to the giveaway. Are you as excited about this story as I am?

The giveaway is international and open until the 5th of January.

Good luck everyone!


Filed under JAFF, North and South, Pride and Prejudice

Freebies & Books on sale – Boxing Day


Hello everyone,ย 

December has been a great month to stock up our kindles! I saw a lot of books on sale in the beginning of the month, and even more now on Boxing Day, so I decided to compile all the new books I found on sale. Most of them are free, so I hope you find this a good opportunity to fill up your library! As you know these are the books I personally found on sale while researching, and not a full list of everything that may be on sale, so if you know of any other, please share it with all of us ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, please check the price before you buy any book as they may change between the time I publish this post and you the time you see it ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Holidays everyone!


Jane Austen Fan Fiction FREEBIES


The Long Journey Home – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Love is being in the wrong place at the right time!
Mistaken for someone else, Elizabeth and Darcy are kidnapped from a ballroom in Hertfordshire, England. Their only hope for freedom is to overcome their deeply set opinions of each otherโ€”to work as a team. Against all odds, they each make extraordinary sacrifices to discover a love for the ages and find their way home.
The Long Journey Home is a perilous tale of adventure where Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy, Jane Austenโ€™s beloved heroes of Pride & Prejudice are forced to rely on each other for survival.
This full-length Regency novel is written by bestselling author, J Dawn King, who also writes as Christie Capps. The Long Journey Home is appropriate for all ages.


The Matchmaker – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

A feel-good variation of Jane Austenโ€™s Pride & Prejudice!
Georgiana Darcy fancies herself a matchmaker. Determined to help her brother out of his blue spell, she decides that her new acquaintanceโ€”Miss Jane Bennetโ€”is just the lady to fill Darcyโ€™s heart with cheer. And while she is at it, would not Miss Elizabeth Bennet suit Georgianaโ€™s cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam perfectly?
Misunderstandings abound as the characters readers know and love take matters into their own hands, leaving Miss Darcy caught unaware.
Will Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth admit they are in love with each other, or will the interference of a well-meaning girl keep them apart? What happens when the course of true love does not run straight? Does Miss Darcy learn the lesson that it is best not to interfere?


Mistaken Identity – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

When Fitzwilliam Darcyโ€™s life is threatened, he seeks refuge in Hertfordshire where he meets a woman who looks remarkably like the female who twice shot at him. Why was Elizabeth Bennet trying to kill him? How could he be attracted to her when he should do everything in his power to stay away?
Accidentally mistaking Mr. Darcy for someone else, Elizabeth Bennet determines to have nothing to do with him until she learns that her first impression might have been a mistake. Where she expected arrogance, he was kind. When she anticipated a lie, he proved himself trustworthy. Who was the man behind the name, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and why was she drawn to him despite knowing he was dangerous?
In this Regency romance with a hint of dark mystery written by bestselling author, J Dawn King, the true nature of the characters from Jane Austenโ€™s Pride & Prejudice are revealed as they search through a complex web of deceit to find hope and lasting love.


A Reason to Hope – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Desperate circumstances equal desperate decisions
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy has reason to believe he does not have long to live. Knowing he needs an heir, he offers marriage to the only lady who has caught his eye and held his interest: Miss Elizabeth Bennet.
Once exposed to the gentlemanโ€™s vulnerability, Elizabeth realizes she may have misjudged him. When he extends to her the opportunity of eventually becoming an independent woman, she accepts his unexpected offer to wed.
Both vow to feel only gratitude toward the other. The last thing either wants is to suffer the heartbreak of falling in love when their future is uncertain. As the couple explore treatment options and listen to sound advice, they are drawn into a love that will last through the ages. Will Darcy and Elizabeth overcome all odds to have their happily-ever-after? (Of course! I always write happy endings.)
This 20,000-word angst-filled Regency variation (appropriate for all ages) by bestselling author Christie Capps can be read in an hour or two.


Still Waters – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

It is not a storm that drives a grown man from reason, but still waters…
In the dark hours of the night, Elizabeth’s most beloved sister succumbs to her illness. The aid of a solicitous gentleman is appreciated until her distraught mother misconstrues the circumstances and creates a situation more intolerable than she could ever have imagined.
Elizabeth is grateful when her betrothed leaves the area to let her grieve the loss of her sister in peace but the gentleman who returns for their wedding is not the same gentleman who left her behind.
She had not expected her life would be easy, moving halfway across the country, married to a man who found her only tolerable, yet Elizabeth is not made for misery. The decision to make the best of what life has given her was easy to make but the follow through breaks her heart as she must fight for her position and accept betrayal too despicable to contemplate.
Warning: Infidelity, betrayal and descriptive sexual encounters that are appropriate for a mature audience only.


Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:


Elizabeth’s Rush to the Altar – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

In a shocking turn of events for the Bennet family, their previously tranquil life is thrown into a state of glorious confusion. They discover a loophole in the entailment that could save Longbourn, their beloved home, from falling into the clutches of their odious cousin, Mr. Collins. The only hitch in this perfect plan? One of the Bennet sisters must wed a man of substantial fortune.
Seizing the moment, Mrs. Bennet sets her sights on the dashing, yet haughty Mr. Darcy as a perfect match for her quick-witted daughter, Elizabeth – despite the pair’s notorious distaste for each other. But when circumstances demand a hasty betrothal, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy find themselves thrust into an alliance unlike any they had ever imagined.
As if navigating around the societal norms and proprieties of Regency-era England weren’t enough, the tenacious Mr. Collins proclaims his own matrimonial designs – presenting a threat to the Bennet’s future. Now, it’s up to Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy to beat the clock and secure their family estate before it’s too late. In a world ruled by strict decorum and suppressed sentiments, will they find room for love?
Elizabeth’s Rush to the Altar is a romantic comedy of over 50,000 words featuring Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet accidentally compromised leading to a forced marriage, a highly determined matchmaking Mrs. Bennet and an odious Mr. Collins.


The Sins of Their Fathers – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

How would Pride & Prejudice be different if William Collins came to live with the Bennets at Longbourn as a young child? Will Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy still find their happily ever after?
Young William Collins spent his childhood under the oppression of an abusive father and an ill mother. When he becomes an orphan after a scarring tragedy, Collins is sent to live with his estranged cousins, the Bennet family, at Longbourn.
At the same time, Fitzwilliam Darcy passes through his own crisis. The unique relationship between the Darcy and Wickham families is revealed late one night when Fitzwilliam discovers his fatherโ€™s unsettling secretโ€”one that affects George Wickham to the core.
Elizabeth grows up loving Collins as a brother, but when he befriends Darcy and Wickham, Elizabeth wonders about her cousinโ€™s choice in friends, and Darcyโ€™s overbearing pride. What she doesnโ€™t know are the heartaches of Darcyโ€™s past that shape his intentions now.
As the beloved characters of Pride & Prejudice grapple with their disturbing childhoods, how will the choices of their parents be carried on to the next generation? Can they find happiness, or are they doomed to a lifetime of misery because of the sins of their fathers?


Mr. Darcy Steals a Kiss – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

My family is about to be ruined, and the only person who can help me is a burglar whose kisses make me forget my own name.Elizabeth Bennet

My father is a fraud. There, Iโ€™ve confessed it. Jane and I are the only ones who know that he fakes โ€œancient Greek vasesโ€ and sells them to unsuspecting buyers for exorbitant sums to keep our mother in pin money. I donโ€™t even have time for flirtations and courtships like other girls because Iโ€™m so worried that someday, heโ€™ll sell one of his fake artifacts to the wrong person.

But I never thought it would go this badly.

His latest brilliant scheme is to sell a “rare and valuable” sculpture to someone whose name starts with โ€œPrince,โ€ (yes,ย that Prince!). And thatโ€™s just the beginning of the trouble. Now, we have a burglar on the loose, a โ€œladyshipโ€ who wants to squeeze into the action, a pompous fool who wants to marry me just to get his hands on my fatherโ€™s collection, and a royal who will not think any of this is funny.

Itโ€™s pretty sad when the most trustworthy person of the whole lot is the burglar.

Fitzwilliam Darcy

Things I have never done (until this week):

  1. Broken into a house. (But I sort of had permission.)
  2. Split my head open. (Totally not my fault.)
  3. Pretended to be a burglar. (In my defense, it was to save a ladyโ€™s reputation.)
  4. Kissed a stranger. (It didnโ€™t affect me at all. Mostly.)
  5. Paid a kingโ€™s ransom for a sculpture that may or may not be genuine. (I panicked. See above.)
  6. Agreed to steal said sculpture to keep my neck out of a noose. (Iโ€™ve got nothing.)
  7. Kissed aโ€ฆ

Perhaps sheโ€™s not a stranger anymore.


A Chance Encounter – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

A few days after the Hunsford Proposal, Darcy unexpectedly comes upon Elizabeth Bennet on the road to London. Her carriage has met with an accident! Of course, Darcy comes to the rescue despite the recent, scathing rejection of his hand and heart. Circumstances force them to seek refuge in a nearby farmhouse, posing as man and wife! Why was Elizabeth travelling to London in a strange carriage, days before her visit to the metropolis was scheduled? Why did their hostess at the farmhouse welcome them with a shooting rifle. And with the acrimony and hurt of the proposal still raw, how would our dear couple navigate this chance encounter! This light-hearted story answers all these questions and more!


Teaching Eliza – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

A tale of love, manners, and the quest for perfect vowels.
From a new voice in historical romance comes this sparkling Regency tale, wherein the elegance of Jane Austenโ€™s Pride and Prejudice and the wit of George Bernard Shawโ€™s Pygmalion collide. The results are clever, funny, and often quite unexpectedโ€ฆ.
Professor Fitzwilliam Darcy, expert in phonetics and linguistics, wishes for nothing more than to spend some time in peace at his friendโ€™s country estate, far from the parade of young ladies wishing for his hand, and further still from his auntโ€™s schemes to have him marry his cousin. How annoying it is when a young lady from the neighbourhood, with her atrocious Hertfordshire accent and country manners, comes seeking his help to learn how to behave and speak as do the finest ladies of high society.
Elizabeth Bennet has disliked the professor since overhearing his flippant comments about her provincial accent, but recognizes in him her one opportunity to survive a prospective season in London. Despite her ill feelings for the man, she asks him to take her on as a student, but is unprepared for the price he demands in exchange.
โ€œWith her clever mash-up of two classics, Riana Everly has fashioned a fresh, creative storyline with an inventive take on our favorite characters, delightful dialogue and laugh out loud humor. Teaching Eliza is certain to become a reader favorite. Itโ€™s a must read!โ€ โ€“ Sophia Meredith (author of the acclaimed On Oakham Mount and Miss Darcyโ€™s Companion)


An Unpleasant Sort of Man – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

A secret encounter at Oakham Mount, an unexpected and unknown witness, a fight that unearths dark revelationsโ€”all are instrumental in changing Elizabeth Bennetโ€™s beliefs, born from pride and tainted by prejudice, one cold November morning.

At Longbourn, the upcoming Netherfield ball is considered to be proof of Mr. Bingleyโ€™s admiration for Jane, and is anticipated with much enthusiasm. Only the irritating presence of Mr. Collins and his irksome attention ruin Elizabethโ€™s disposition and induce her to take a walk that will change her lifeโ€”as well as the lives of others.

At Netherfield, Fitzwilliam Darcy, haunted by his ardent admiration for a certain lady, plans to return to London immediately after the ball with Bingleyโ€™s family, leaving their troubles and distress behind. On the evening of the ball, Elizabethโ€™s spirit is heavy with remorse, while doubts leave her undecided as to how she should proceed. As Darcy considers asking Elizabeth to stand up with him for a setโ€”the first and last he believes he will ever dance with herโ€”the ball is interrupted by news of a most disturbing incident which will affect the entire neighbourhood.

From that very moment, everyoneโ€™s plans will be altered. Suspicions and rumours will shake the calm and complacency of the quiet and peaceful town of Meryton, as well as a lot of first impressions. Events will quickly unfold, more secrets will be revealed, previous relationships will change while improbable friendships and most unanticipated alliances will form and grow.

Forced by circumstances and guided by honor, loyalty, and courage, Elizabeth and Darcy will have to act together, thus discovering themselves and each other. Will their journey ruin or strengthen their alliance? Will their partnership end in just friendship, or blossom into something else entirely?


Pride, Prejudice and Pledging – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Lizbeth Dreyfus is a modern woman with a classic problem.

She holds everyone to impossible standards – even herself. Itโ€™s her senior year of college, sheโ€™s president of her sorority, and she has to finish her honorโ€™s thesis to graduate. She doesnโ€™t expect to meet a man who holds her to even higher standards and criticizes her at every turn.

When he professes his love in spite of her flaws, she finds herself questioning how she treats the people she loves.

If she can put aside her prejudices like Wil did with his pride, she may be able to be with the man she didnโ€™t realize she loved, figure out her own future, and save her sorority sisters from being kicked off campus.

Pride, Prejudice, and Pledging is the absorbing stand-alone second book in the 21st Century Austen romantic comedy series. If you like classics made contemporary, enemies to lovers, academic romances, and socially awkward heroes, then youโ€™ll love Sara Marksโ€™ lighthearted modernization of Jane Austenโ€™s Pride and Prejudice.

Buy now to see how this modern woman gets her happily ever after.


ย Conveninence of That Kind – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

A random suggestion from Miss Elizabeth Bennet had settled in Mr Darcyโ€™s mind. The convenience of a particular kind would alleviate some significant challenges in his life. If you had warned him his feelings would become engaged, he would have baulked, but we all know how the most carefully laid plans can go awry…
Convenience ofย Thatย Kind is a novella-length farce with a platonic marriage-to-love plot of approximately 30 000 words.
Before you read, beware that this author has often been accused of having an exceedingly dry and bawdy sense of humour…


Fathers Know Best – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Life was full of hope and expectations, until it wasnโ€™t, for George Darcy and Thomas Bennet. Left to raise their children on their own after the death of their respective wives, the two men make a few unconventional choices. And when those choices start to have consequences, it’s up to their children to figure things out. Delve into an alternate universe where Mrs. Bennet passes after the birth of three daughters and where the two heroesโ€™ fathers possess an unlikely friendship. Some things can be silly, and some others can be unexpectedly sweet.


The Sins of Their Fathers – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

How would Pride & Prejudice be different if William Collins came to live with the Bennets at Longbourn as a young child? Will Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy still find their happily ever after?
Young William Collins spent his childhood under the oppression of an abusive father and an ill mother. When he becomes an orphan after a scarring tragedy, Collins is sent to live with his estranged cousins, the Bennet family, at Longbourn.
At the same time, Fitzwilliam Darcy passes through his own crisis. The unique relationship between the Darcy and Wickham families is revealed late one night when Fitzwilliam discovers his fatherโ€™s unsettling secretโ€”one that affects George Wickham to the core.
Elizabeth grows up loving Collins as a brother, but when he befriends Darcy and Wickham, Elizabeth wonders about her cousinโ€™s choice in friends, and Darcyโ€™s overbearing pride. What she doesnโ€™t know are the heartaches of Darcyโ€™s past that shape his intentions now.
As the beloved characters of Pride & Prejudice grapple with their disturbing childhoods, how will the choices of their parents be carried on to the next generation? Can they find happiness, or are they doomed to a lifetime of misery because of the sins of their fathers?
“The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation” by Tiffany Thomas is a full-length historical romance novel of 85,000 words.


Rapacity & Rancor – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Meryton is atwitter with the arrival of Mr. Bingley and his friends, but Mr. Darcy leaves a bad first impression on the attendees of the Assembly ball. Itโ€™s almost enough to detract from the theft that occurs while everyone is inside dancing. Soon enough, other thefts occur throughout the village. Ever curious, Lizzy ventures to find the thief, acquiring an unexpected ally in the endeavor in Fitzwilliam Darcy. As they work together, she gains a more favorable impression of him, but he is the last man with whom she would ever want to solve another mystery.
This is part one of the completed five-book โ€œCrime & Courtship” series. They are intended to be read in order and follow roughly the same timeline and locations as J.A.โ€™s masterpiece.The first mystery takes place in Meryton. The next will be at Netherfield, followed by Hunsford, then London, and finally Pemberley. The story arc will continue throughout all five parts, compromising one long read broken into five sections. A mystery is central to each installment, so you could call this a cozy mystery sweet Regency romance. While Abbey sometimes writes sensual JAFF, this series is strictly SWEET.


Jane Austen Fan Fiction on Sale for 0,99$


Caught Swiming by Mr. Darcy – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

To escape the sweltering heat, the ever-independent Elizabeth Bennet seeks solace in a refreshing swim, never imagining that the proud Mr. Darcy would discover her in such a vulnerable state. A scandalous and mortifying encounter ensues, but the sparks fly, igniting a passion that neither can deny. However, when Mr. Darcy, driven by duty and honor, insists they must marry, Elizabeth, true to her convictions, refuses him. Haunted by his past behavior and the lingering stain of Mr. Wickham’s revelations regarding Mr. Darcy, she cannot bring herself to accept his proposal.
Fate, it seems, has other plans. As they find themselves thrown together time and time again โ€“ at the pond, in Meryton, and at the lively Lucas Lodge โ€“ the tension between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy reaches a boiling point. As they navigate the treacherous waters of society’s expectations and their own burgeoning feelings, startling revelations come to light. Slowly, Elizabeth begins to see beneath Mr. Darcy’s proud exterior, unraveling the man behind the enigma, and opening her heart to the possibility of love.


Lilacs & Lavender – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Flowers speak the language of love. Not everyone understands it, though.

Elizabeth Bennetโ€™s eyes have been opened to the difference between an honorable gentleman and a cad. She now regrets the way she treated the former and hopes to meet him again, hopes she fears will never be granted. When she finally sees him, she gives him a sprig of lilacs, hoping he comprehends what she is trying to say.

In the months since he left Hertfordshire, Fitzwilliam Darcy has realized just how poorly he behaved to the neighborhood in general, and to one lady in particular. When he sees her again in London and she not only seems to welcome his presence but also gives him a sprig of flowers that indicate the first stirrings of love, he is determined to right his wrongs and win her heart.

Though Darcy and Elizabeth come to realize how much they belong together, there is someone who disagrees with their decision and who vows to do everything possible to separate them. Will Darcy and Elizabethโ€™s newfound love conquer all, or will his bitter relative separate them forever?

Lilacs & Lavenderย is the third of Zoe Burtonโ€™s compellingย Pride and Prejudiceย variations. If you enjoy sweet romance, clandestine courtships, and rude, uncompromising villains,ย Lilacs & Lavenderย is the book for you. Pick it up today and get lost in Darcy and Elizabethโ€™s world.


Jelousy & Disappointment – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

What would happen if two best friends fell in love with the same gentleman? What would happen if the gentleman chose one of them?
This is a Pride and Prejudice variation with several changes from the original story. Elizabeth is Mr. Bennet’s niece.


Mr. Darcy’s Pursuit of Elizabeth Bennet – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

All Miss Elizabeth has left is her pride…
After Mr. Bennet’s death, Elizabeth Bennet is cast out of Longbourn. Escaping a one way trip to a brothel, Elizabeth finds work at an inn, a new low.
After Mr. Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth at Hunsford is rejected, he still longs for her. Stumbling upon her at a roadside inn, he offers her a life of luxury… as his mistress.
Mr. Darcy will stop at nothing to make Elizabeth his own. But will her pride keep them apart?
This sensual Pride and Prejudice variation novella is the first part of a four part series featuring a slow burn, enemies to lovers, seduction and chase of Elizabeth Bennet that ends with them married happily ever after. Part 1 of a 5 or 6 part novella series featuring Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.


Headstrong Book 1 – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Elizabeth Bennet never wanted to be a hero. She’ll just have to deal with it.
A few months after teaming up with Major Richard Fitzwilliam to thwart a terrorist attack in Europe, USMC Staff Sergeant Elizabeth Bennet is back in the States as a civilian. Her training in cyber-security makes finding work easy, and sheโ€™s learning to fit into her new life. But there is lingering fallout both from the attack and her life before it that she’s not yet prepared to face.
Complicating matters is the majorโ€™s handsome cousin.
Co-owner of Darcy Acquisitions, CEO of FORGE, and guardian to his younger sister, Will Darcy is stretched to his limits. His worries about his sister, his cousin, and his company are wearing him down. When Richard sets up an interview at FORGE for his friend Elizabeth Bennet, Will insults her instead of hiring her. In making amends, Will falls for the witty, troubled Marine with the long legs and fine eyes.
Falling in love is easy, but with the baggage they each carry, can they make that love last?
[This is a non-canon P&P modern and a full novel at just over 86,000 words.]


Headstrong Book 2 – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Finally, everything is going perfectly for Will Darcy. It doesn’t last.
The holidays are approaching, and Will has a lot to be thankful for. His cousin Richard is finally coming home from the Marines, his sister Georgiana is flying back from university for a visit, and heโ€™s in love with Elizabeth Bennet. But his well-ordered life is about to be turned on its head.
There’s a prank war being waged between Elizabeth and Richard, which might be funny if he weren’t constantly caught in the crossfire. Georgiana immediately dislikes Elizabeth–how can she have it out for somebody she’s never met? And just when Elizabeth is starting to trust Will with the truth about her difficult past, someone from his own reappears to cause trouble. Serious trouble.
Strange things are happening all around, and Elizabeth always seems to be at the center of it. Is she involved? A target? Or is she just collateral damage for someone conspiring against Will’s own family?
This is a full-length P&P modern variation of approximately 96,000 words. Modern, non-canon.


Headstrong Book 3 – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Elizabeth Bennet doesn’t like to dwell on the past. It doesn’t stop her past from coming after her with a vengeance.
Itโ€™s been a stressful Christmas for Elizabeth. Sheโ€™s working thousands of miles from home and is out of contact with everyone she loves. Sheโ€™s trying to keep her mind on her workโ€”lives depend upon her ability to concentrateโ€”but she canโ€™t stop thinking about Will Darcy.
Back in the States, Willโ€™s company, FORGE, has barely averted a cyber attack disaster. As he works to manage the recovery, heโ€™s left to wonder when Elizabeth will return and whether sheโ€™ll still be his when she does. Worse yet, he is haunted by the possibility that sheโ€™s in harmโ€™s wayโ€”and that itโ€™s his fault.
Elizabethโ€™s work has always been dangerous, but this time, coming home might pose the greater risk. Can she and Will work together to overcome all the obstacles theyโ€™re about to face?

Wedding Night – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

This is a Pride and Prejudice “Intimate.” It includes explicit scenes that would never have been written by Jane Austen, but describes only very tame, Regency-style married relations.
Darcy and Lizzy are wed at last!
Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy become man and wife and begin exploring the privileges of matrimony. To unschooled Lizzy, the passionate nights are shocking but exciting. She wants to please her husband, but how far must she go before she fears her own desires are so lustful and wanton that they are unseemly in the wife of a gentleman?
Pride & Prejudice Stories By Lily Lord The Marital Bliss series is complete! Wedding Night Twice Tempted Third Tryst Fourth Foray Fifth Flirtation Sixth Seduction Seventh Heaven Marital Bliss Box Set I (Books 1-4)


The Ball at Meryton – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy insults Elizabeth Bennet at the Meryton ball. This slight was the first offense leading her to declare him the last man on earth she would ever marry. But what if, following the insult, they were seen in a compromising position? With the gossips of Meryton embellishing the story, will Mr. Darcy look beyond his own prejudices toward the Bennets and perform his gentlemanly duty? And how will Elizabeth respond?
This is a stand-alone novella.
This novella has been re-released with new cover art and additional content.


Behind the Mask – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

In this Pride & Prejudice Alternative, Darcy and Elizabeth meet at a risque masque ball the summer before he arrives in Hertfordshire. They are both questioning what they desire from a marriage partner, and debating not marrying at all. Though they are taken with each other, they do not know the other’s true identity.
Each begins to search for the other in their own way, but are unable to see the person behind the mask when they finally come together.
This book includes mature content and sexual themes.


Georgiana Darcy, Matchmaker – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

After Fitzwilliam Darcy surprised his sister, Georgiana, at Ramsgate and learned she was being tricked into eloping with his childhood friend, George Wickham; he took a most unprecedented path. Deciding Georgie was unprepared for such circumstances due to their society’s preference to keep young ladies innocent and unknowing of the ways of the world, he chose to enlighten her. He began discussing things with her and educating her on matters that others may feel were not for the eyes or ears of a lady. He wanted her to be prepared when she came out in society and not be susceptible to the fortune hunters. What he did not realize was that she would use her new found knowledge upon him.


A Beneficial, if Unwilling Compromise – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

A Pride and Prejudice Variation.
When Mrs. Bennet discovers all her worse nightmares are about to come true, she does not react the way her family expects. Instead the normally silly woman takes matters into her own hands and gives marching orders to her daughters.
Will they follow them to the letter? Will any of them find their happy ending? Just remember, the secret to a long and lasting relationship is compromise.


Mrs. Collins’ Lover – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Elizabeth Bennet was raised with a strong belief and faith in God’s plan for her life. She knew He had a plan, even if the details were hidden from her. But, when placed in an untenable situation, she turned instead to the arms of a man to find brief moments of joy. Finally, when able to realize the happiness which was always intended for her, the weight of her guilt over her past sins convinces her of her unworthiness. Only through reconciliation with the Lover of her soul can she truly fulfill the life He planned for her. But first, she must forgive herself in order to find redemption.
Remember: In order to be redeemed, there must be sin. This story is intended for mature audiences.
Trigger Warning: There are incidents of abuse in this story.


As a Proper Lady Would – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

In this first book of the Defying Propriety Series, we watch as Elizabeth and Darcy learn what society expects of them, while attempting to achieve what they truly desire in life. The well-known characters, as well as a few new ones, grow from childhood to a marriageable age; some reveal different facets of their personalities, while others are doomed to follow the same paths.


Son of an Earl – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Ashton Fitzwilliam, Viscount Grayson and cousin to Fitzwilliam Darcy, has always known what was expected of him. As the eldest son of an earl, he must marry a lady from the first circles of society, preferably one whose father will be a new ally to the current earl. He never anticipated meeting an intriguing American lady with a secret or two she is determined to keep hidden from the disapprovingย haut ton.


Jane Austen Fan Fiction on Sale for 1,99$


The Ballad of Gregoire Darcy – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

โ€œThe fourth installment in Altmanโ€™s what-happens-after-pride-and-prejudice universe, and it will have you hooked within moments.โ€ โ€”Austenprose


The comings and goings on their grand estate present endless challenges for Elizabeth and Darcy. Can they avoid scandal given the recent arrival of Mr. Darcyโ€™s illegitimate brother Grรฉgoire, Mr. Bennetโ€™s advancing years, the younger George Wickhamโ€™s coming of age, and Dr. Maddoxโ€™s departure from his position with the Prince Regent even as his many secrets threaten to be discovered?


After her disastrous trip to the continent resulted in a passionate romance and an unintended child, Mary Bennet finds herself back in England, living with the shameful title of unwed mother. Having given up on ever finding love, Mary is shocked to find herself pursued by a proper gentleman. Either his intentions are true, or Mary is being led astray by her heart once gainย .ย .ย .


Leaving his sheltered, peaceful life at a Benedictine cloister, Grรฉgoire enters a world he never imagined. Thrust into Regency Englandโ€™s secular society, Grรฉgoire is overwhelmed. He struggles to stay true to himself while finding his place as a single man in a culture obsessed with matrimony.
โ€œDiverse, engaging,ย and coolย .ย .ย . The story drips with spirit and intrigue while unique characters, characters who still somehow manage to stay in the realm of Jane Austenโ€™s originals, carouse and laugh and pray their way around their various estates.โ€ โ€”Austenprose

Where Love Blossoms – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

After dismissing Elizabeth Bennetโ€™s refusal to marry him, the insufferable Mr. Collins stays on at Longbourn. Desperate for peace, she seeks refuge in the garden, where autumnal allergies prevent her suitor from lingering. Meanwhile, an unexpected bond with the haughty yet handsome Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy germinates and growsโ€ฆuntil a misunderstanding divides them. A mysterious gift, an impromptu intimate moment, and a profusion of blossoms conspire to create autumn romance. This light-hearted, no-angst story follows our favorite couple as they find their way to a happily-ever-after.

I Hope this has been helpfull everyone!

Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: The Amazon links used in this post are affiliate links.


Filed under JAFF

A Most Alarming Report by Michelle D’arcy – Excerpt & Giveaway

ย Good Afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend and a Merry Christmas! Mine was very good, but I hardly had time to either blog or read! Fortunately, I’m back in business and my first guess after the holidays is Michelle D’arcy, an author I adore.

Michelle has just released her third book A Most Alarming Report and I’m very intrigued with her premise and the impacts the change in Jane’s character may have on the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth! In the excerpt Michelle D’arcy decided to share with us it is visible not only the humour we will find in this book, but also the impacts I was talking about. I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you as intrigued as I was.ย ย 

Thank you so much for visiting Michelle! Best of luck with this new release ๐Ÿ™‚


Excerpt from Chapter 28

Lady Catherine travels from Kent to Longbourn to see Miss Bennet and have the rumours of her connection with Darcy universally contradicted. Unsatisfied, she travels back to London to see her nephew.


โ€œOut of my way! My nephew! I demand to see my nephew! Where is he?โ€ย ย 

Darcyโ€™s pain suddenly increased to an insupportable level, while Bingley stared silently, not recognising the visitor.ย ย 

โ€œLady Catherine, what are you doing here? And why are you in town? Is Anne unwell?โ€ he asked while indicating to the servants to close the door.ย 

โ€œYou are still in bed? This is ridiculous! Who is this man you are entertaining in your bedchamber? He should leave too.โ€ Lady Catherine looked from one to another, then stared pointedly at Bingley.ย ย 

โ€œI am in bed because I suffered quite a nasty injury when I fell from my horse. Regardless, I think I can be wherever I want in my own house,โ€ he answered, already angered. โ€œThe same goes for whom I choose to entertain or where. This is my friend Mr Bingley. He is welcome to stay!โ€ย ย 

โ€œNo indeed! What I have to tell you cannot be heard by any other person!โ€ย ย 

Darcy began to argue, but Bingley shook his head and left the room.ย 

โ€œWhy are you here, Aunt?โ€ Darcy repeated. โ€œHow is Anne?โ€ย 

โ€œYou should have worried about Anne before you committed such indiscretions, Darcy. I have come to remedy what I can from the damage you have caused to the familyโ€”โ€ย ย 

โ€œI beg your pardon?โ€ Darcy interrupted her. โ€œAunt, please mind your words, considering you are in my house and in my room. You should not have come here at all unless it was a matter of some urgency.โ€ย ย 

โ€œYou did not seem to be bothered when Miss Jane Bennet visited you in your room at Longbourn!โ€ย ย 

The reply was unexpected and left Darcy momentarily silent in consternation.ย 

โ€œAnd perhaps,โ€ Lady Catherine continued, โ€œyou would not have fallen from your horse if you had not met the same Jane Bennet early in the morning in the grove and fought with officers over her! At first, I took it as simply an alarming report, but I knew it was true when that country nobody and her insolent, uncivil, unladylike sister did not even try to deny it!โ€ย 

Darcy was stunned, and cold shivers ran down his spine.ย ย 

โ€œYou have spoken to Miss Bennet? You were at Longbourn?โ€ย ย 

โ€œOf course I was! That was my first call yesterday, but I was met with only impertinence, deception, and a horribly small house! How could you even visit those people, Darcy? Cavorting and endangering your reputation with such a woman! Could you not even act discreetly, as other men do? How could you, Darcy?โ€ย ย 

โ€œAunt, what are you saying? This is notโ€ฆโ€ he tried to answer, raising his voice to cover hers, torn between indignation, laughter, and rage. He was interrupted by the door being pulled open again and Bingley returning to the room, his face all red.ย 

โ€œWhat? Miss Bennet was in your room? When did you meet her? What is happening? Why did you not tell me? Are you in love with Jane Bennet? Is that why you encouraged me to leave her?โ€ย ย 

Bingley was pacing furiously on one side of his bed; Lady Catherine was tapping her cane to the rhythm of her pacing on the other.ย 

Darcyโ€™s head was spinning; he tried to adjust his position in the bed to see them better, and in doing so, an abrupt gesture caused him a sharp pain that drew a moan and a curse from him and pushed him over the edge of his patience.ย ย 

โ€œBingley, stop!โ€ He raised his voice to cover that of the others. โ€œI cannot deal with so many stupid questions at the same time! Go and pour me a drink while I try to explain to my aunt how ridiculous her presumptions are!โ€ย ย 

โ€œHow dare you? Did you just call me stupid? Youโ€ฆyou ungrateful calf! I am almost your closest relative. You owe me gratitude and loyalty! And you owe it to Anne to marry her. She has waited for you all her life!โ€ย ย 

Lady Catherineโ€™s face was transfigured with rage, but Darcyโ€™s irritation, increased by the pain, was a worthy match.ย ย 

โ€œI did not call you stupid, Lady Catherine, only your questions. And if you came to London, a day before Christmas, because of such nonsense, I shall call your actions stupid too! Regarding marrying my cousin Anne, I shall not even discuss it, since I made my decision known to you years ago.โ€ย ย 

โ€œIs it stupid that I came to stop you from ruining yourself, your family name, and your reputation? For throwing away the future of your sister and your children? That I want to protect my sisterโ€™s name from shame? Is it stupid that I am trying to protect you from the schemes and allurements of a woman with no money and no connections who would do anything to entrap a man like you?โ€ย ย 

Lady Catherine continued to speak, growing more agitated, emphasising her words with the taps of her stick. Bingley, whose dislike of conflict was confirmed by the situation, stood with two glasses in his hands, following the exchange with growing alarm.ย ย 

โ€œIt is exceedingly stupid,โ€ Darcy replied with sudden calmness. โ€œMore stupid than anything I have heard in a long time. More stupid than that idiot clergyman who probably gave you this report, which is not alarming but ludicrous.โ€ย 

โ€œMind your words! Are you lost to any respect and civility? How can you speak to me in such a manner?โ€ the lady shouted.ย ย 

โ€œWith shame, I admit,โ€ Darcy answered, calmer with every word shouted by his aunt and colder than an icicle. โ€œWith shame and regret, as I feel this conversation might cause a breach that will never be repaired. Unless you wish to sit, have tea, and carry on a decent, rational discussion, we are finished for today, and I shall ask a servant to see you out.โ€ย ย 

โ€œYou would not dare! If you do so, it means everything is true! You are ready to sacrifice your aunt, your family, and your legacy for aโ€ฆaโ€ฆa Jane Bennet, who does not care any more for you than she cares for an officer whose father was your fatherโ€™s steward!โ€ย ย 

โ€œEnough!โ€ Darcy glanced at Bingley, who seemed to be reeling from all the accusations. It was a miracle he was still standing, though he looked unsteady on his feet. He rang for his valet.ย ย 

โ€œLady Catherine, I shall only answer your accusations this once. Nothing improper has ever occurred between me and Miss Jane Bennet. I have no particular interest in Miss Jane Bennet, and I have not spoken to her more than perhaps three times. Under no circumstances would I even consider tying myself to Miss Jane Bennet in any way other than as a friend, just as I have no intention of tying myself to Anne in any other way than as a cousin.โ€ย ย 

โ€œHow dare you even compare Anne with that woman!โ€ย ย 

Darcy rolled his eyes.ย ย 

โ€œIt is obvious that you listen to nothing and can see no reason. I shall ask you to leave immediately. A servant will show you out.โ€ย ย 

โ€œDarcy!โ€ย ย 

โ€œGood day, Lady Catherine. Now I must write to Mr Bennet to apologise for the irrational behaviour of my own aunt, who abused his daughters for no reason. Knowing all that has occurred, he is probably laughing at you already. He usually finds great amusement in making sport of peopleโ€™s folly.โ€ย 

Lady Catherine spluttered, suffocating from anger, and tried to reply, but the valet appeared with another servant, and Darcy demanded the lady be shown to her carriage immediately and forbidden entry into the house until his express removal of such an order.ย ย 

While the lady was almost pushed out, still proffering insults and accusations, Darcy noticed Georgiana standing outside his room, pale and visibly frightened, with the housekeeper and Mrs Annesley near her.ย ย 

โ€œAll is well,โ€ he said, forcing a smile for his sister. โ€œLady Catherine came to talk to me, but she has left now. Just please close the door.โ€ย ย 

When they did so, he turned to his dumbfounded friend, who was still standing stunned in the middle of the room.ย 

โ€œBingley, do not dare to repeat that stupid question! I shall explain everything to you after a drink. Or two. And since I cannot move, I shall keep a pistol near my bed to deal with any other unwelcome visitors. Hand me my glass and please call my valet back. I need to write to Mr Bennet immediately.โ€ย 

Bingley nodded, handed one glass to Darcy, then emptied his in one gulp and hurried out to indulge Darcyโ€™s requests.

Days before the Netherfield ball, Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters make the acquaintance of Mr George Wickham, a handsome new addition to the militia regiment stationed in Meryton.ย 

A keen judge of character and observer of human folly, Miss Elizabeth notices the extreme responses of Mr Wickham and Mr Darcy when they meet, and her curiosity is piqued. Do they know each other? How?ย 

Mr Wickham, trying to avoid his old enemy but thwarted by fate, is bent on creating mischief for Darcy and exacting as much revenge upon him as he is able. When they meet in the market town of Meryton, he is astute enough to understand that Darcy already has an interest in one of the pretty Miss Bennets. He knows Darcyโ€™s scowls quite well after allโ€ฆ

But what if he completely misinterprets the situation?

What if he does not believe that it is Elizabeth who holds Darcyโ€™s incipient regard? Darcy has always had the very best; therefore it is obvious he must be interested in the most beautiful of the ladies. And the second eldest sister looks at Darcy with the very opposite of amiabilityโ€ฆ

Already feeling the danger of falling in love with the witty Miss Elizabeth Bennet and struggling with his own weakness, Darcy tries his best to protect his friend Bingley from a marriage he believes to be disadvantageous. His troubles multiply when he discovers the presence of the man he despises most, and he realises Wickham might plan a scheme of revenge which could harm innocent people.ย 

His attempts to make amends for his own errors and try to counter Wickhamโ€™s mischievous plans places Darcy quite often in the presence of Miss Elizabeth, who becomes his friend and a dependable partner in his efforts. He even becomes well aquainted with Mr Bennet and builds a relationship of trust with the older gentleman.ย 

While Elizabethโ€™s opinion of Darcy is obviously improved, can he dare hope for more than friendship? Is he even certain what โ€˜moreโ€™ means and how much more he desires? From this more amicable beginning, will further romantic feelings develop?

And if they do, is their path to love easy?

A Most Alarming Report is a romantic Pride and Prejudice variation with some angst, some humour, and some surprising turns of events. A story in which Miss Elizabeth and Mr Darcy must make their way from enemies to allies and friends in order to prevent an undesirable outcome. Will they succeed? Will their alliance become something more?

Cover take 8

You can find A Most Alarming Report at:ย

on Kindle Unlimited

and on GoodReads

Drawing on her background in the drug industry and research, Michelle knows that the best cure for the mind is a good book and a healthy imagination.ย 

Michelle discovered Jane Austen because of the Hollywood adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, when she was fourteen. She has never looked for Mr Darcy because she thinks she has more similarities with him in character โ€” and perhaps more than she would like to admit with Lady Catherine too!ย 

A greedy reader and a stingy sleeper, Michelle fell into the JAFF universe in early 2000 and happily witnessed some great stories coming to life. Steadfast cheerleader, prolific commenter and opinion-giver, sometimes headstrong and obstinate, especially when defending Darcy, who, in her eyes, can do no wrong, she made a lot of friends among the authors and keeps in contact with a lot of them.ย 

Encouragement from a dear friend, help from a magical red-penned one, and a sudden rise in courage persuaded her to finally put down on paper some ideas that had been dancing in her mind for some time.

Michelle is the author of the best seller, An Unpleasant Sort of Man, and of Undoubtedly by Design.

A Most Alarming Report is Michelleโ€™s fourth book.

Michelle would love to hear from you, especially if you share her love of purple and owls, of which she has an impressive collection (none of them being alive!)!ย 


Instagram: pemberleymichelle

Facebook : Michelle dโ€™Arcy

NEW giveaaway time

Michelle D’arcy would like to offer our readers a chance to win one of her books.ย The winner of her giveaway will have a choice between the e-book of A Most Alarming Report, a paperback of A Most Alarming Report or the audiobook of An Unpleasant Sort of Man.

To apply to the giveway all you have to do is to leave a comment on this post and let us know what you thought of this excerpt.ย 

The giveaway is international and is open until the 5th of January.

Good Luck Everyone!


Filed under JAFF, North and South, Pride and Prejudice

Freebies & Books on sale – Updated

Hello everyone,ย 

I published a post a couple of days ago with some books that I found on sale, but in the meantime some authors told me about a few of their books that were also either free or on sale, so here is the updated list ๐Ÿ™‚ As always, I may have missed many books, so feel free to share with everyone else the books you found on sale.

Jane Austen Fan Fiction FREEBIES

Christmas at at Hunsford Parsonage – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:ย 

Charlotte wants her first Christmas married to William to be special, but a mischievous kitten and the threat of an influenza epidemic upset her plans. Will Christmas be ruined?
Featuring Charlotte and William Collins from Pride and Prejudice, this short story is a sequel to Amanda Kai’s novelย Marriage and Ministry, but can be enjoyed as a standalone.
This story is available in paperback format as a bonus story forย Elizabeth’s Secret Admirer.


Fate Changes – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:ย 

Alternative Universe: Fitzwilliam Darcy is the second son of George Darcy and Lady Anne.
โ€œDear sister, I have some exciting news to share with you. Yesterday, the new parson of Netherfield Park finally arrived. He is a young and handsome gentleman who happens to be single. He comes from a wealthy family in Derbyshire, and his name is Fitzwilliam Darcyโ€ฆโ€
Fanny Bennetโ€™s face lit up with joy as she thought of the potential opportunities for her four daughters and niece to marry. However, in her opinion, her eldest daughter was too beautiful to settle for just a parson, and her youngest daughter was not yet out…

United – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:ย 

Elizabeth is understandably a bit worried about submitting to her new husband’s desires. Little does she know that Mr. Darcy desires only to submit to hers.
A Pride and Prejudice intimate variation/sequel.
First in a series of short stories about the Darcys’ marriage bed.The first short story in a new, intimate Pride and Prejudice variation series by Grace Reeve.(Previously known as An Ardent Affection: Part 1 of a Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation)


Meet me at Pemberley – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Leaving London behind, Elizabeth Bennet is a walking scandal in Meryton. Cast out by her mother, she now lives with her married sister at Netherfield. The gossip doesn’t bother her near as much as her own recriminations. How can she ever trust her judgment again?
Fitzwilliam Darcy has no pride left. He has searched high and low for his little sister and cannot find her or the scoundrel who convinced her to elope. When he can’t face the empty halls of his homes, he visits his friend.
Meeting for the first time at Netherfield, Darcy and Elizabeth’s hearts are guarded as they recover from their not-so-distant wounds.
Mistletoe and sleigh bells abound in this heart-warming tale full of Christmas hope that destroys all fear and loneliness.
Download or buy Meet Me at Pemberley and snuggle up by the fire with some hot cocoa for your favourite holiday read!

Christmas with Darcy – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

All Mr. Darcy wants for Christmas is Elizabeth Bennet.
Christmas with Darcy is a bundle of three previously released works, each featuring happily ever afters for Darcy and Elizabeth with a holiday twist.
The short stories in Once Upon a December are perfect to read during a hot cocoa and cookie break. Mr. Darcy’s Miracle at Longbourn takes our dear couple and their loved ones on unexpected twists in an adventure that requires assistance from time. Darcy’s heart grows three times its size when he falls in love with Elizabeth in How Darcy Saved Christmas.
Cozy up next to the fire with your favorite blanket and slippers as you treat yourself to Christmas with Darcy today!

How Darcy Saved Christmas – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Sometimes the most loving heart lie beneath a prickly exterior.
On a much-needed holiday with her favorite relations, Elizabeth Bennet is in search of Christmas cheer. Instead, she meets The Great Curmudgeon, or as the locals call him, Mr. Darcy.
Darcy hates any display of Christmas happiness. He didnโ€™t always feel that way but is certain he will never welcome it again. In defiance of Pemberley tradition for being the life-force behind the holiday in the area, he shuns it after a family tragedy.
Despite their first perceptions of each other, Darcy and Elizabeth cannot resist the pull of their hearts. Old and new friendships, however, collide to weave an insurmountable obstacle between the fledgling lovers. Will Darcy be able to see past his pain or will he forever miss out on the joy of true love?
This Christmas season, treat yourself to a story of forgiveness, the search for true joy and lasting peace, and a love that can eclipse bitterness and pain. Buy How Darcy Saved Christmas today!

Mr. Darcy’s Christmas at Loungbourn – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

‘Tis the season to believe in miracles!
Less than a month after Fitzwilliam Darcy left Hertfordshire, he regrets the decision. Still, stubborn as they come, he will abide by the choice even if his heart freezes over worse than a December chill.
At Longbourn, Elizabeth Bennet rejects the Christmas themes of unconditional love and forgiveness. In her mind, Mr. Darcy deserves neither and not only for insulting her upon first sight. Elizabeth is certain Darcy is behind her sisterโ€™s heartache.
Fate has other plans, however, when it throws them together again and again and again. Christmas magic works on their hearts and minds as the calendar refuses to budge from December 23. What will it take to see Christmas Eve? How many lives need to change?
Mr. Darcyโ€™s Miracle at Longbourn is a heart-warming holiday read from Rose Fairbanks, author of Mr. Darcyโ€™s Bluestocking Bride. If you love A Christmas Carol, Itโ€™s a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street, fill your mug with hot cocoa and buy your copy today!
**This is a novel at 47,864 words and approximately 280 pages in print.

christmas celebrations

Christmas Celebrations – Currently FREE

Jane Austen Fan Fiction on Sale for 0,99$

The Ashes of Longbourn – Currently at 0,99

Book Blurb:

A Pride and Prejudice variation. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy came to an understanding while she was visiting her best friend at Hunsford. But then Darcy must rush to Scotland to be with his ill sister and a tragedy strikes at Elizabeth’s family home of Longbourn. Darcy is told that his beloved died, devastating the Master of Pemberley. While Darcy is trying to put his life back together, Elizabeth is attempting to survive the injuries she suffered. Can they find each other and happiness?

The Bennets, Providence & Perception – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Either ignored or ridiculed by her family, Mary Bennet desires only happinessโ€”

Poor Miss Bennetโ€”with three sisters married, she will no doubt be left โ€œon the shelfโ€ unless she takes steps to secure her own happiness. So, with the arrival of Mr. Yarby, a handsome new rector for Longbourn chapel, Mary decides to use her Biblical knowledge to win his heart.

Meanwhile, her recently widowed fatherfinds himself falling for the older sister of his new reverend. But Mr. Bennet is officially in mourning for his late wifeโ€”what a scandalous situation! Unfortunately, Longbournโ€™s heir, Mr. Collins, has the antennae for a scandal and makes blackmail threats.

Will an overheard conversation between the Yarby siblings break Maryโ€™s heart? Or will it impel her to a desperate act that threatens everyoneโ€™s hopes for lasting love?

These Dreams – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Amidst the echoes of Pemberley and the heartache of Longbourn, ‘These Dreams’ weaves a tale of love lost, destinies entwined, and the enduring power of hope.

In “These Dreams,” a Regency romance entwined with mystery and longing, the beloved world of Jane Austen is beautifully reimagined. Fitzwilliam Darcy, ensnared in an international feud, is torn from his English roots and the woman he loves, leaving behind a trail of heartache and enigma. Presumed dead, his spirit lingers through the halls of Pemberley and in the dreams of Elizabeth Bennet.

Elizabeth, haunted by a lost love and surrounded by the trials of her sisters, grapples with the void left by Darcyโ€™s absence. Meanwhile, Georgiana Darcy, now the heiress of Pemberley, navigates her new role under the watchful, conflicted eye of Colonel Fitzwilliam, her guardian caught in a web of familial duty and a long-forgotten dream.

As Lydia Wickham returns under a cloud of mystery, the fate of each character intertwines, weaving a tapestry of passion, secrets, and hope. This novel promises to sweep readers into a world where love transcends the bounds of time and tragedy, beckoning to those who dare to dream.

The Bennet Fury – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Thomas Bennet had married Olivia Darcy, sister of Mr Gerald Darcy of Pemberley. The couple were deeply in love, and soon had two beautiful daughters, Jane and Elizabeth. Tragedy struck when Olivia Bennet was killed in an accident, returning home from visiting her brotherโ€™s estate. Mr Bennet becomes bitter, losing the love of his life and blaming the Darcy family for the accident. Years later, after having remarried and fathering three more daughters, Thomas Bennet is still harboring anger towards the Darcys. When he learns of Bingleyโ€™s connections to Fitzwilliam Darcy, the situation ignites into an inferno. Will the eldest Bennet sisters be able to reunite with their motherโ€™s family?

Heart Enough at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

There are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement.

ELIZABETH BENNET NEVER IMAGINED that by appeasing Mr Darcyโ€™s aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, she would permanently injure the gentlemanโ€™s feelings, but so it was. Robbing him of all hope towards her, he impulsively proposes to his cousin Anne, finding out just weeks later that Elizabeth did, in fact, have tender regard for him.

DISTRESSED BY THE KNOWLEDGE that misunderstandings have once again thwarted them, Elizabeth flees to the Continent to forget him. Returning two years later, she is more confident, more worldly, and alas, every bit as in love with him as she ever was. She resolves to offer him her friendship, believing him married, perhaps with children.

BUT CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED for Mr Darcy. Will they have heart enough to learn the truth from one another or will misunderstandings defeat them once more?

Timely Elopment – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:ย 

What if Mr Darcyโ€™s first proposal was interrupted by a bearer of ill tidings? The worst tidings: an elopement! Ah, but whose elopement would allow Elizabeth and Mr Darcy to spend quite so much time together and overcome their prejudices and his stubborn pride?

Christmas at Blackthorn Manor – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:ย 

She should want Mr Darcy to find happiness in marriage, but it would be a terror to watch him fall in love with another woman.

ELIZABETH BENNET IS SHOCKED when, sixteen months after last seeing Mr Darcy in Lambton, she meets with him at a Festive Season house party at Blackthorn Manor. There with her sister Janeโ€”now Mrs Ridleyโ€”she is further surprised to see romantic tensions flaring between her sister and her former beau, Mr Bingley, who has arrived with Mr Darcy.

INTENT ON KEEPING Mr Bingley and Mrs Ridley from making a mistake, Darcy and Elizabeth are distracted from their own romantic inclinationsโ€”a welcome diversion as both are convinced that their love must be unrequited. Elizabeth believes that Darcy cannot accept being brother to Wickham, and Darcy is certain Elizabeth can never forgive him for failing to return Mr Bingley to her sister Jane or protect ladies, including Lydia Bennet, from Wickham.

BUT EVERYTHING IS NOT as it seems. As the party approaches its end, will they learn the truth about what has really kept them apart or will they go their separate ways once again?
CHRISTMAS AT BLACKTHORN MANOR is a novella length Pride & Prejudice variation

For Myself Alone – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

From the author of “The Darcys of Pemberley” comes a new story straight out of the world of Jane Austen and told in a style reminiscent of her six classic novels.
Set in nineteenth century Hampshire and Bath, For Myself Alone is the tale of Josephine Walker, a bright, young woman whose life is turned upside-down by an unexpected inheritance. With a tempting fortune of twenty thousand pounds, sheโ€™s suddenly the most popular girl in town. Yet Jo longs to be valued for who she is, not for her bank balance. She cannot respect the men who pursue her for her money, and the only one she does admire is considered the property of her best friend. Now, even the motives of her new fiancรฉ are suspect. Does he truly love her for herself alone? Thereโ€™s one sure, but extreme, way to find outโ€ฆ if she has the courage to take it.
“For Myself Alone” will appeal to those who long for more Jane Austen, for more stories like the ones she told wrritten in the elegant language of her time. Just for fun, the author has sprinkled lines from Jane Austen works throughout the text for fans to find.

Their Cottage Near Ramsgate – Currently at 0,99$ย 

Book Blurb:ย 

Elizabeth Bennet has led a peaceful life at her family’s estate of Longbourn. Then she met the handsome Fitzwilliam Darcy at the Meryton assembly. Rather than being sullen, Darcy realized from the start that there was something special about the young lady.
Her world was about to be turned upside down with the revelation of her true parents, and the person who wanted them dead. Only, her parents’ deaths did not discourage the man who hated her birth father, who had spurned the man’s sister. Wanting to discover Elizabeth’s whereabouts, Baron Frances would stop at nothing to claim her as if she was his sister’s child. In this story, Darcy’s parents are alive.
Will the Darcys be willing to assist in protecting Elizabeth from being taken to the continent? Will they accept her and the truth of her past? Or will Elizabeth be taken away, forced to live a life not of her own choosing?

The Three Colonels – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

The words ofย Pride & Prejudiceย andย Sense & Sensibility merge in this one-of-a-kind continuation of both beloved Jane Austen tales.
Love reigns supreme for Colonels Buford, Fitzwilliam, and Buford as our brave fighting men are enjoying their courtships and early married lives with three beloved Austen heroines. The couples lead tranquil livesโ€”until Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from exile.
As the colonels set out to meet their destinies on the field of Waterloo, Anne, Caroline, and Marianne defend their hearts against the fear of losing their loved ones forever.
From the serenity of Regency England to the scandal and intrigue of the Congress of Vienna, three gentlemen live, love, fight, and defend their country from Napoleonโ€™s voracious ambition.

Pemberley Ranch – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

When the smoke has cleared from the battlefields and the Civil War has finally ended, fervent Union supporter Beth Bennet reluctantly moves with her family from their home in Meryton, Ohio to the windswept plains of Rosings, Texas. Handsome, haughty Will Darcy, a confederate officer back from the war, owns half the land around Rosings, and his even haughtier cousin Cate Burroughs owns the other half.
In a town as small as Rosings, Beth and Will inevitably cross paths. But as Will becomes enchanted with the fiery Yankee, Beth wonโ€™t allow herself to warm to the man who represents the one thing she hates most: the army that killed her only brother.
But when carpetbagger George Whitehead arrives in Rosings, all that Beth thought to be true is turned on its head, and the only man who can save her home is the one she swore sheโ€™d never trustโ€ฆ

The Netherfield Murder – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

The Netherfield Ball saw Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth coming to an understanding after dancing and dining together. Moments after they finished partaking in the food, their lives would change dramatically. Mr Collins is infuriated with his cousin, whom he had been promised, by Mrs Bennet, will be his bride. He takes his cousin to the balcony to teach her proper behavior, when Darcy finds his beloved being brutally beaten. The men decide to have Collins locked in a room at Netherfield and guarded. The following morning finds Mr Collins has been murdered. The search to discover the killer, Elizabeth’s injuries, and the aggravating behavior of family members takes everyone through the difficult days that follow, Who could have murdered the despicable man?

Pemberley Quaking – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:ย 

In November of 1795, an earthquake struck Derby shire. Trapped in the basement of the mercantile in Lambton are Gerald Darcy, his son Fitzwilliam, and Miss Elizabeth Bennet. What will happen in the wake of the earthquake?

A Hopeful Holiday – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Is the holiday season a perfect setting for a second chance at love?

After secretly arranging Lydia and Wickhamโ€™s marriage, Mr Darcy encouraged Bingley to return to Jane. While his friend is now happily married, Darcy regrets not having the courage to pursue Elizabeth in the autumn. As 1812 draws to a close, Darcy rallies his spirits to spend the Christmas holiday with Lady Catherine.

Elizabeth Bennet wanted to show Darcy that her feelings for him had changed, but he never returned to Hertfordshire and she fears Darcy could never tolerate being brother-in-law to Wickham. For a change of scene and with the hope of lifting her spirits, Elizabeth accepts an invitation to visit Charlotte Collins and her new baby at Christmas.

Lady Catherineโ€™s New Yearโ€™s Eve masquerade ball is the social event of the season and, amid the festivities and mistletoe, both Darcy and Elizabeth hope for a reason to make their affections known. But will her ladyshipโ€™s interference, the sudden appearance of her scheming nephew, and Elizabeth and Darcyโ€™s insecurities prevent them from finding happiness during the holiday season.
This is a 31,000 word Pride and Prejudice variation.

An Accidental Holiday – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Will an accident result in a Christmas miracle?
When Elizabeth Bennet escapes out of doors in the aftermath of a most unwanted proposal, an injured Charles Bingley is the last person she expects to see. That is, until she discovers the handsome, insufferable Mr. Darcy loitering near the road to Longbourn several hours later.
When Fitzwilliam Darcy flees Netherfield to escape Bingleyโ€™s sisters, he has no intention of finding himself at Longbourn in the presence of the intriguing woman he is desperate to forget. But accidents have a way of revealing hidden truths, and soon he doesnโ€™t know how he could ever bear to leave her.
An Accidental Holiday is the first standalone novella in the Accidental Love Series. If you enjoy funny stories with smitten heroes, clever heroines, and more than a dash of romance in the regency world of Pride and Prejudice, this is the series for you.

A Frankness of Character – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

An apology more offensive than an infamous insult. A decidedly epic set down. A gentleman left properly humbled. An impertinent young lady provoked to civil disdain.

As humiliating as an ill-bred set down was from an impertinent country miss, the veracity of Elizabeth Bennetโ€™s arguments and the humiliation at his own lack of understanding started to sink in.

After years of entrenched isolation, others would take notice if he appeared more civil. How was he to take his place in society without raising expectations?

He reaches out to the one person he can trust, Colonel Fitzwilliam, who joins the party at Netherfield.

The colonelโ€™s plan for Mr. Darcyโ€™s redemption seems on course until his auntโ€™s obsequious parson proposes marriage to Miss Bingley, setting off a flurry of unintended consequences that even he struggles to contain.

Longbourn is in an uproar. Lady Catherine de Bourgh is on a rampage. Darcy and Elizabeth are estranged.

Jane Austen Fan Fiction on Sale for 1,99$

Twists of Fate – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:ย 

What if Mr Collins shocked Elizabeth with his base conduct at the time of his proposal, thus sending her dashing out of her house, and into the arms of Mr Darcy? What if that accidental encounter was witnessed, and impropriety was assumed? What if Mr Darcy was glad of the excuse to marry his heartโ€™s desire โ€“ only to have his best hopes blasted within hours of his wedding? What if he found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time more than once?
Evil rumours, an early marriage, a dreadful misunderstanding, an old secret and good intentions gone awry. What ifย โ€˜I doโ€™ is not the end, but the beginning of the adventure?
(The novel addresses mature themes. Given the โ€˜early marriageโ€™ premise, the issue of growing affection and intimacy is central to the story. The relevant scenes are emotive and deeply sensual, but never explicit.)

Confort and Joy – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:ย 

While visiting Lambton with the Gardiners three weeks after Mr. Bingley has vacated Netherfield Park, Elizabeth Bennet takes her two young cousins Victoria and Emily and their swooning friend Katie Joy Harris on a holiday ramble through the Derbyshire countryside. With Jane back at the Inn at Lambton, and her Aunt and Uncle on a day trip to Manchester, the girls’ adventure becomes treacherous when a snow storm traps them unexpectedly. Taking shelter in an abandoned cottage, they have to face their fears of being stuck in the snow alone, or discovered by a highwayman.
Choosing to surprise his sister Georgiana at Pemberley for Christmas, Fitzwilliam Darcy leaves his friend Charles Bingley in town to nurse a broken heart. Darcy’s own heart has been captured by Elizabeth Bennet who is not only beneath him, but who he will never see again. Although a snow storm, abandoned cottage and three precocious girls do not fit into his equation, somehow he is trapped with the woman he loves and is forced to realize his arrogance might have ruined his future happiness.

An Unexpected Merry Gentleman – Currently at 1,99$ย 

Book Blurb:ย 

ย โ€˜Tis the season to be jolly and Mr. Darcy and his sister have been invited to Netherfield for Christmas with Bingleyโ€™s business associate and the Bennets of Longbourn. There is no comfort or joy for this taciturn man when he discovers the sparkling Elizabeth Bennet finds him proud and arrogant. His only choice is to win her heart, but is it too late to change her opinion of him?
Elizabeth Bennet is dismayed when she discovers the holiday guests of Netherfield include Mr. Darcy. How will she remain in the spirit of Christmas when faced with such a disagreeable man? Yet, with the kindness and attention he displays to her two young cousins, and the handsome Mr. Wickhamโ€™s character beginning to unravel, can she really trust in first impressions?ย Join the residents of Meryton as the spirit of the holidays may turn Mr. Darcy into โ€œAn Unexpected Merry Gentlemanโ€ after all.ย 

Sanctuary Vol 1 – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

โ€œDo you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time?โ€

When Elizabeth Bennet left her Massachusetts hometown two years ago and settled on Great Diamond Island, off the rocky coast of Maine, all she wanted was a fresh start, somewhere to forget a past full of heartbreak and traumaโ€”a place that would allow her to rediscover herself and what it felt like to be happy.

Will Darcy is ready to leave the family drama and noise of New York City behind. He moves to Great Diamond Island in an effort to build a better life for himself and his young son Jack, hoping it will provide a quiet place for them to heal from their grief after a tremendous loss.

Elizabeth meets Will within moments of his setting foot on the island, but the handsome newcomerโ€™s offhanded dismissal of her is anything but a โ€œmeet cute.โ€ But as the days pass, Willโ€™s chance encounters with the bright-eyed, pretty young womanโ€”and Jackโ€™s insistence on befriending herโ€”cause Will to see Elizabeth, and himself, in a different light.

Sanctuary Vol 2 – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

If someone had told him six weeks ago that he would end up here with this incredible woman in his arms, he would have scoffed in disbelief. Yet here he was, falling in love with her, holding her while she slept, and embracing emotions he never imagined he would feel again.

Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have unexpectedly found each otherโ€”and a slice of happinessโ€”on a tiny island off the coast of Maine.

With wonderful friends surrounding them and a passionate new

love in full bloom, life is moving forward; theyโ€™re planning a future together as a family of three with Willโ€™s son Jack, and the lazy days of summer are looking exceedingly bright.

But while some relationships are slowly and painstakingly being rebuilt, a long-kept secret, finally revealed, threatens to tear others apart.

Sanctuary Vol 3 – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

She studied him in the gray, dreary light of the morning, and her heart ached as she wondered how she was going to tell him that once again, the past was forcing its way into the present.

Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are deeply in love, and together with Willโ€™s young son Jack, they are looking forward to their happily ever after on the shores of Great Diamond Island.

For Will, the future has never looked brighter: heโ€™s wild about Elizabeth, has found a best friend in Charles Bingley, and his new consulting business is slowly gaining momentumโ€”as is his fledgling relationship with his father.

Elizabeth, too, is deliriously happy: sheโ€™s crazy about Will and is embracing her role as Jackโ€™s โ€œnewโ€ mom, she loves her job at the Portland Childrenโ€™s Library, and is looking forward to having her younger sister Lydia settled close by.

It seems theyโ€™ve left their troubled histories behind and are heading into the future as a blissful family of three. But can anyoneย trulyย forgetโ€”or escapeโ€”a past that is determined to reassert itself? Can a new love withstand the forces that seek to destroy it?


Sanctuaryย is a contemporary love story inspired by Jane Austenโ€™sย Pride and Prejudice, but uses Austenโ€™s characters only as a launching point; it is not a meticulous and faithful retelling of the original. It contains mature content and is intended for adult readers.

An Unexpected Harvest – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

Even though โ€˜I love youโ€™ was a sentiment spoken often and meaningfully between them, heโ€™d never really thought beyond it, never pondered the path those three simple words would lead them down.
Elizabeth Bennet left her affluent New England home at the age of sixteen and never looked back. Sheโ€™s built a great life in Boston and loves everything about the cityโ€”especially her dream job as creative director at an advertising agency.
Will Darcy has never lived anywhere but in rural Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He lives a small-town life and loves everything about the countryโ€”especially his familyโ€™s farm, which heโ€™s doing his best to modernize and return to prosperity.
When her older sister moves back to New England, Elizabeth reluctantly pays a visit to the hometown she left behind. Soon enough, the city girl meets the country boy and the insults and misunderstandings flyโ€”but so do the sparks.
No one is more surprised than Elizabeth and Will when those sparks turn into a brilliant flame, and the 300 miles between them that once felt far too close suddenly turns into an unbearable distance.
The city girl and the country boy know a good thing when they see itโ€”even if they donโ€™t see it nearly enough. Can they overcome their greatest challenge and find common groundโ€”and their happily ever after?

This novel is a modern variation of Jane Austenโ€™s Pride and Prejudice, but with a different take on the usual cast of characters. It contains adult content and is meant for mature readers.

Dance the Tide – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

The higher the wall around your heart, the harder you fall when someone knocks it down.

Wealthy businessman Will Darcy is fiercely protective of his privacy and his family. When his sister is the victim of a violent crime, he takes her away from Boston to their Cape Cod beach house, where he hopes she can heal in peaceโ€”and he can restore his equilibrium.

Ecohydrologist Elizabeth Bennet is happily residing in the seaside town where she grew up. Her career, friends, and family keep her busy, allowing her to avoid any romantic entanglementsโ€”as those only lead to heartbreak.

A brief encounter on the beach between Elizabeth and Will leads to misunderstandings and lousy first impressions. They go their separate ways, confident theyโ€™ll never see each other again. But fate has other plans when Will turns out to be the best friend of her sisterโ€™s boyfriend.

When they meet again under more favorable circumstances, Will soon realizes his initial impressions of Elizabeth were unfoundedโ€”and really, her eyes are magnificent. And with some dedicated effort, Elizabeth begins to see a different manโ€”theย realย Willโ€”buried beneath his arrogant, reticent faรงade.

Romance blossoms as Elizabeth struggles to conquer her insecurities and Will works to overcome his distrust. But every relationship occasionally finds itself in rough waters, and greater forces can tug a couple under the waves. For their love to triumph, Will and Elizabeth will need to have faith in one another, move beyond their fearsโ€ฆand dare to dance the tide.


This novel is a contemporary, non-Canon variation of Jane Austenโ€™sย Pride and Prejudice. It contains adult content and is meant for mature readers. Miscarriages and a sexual assault occur off-page, but are discussed during the course of the story.

I Hope this has been helpfull everyone!

Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: The Amazon links used in this post are affiliate links.


Filed under JAFF

An Accidental Holiday by Melanie Rachel

An Accidental Holiday

The morning after the Netherfield ball is marked by Mr. Collins pompous proposal of marriage to Elizabeth Bennet, but she soon discovers that this awkward moment will not be the worst of her day. When she flees her house to get some distance from her cousin, Elizabeth discovers Mr. Bingley has fallen of his horse on his way to town and because he is severely injured, he is taken to Longbourn. When his relatives fail to support Mr. Bingley, it is his friend, Mr. Darcy, who comes to his aid at Longbourn, and thus, the Christmas season becomes a jolly one with all these people sharing the same house.

I really like the premise of this book because it is somewhat different than usual and allows Mr. Darcy to spend more time at Longbourn, which in turn allows him to spend a lot of time in Elizabethโ€™s company. But that was not the only reason I enjoyed the premise. I loved the fact that Mr. Darcy was forced to spend some time with the Bennetโ€™s! Can you imagine how that was? The experience was surprisingly good, and I think he even started to appreciate some traits of the most boisterous family members.

With this book, Melanie Rachel amazed me with her writing abilities, and I genuinely want to read everything she has written thus far. She was able to make me feel at Longbourn with all the characters as I could vividly imagine every single scene, but most of all, she made me love the dynamics in the Bennet household. I loved all characterโ€™s interventions and their dialogues at the table. It was incredibly funny to see Mr. Darcy witnessing Mrs. Bennetโ€™s vitriol towards Elizabeth, but also her ability to host people, for him to see how playful and embarrassed Elizabeth can be when it comes to her family, and especially how honest and funny Lydiaโ€™s interventions are. I loved all secondary characters in this book, but Lydia was particularly funny, and her playful attitude towards Eliabeth and Darcy was delightful. The entire environment that was created in this book was exquisite and I loved every single word and page of it.

I also loved Elizabethโ€™s character. From her angry remarks towards Mr. Darcy when she was tired, to her quiet reflections about his personality and her awareness of her own feelings, she was certainly an interesting character with whom I could relate, and I could understand why Mr. Darcy fell in love with her.

Another aspect I enjoyed in this story were the dialogues and friendship between Darcy and Bingley. Not all authors are able to portray their friendship in such an honest manner and I loved seeing their camaraderie and how close they were. I also liked the fact that Mr. Bingley had a backbone and decided to give his sisters the treatment they deserved.

This novella has everything you may wish for in a Christmas Novella. It is a cozy and romantic story in which we feel at home with the Bennetโ€™s. They are a family with whom it is incredible to spend Christmas with because they all have their faults, but when put together, they make a merry group who creates a good atmosphere. The romance between Darcy and Elizabeth is lovely and I could not recommend it enough. I know everyone will love this book.

You can find An Accidental Holiday at:

and on Kindle Unlimited



Filed under Uncategorized

Freebies & Books on sale

Hello everyone,ย 

Christmas is around the corner and apparently our dear authors are thinking of us in this season because I’ve been noticing several books on sale! I thought I’d share what I found with you but, as always, these are just the ones I noticed, not all books on sale, so if you’re aware of any book on sale, please feel free to share with the rest of us ๐Ÿ™‚

Jane Austen Fan Fiction FREEBIES


A Most Civil Proposal – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:ย 

“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” When Fitzwilliam Darcy spoke these words to Elizabeth Bennet as part of his marriage proposal, they expressed his concealed feelings completely, but their meaning was at odds with the rest of his prideful and arrogant offer of marriage. It was therefore rather easy for Elizabeth to reject his offer in much the same manner. But what if Darcy, never one at ease when trying to speak of inner sentiments, had realized beforehand how his intended proposal would sound to the young woman he hoped to make his bride? What if he had attempted a much more civil and thoughtful proposal of marriage? Could Elizabeth Bennet have coldly and angrily rejected an offer made in such a manner? A Most Civil Proposal, a variation on Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, examines and explores how the lives of the two main characters and their families and friends might have turned out differently had Darcy realized his error beforehand and thus avoided being so forcefully instructed and corrected by the love of his life.


Once Upon a December – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Indulge in sweet romance that brings holiday cheer.
Re-imagine Jane Austenโ€™s beloved Pride and Prejudice. The well-known story changes seven times when snowfalls and the Christmas messages of goodwill and love to all warms and transforms hearts. Discover the magic and wonder of true love, first kisses, and forgiveness with Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth, Jane, and Mr. Bingley in Once Upon a December.
A Sleigh Ride for Two: Darcy returns to Hertfordshire armed with a sleigh and a plan to clear his good name.
Thawed Hearts: Inspired by In the Bleak Midwinter by Christina Rossetti, Darcy seeks happiness in a world of cold memories.
Fitzy the Snowman: The Gardinersโ€™ youngest daughter witnesses love spark between Darcy and Elizabeth during a day of snow games.
The Force of Love: Relatives present logical reasons for Darcy and Elizabeth to reconsider their understanding of themselves, but true change is born of love.
Home with You: Jane knows her heart belongs with Mr. Bingley, but despairs of ever feeling at home again.
Fortune Favours the Bold: Regency era propriety dictates letters between unwed ladies and men taboo. Sometimes, breaking the rules is worth the risk.
Winter Walks: A walk in the snow covered lanes near Longbourn adds romance and magic to Darcy and Elizabethโ€™s engagement.
**All stories are set in Regency England.


Meet me at Pemberley – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Leaving London behind, Elizabeth Bennet is a walking scandal in Meryton. Cast out by her mother, she now lives with her married sister at Netherfield. The gossip doesn’t bother her near as much as her own recriminations. How can she ever trust her judgment again?
Fitzwilliam Darcy has no pride left. He has searched high and low for his little sister and cannot find her or the scoundrel who convinced her to elope. When he can’t face the empty halls of his homes, he visits his friend.
Meeting for the first time at Netherfield, Darcy and Elizabeth’s hearts are guarded as they recover from their not-so-distant wounds.
Mistletoe and sleigh bells abound in this heart-warming tale full of Christmas hope that destroys all fear and loneliness.
Download or buy Meet Me at Pemberley and snuggle up by the fire with some hot cocoa for your favourite holiday read!


Christmas with Darcy – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

All Mr. Darcy wants for Christmas is Elizabeth Bennet.
Christmas with Darcy is a bundle of three previously released works, each featuring happily ever afters for Darcy and Elizabeth with a holiday twist.
The short stories in Once Upon a December are perfect to read during a hot cocoa and cookie break. Mr. Darcy’s Miracle at Longbourn takes our dear couple and their loved ones on unexpected twists in an adventure that requires assistance from time. Darcy’s heart grows three times its size when he falls in love with Elizabeth in How Darcy Saved Christmas.
Cozy up next to the fire with your favorite blanket and slippers as you treat yourself to Christmas with Darcy today!


How Darcy Saved Christmas – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

Sometimes the most loving heart lie beneath a prickly exterior.
On a much-needed holiday with her favorite relations, Elizabeth Bennet is in search of Christmas cheer. Instead, she meets The Great Curmudgeon, or as the locals call him, Mr. Darcy.
Darcy hates any display of Christmas happiness. He didnโ€™t always feel that way but is certain he will never welcome it again. In defiance of Pemberley tradition for being the life-force behind the holiday in the area, he shuns it after a family tragedy.
Despite their first perceptions of each other, Darcy and Elizabeth cannot resist the pull of their hearts. Old and new friendships, however, collide to weave an insurmountable obstacle between the fledgling lovers. Will Darcy be able to see past his pain or will he forever miss out on the joy of true love?
This Christmas season, treat yourself to a story of forgiveness, the search for true joy and lasting peace, and a love that can eclipse bitterness and pain. Buy How Darcy Saved Christmas today!


Mr. Darcy’s Christmas at Loungbourn – Currently FREE

Book Blurb:

‘Tis the season to believe in miracles!
Less than a month after Fitzwilliam Darcy left Hertfordshire, he regrets the decision. Still, stubborn as they come, he will abide by the choice even if his heart freezes over worse than a December chill.
At Longbourn, Elizabeth Bennet rejects the Christmas themes of unconditional love and forgiveness. In her mind, Mr. Darcy deserves neither and not only for insulting her upon first sight. Elizabeth is certain Darcy is behind her sisterโ€™s heartache.
Fate has other plans, however, when it throws them together again and again and again. Christmas magic works on their hearts and minds as the calendar refuses to budge from December 23. What will it take to see Christmas Eve? How many lives need to change?
Mr. Darcyโ€™s Miracle at Longbourn is a heart-warming holiday read from Rose Fairbanks, author of Mr. Darcyโ€™s Bluestocking Bride. If you love A Christmas Carol, Itโ€™s a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street, fill your mug with hot cocoa and buy your copy today!
**This is a novel at 47,864 words and approximately 280 pages in print.


Jane Austen Fan Fiction on Sale for 0,99$


A Hopeful Holiday – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Is the holiday season a perfect setting for a second chance at love?

After secretly arranging Lydia and Wickhamโ€™s marriage, Mr Darcy encouraged Bingley to return to Jane. While his friend is now happily married, Darcy regrets not having the courage to pursue Elizabeth in the autumn. As 1812 draws to a close, Darcy rallies his spirits to spend the Christmas holiday with Lady Catherine.

Elizabeth Bennet wanted to show Darcy that her feelings for him had changed, but he never returned to Hertfordshire and she fears Darcy could never tolerate being brother-in-law to Wickham. For a change of scene and with the hope of lifting her spirits, Elizabeth accepts an invitation to visit Charlotte Collins and her new baby at Christmas.

Lady Catherineโ€™s New Yearโ€™s Eve masquerade ball is the social event of the season and, amid the festivities and mistletoe, both Darcy and Elizabeth hope for a reason to make their affections known. But will her ladyshipโ€™s interference, the sudden appearance of her scheming nephew, and Elizabeth and Darcyโ€™s insecurities prevent them from finding happiness during the holiday season.
This is a 31,000 word Pride and Prejudice variation.


An Accidental Holiday – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

Will an accident result in a Christmas miracle?
When Elizabeth Bennet escapes out of doors in the aftermath of a most unwanted proposal, an injured Charles Bingley is the last person she expects to see. That is, until she discovers the handsome, insufferable Mr. Darcy loitering near the road to Longbourn several hours later.
When Fitzwilliam Darcy flees Netherfield to escape Bingleyโ€™s sisters, he has no intention of finding himself at Longbourn in the presence of the intriguing woman he is desperate to forget. But accidents have a way of revealing hidden truths, and soon he doesnโ€™t know how he could ever bear to leave her.
An Accidental Holiday is the first standalone novella in the Accidental Love Series. If you enjoy funny stories with smitten heroes, clever heroines, and more than a dash of romance in the regency world of Pride and Prejudice, this is the series for you.


A Frankness of Character – Currently at 0,99$

Book Blurb:

An apology more offensive than an infamous insult. A decidedly epic set down. A gentleman left properly humbled. An impertinent young lady provoked to civil disdain.

As humiliating as an ill-bred set down was from an impertinent country miss, the veracity of Elizabeth Bennetโ€™s arguments and the humiliation at his own lack of understanding started to sink in.

After years of entrenched isolation, others would take notice if he appeared more civil. How was he to take his place in society without raising expectations?

He reaches out to the one person he can trust, Colonel Fitzwilliam, who joins the party at Netherfield.

The colonelโ€™s plan for Mr. Darcyโ€™s redemption seems on course until his auntโ€™s obsequious parson proposes marriage to Miss Bingley, setting off a flurry of unintended consequences that even he struggles to contain.

Longbourn is in an uproar. Lady Catherine de Bourgh is on a rampage. Darcy and Elizabeth are estranged.


Jane Austen Fan Fiction on Sale for 1,99$


Sanctuary Vol 1 – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

โ€œDo you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time?โ€

When Elizabeth Bennet left her Massachusetts hometown two years ago and settled on Great Diamond Island, off the rocky coast of Maine, all she wanted was a fresh start, somewhere to forget a past full of heartbreak and traumaโ€”a place that would allow her to rediscover herself and what it felt like to be happy.

Will Darcy is ready to leave the family drama and noise of New York City behind. He moves to Great Diamond Island in an effort to build a better life for himself and his young son Jack, hoping it will provide a quiet place for them to heal from their grief after a tremendous loss.

Elizabeth meets Will within moments of his setting foot on the island, but the handsome newcomerโ€™s offhanded dismissal of her is anything but a โ€œmeet cute.โ€ But as the days pass, Willโ€™s chance encounters with the bright-eyed, pretty young womanโ€”and Jackโ€™s insistence on befriending herโ€”cause Will to see Elizabeth, and himself, in a different light.


Sanctuary Vol 2 – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

If someone had told him six weeks ago that he would end up here with this incredible woman in his arms, he would have scoffed in disbelief. Yet here he was, falling in love with her, holding her while she slept, and embracing emotions he never imagined he would feel again.

Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have unexpectedly found each otherโ€”and a slice of happinessโ€”on a tiny island off the coast of Maine.

With wonderful friends surrounding them and a passionate new love in full bloom, life is moving forward; theyโ€™re planning a future together as a family of three with Willโ€™s son Jack, and the lazy days of summer are looking exceedingly bright.

But while some relationships are slowly and painstakingly being rebuilt, a long-kept secret, finally revealed, threatens to tear others apart.


Sanctuary Vol 3 – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

She studied him in the gray, dreary light of the morning, and her heart ached as she wondered how she was going to tell him that once again, the past was forcing its way into the present.

Will Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet are deeply in love, and together with Willโ€™s young son Jack, they are looking forward to their happily ever after on the shores of Great Diamond Island.

For Will, the future has never looked brighter: heโ€™s wild about Elizabeth, has found a best friend in Charles Bingley, and his new consulting business is slowly gaining momentumโ€”as is his fledgling relationship with his father.

Elizabeth, too, is deliriously happy: sheโ€™s crazy about Will and is embracing her role as Jackโ€™s โ€œnewโ€ mom, she loves her job at the Portland Childrenโ€™s Library, and is looking forward to having her younger sister Lydia settled close by.

It seems theyโ€™ve left their troubled histories behind and are heading into the future as a blissful family of three. But can anyoneย trulyย forgetโ€”or escapeโ€”a past that is determined to reassert itself? Can a new love withstand the forces that seek to destroy it?


Sanctuaryย is a contemporary love story inspired by Jane Austenโ€™sย Pride and Prejudice, but uses Austenโ€™s characters only as a launching point; it is not a meticulous and faithful retelling of the original. It contains mature content and is intended for adult readers.


An Unexpected Harvest – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

Even though โ€˜I love youโ€™ was a sentiment spoken often and meaningfully between them, heโ€™d never really thought beyond it, never pondered the path those three simple words would lead them down.
Elizabeth Bennet left her affluent New England home at the age of sixteen and never looked back. Sheโ€™s built a great life in Boston and loves everything about the cityโ€”especially her dream job as creative director at an advertising agency.
Will Darcy has never lived anywhere but in rural Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He lives a small-town life and loves everything about the countryโ€”especially his familyโ€™s farm, which heโ€™s doing his best to modernize and return to prosperity.
When her older sister moves back to New England, Elizabeth reluctantly pays a visit to the hometown she left behind. Soon enough, the city girl meets the country boy and the insults and misunderstandings flyโ€”but so do the sparks.
No one is more surprised than Elizabeth and Will when those sparks turn into a brilliant flame, and the 300 miles between them that once felt far too close suddenly turns into an unbearable distance.
The city girl and the country boy know a good thing when they see itโ€”even if they donโ€™t see it nearly enough. Can they overcome their greatest challenge and find common groundโ€”and their happily ever after?

This novel is a modern variation of Jane Austenโ€™s Pride and Prejudice, but with a different take on the usual cast of characters. It contains adult content and is meant for mature readers.


Dance the Tide – Currently at 1,99$

Book Blurb:

The higher the wall around your heart, the harder you fall when someone knocks it down.

Wealthy businessman Will Darcy is fiercely protective of his privacy and his family. When his sister is the victim of a violent crime, he takes her away from Boston to their Cape Cod beach house, where he hopes she can heal in peaceโ€”and he can restore his equilibrium.

Ecohydrologist Elizabeth Bennet is happily residing in the seaside town where she grew up. Her career, friends, and family keep her busy, allowing her to avoid any romantic entanglementsโ€”as those only lead to heartbreak.

A brief encounter on the beach between Elizabeth and Will leads to misunderstandings and lousy first impressions. They go their separate ways, confident theyโ€™ll never see each other again. But fate has other plans when Will turns out to be the best friend of her sisterโ€™s boyfriend.

When they meet again under more favorable circumstances, Will soon realizes his initial impressions of Elizabeth were unfoundedโ€”and really, her eyes are magnificent. And with some dedicated effort, Elizabeth begins to see a different manโ€”theย realย Willโ€”buried beneath his arrogant, reticent faรงade.

Romance blossoms as Elizabeth struggles to conquer her insecurities and Will works to overcome his distrust. But every relationship occasionally finds itself in rough waters, and greater forces can tug a couple under the waves. For their love to triumph, Will and Elizabeth will need to have faith in one another, move beyond their fearsโ€ฆand dare to dance the tide.


This novel is a contemporary, non-Canon variation of Jane Austenโ€™sย Pride and Prejudice. It contains adult content and is meant for mature readers. Miscarriages and a sexual assault occur off-page, but are discussed during the course of the story.


I Hope this has been helpfull everyone!

Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: The Amazon links used in this post are affiliate links.


Filed under JAFF

The Matchmakers Melody by Riana Everly – Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway

Good Afternoon everyone,

Riana Everly is back at From Pemberley to Milton to share with you an excerpt of The Matchmakers Melody, her second book in the Austen Echos series. This is a trilogy that places Austen’s characters in a modern musical setting, and as you may imagine The Matchmakers Melody is all about Emma.

Have you read the previous book in the series? What about this one? Is this one you’d like to read? If so, don’t forget to leave a comment on this post and apply to the giveaway the author is offering ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you so much for visiting Riana, it is a pleasure to have you here!

NEW guest post

Once again, I have to say a huge thank you to Rita for letting me stop by your blog. Iโ€™m always honoured to say hello to your amazing readers.

Iโ€™ve just celebrated the release of The Matchmakerโ€™s Melody, the second book in my Austen Echoes series, published by Romance Cafรฉ Publishing. This time, Iโ€™ve used Jane Austenโ€™s Emma as my inspiration.

Emma is a tricky character to write, because she isnโ€™t always that easy to like. Sheโ€™s the princess who has everything, after all, and in many ways is one of Austenโ€™s most flawed characters, which is ironic considering sheโ€™s the one who thinks the most highly of herself. But she sees the world through a rather special lens, one which sets her at the centre of it, and she just canโ€™t seeโ€”at first, anywayโ€”how her view of how things should be might not be how everyone else sees them. Sheโ€™s opinionated, judgmental, and spoiled. She imposes her will on poor Harriet Smith, and finds every reason to dislike the lovely and elegant Jane Fairfax, seeing her as a foil, a mirror that doesnโ€™t always reflect back so well.

But thereโ€™s more to Emma than this, and thatโ€™s where we can have some fun, working to make her a sympathetic heroine despite her many flaws. For one thing, Emma really means well. Misguided as her actions may be, they are rooted in a genuine desire to do good, and that generous impulse atones for a great many sins in my world. She is bright and cheerful, and ultimately, is willing to change when she sees she is failing. That, too, is a big plus. Sheโ€™s not so high-and-mighty that she sees herself as infallible. (#JustDonโ€™tAskMrCollins)

Soโ€ฆ whatโ€™s with the hashtags?ย 

Well, for someone like Emma, who sees herself as the great social arbiter of her society, what better role in a modern version than being a social media influencer? #JustAskEmma!

As soon as I had the idea of reimagining Emma in a contemporary context, this characterisation just popped into my head. Need the best idea for a date? Just Ask Emma! Want to know how to make a great apple pie? Just Ask Emma! What about a great suitcase for a weekend getaway? Just Ask Emma.

Canโ€™t you just imagine her being perky and confident enough to shine on YouTube and inspire on Instagram, with her replies to requests and very carefully curated and thoroughly-checked-out product placements?

I have been lucky enough to spend the week of this book launch tripping about Paris. While Emma does not get to this glorious City of Light (in this story, at least), I can picture her here so clearly. Canโ€™t you just imagine her posing in front of the Eiffel Tower, or waltzing around Versailles? I certainly can. And we know sheโ€™d have all sorts of advice to offer, even if you donโ€™t ask for it.

Iโ€™m curious about YOU now. What questions would you want to ask Emma? Maybe sheโ€™ll even reply!

NEW excerpt

Emma clicked the โ€˜Stopโ€™ button on her computer and pushed the microphone away. She took in a long breath and smiled with satisfaction. Another video for her YouTube channel, Just Ask Emma, was done. She would spend a few minutes responding to earlier comments, then edit her video later and upload it in the morning, ready for when her faithful viewers expected it. They were such great fans and relied on her so much for their information. It wasnโ€™t just about the products she recommended, but all those little tips on life, and, of course, the letters she replied to in her videos and on her social media platforms. Her fans needed her, and she was not going to let them down.

But someone else needed her as well. All she could think of was poor Halli, so solitary and shy at the rehearsal, trying to melt into the walls. She didnโ€™t speak to a soul, that Emma had seen, other than a brief word of hello and goodbye to Randall, and that conversation with Gordon. Which Emma had arranged. Halli, with her pretty face and sweet nature, really ought to be surrounded by friends. She just needed a bit of help.

Luckily, that was exactly what Emma could do. She made her living giving good advice. And she was an influencer, after all. How better to use her powers than for good? But first, she needed to know a bit more about this new member of the choir. Where was she from? What did she do for fun? She must like something other than engineering. So boring! Whoโ€™d want to be an engineer? After all, Gordon was an engineer, and he was hardly the life of the party.ย 

But the two of them had talked for a few minutes. Halli must have told him something other than her professorsโ€™ names. And so, on Sunday afternoon, just as the sun was thinking about setting, Emma did the unthinkable and picked up her phone to make an actual call.

โ€œEmma?โ€ Gordon answered, his voice laden with surprise and concern. โ€œWhy are you calling? You never call. Is everything okay? Your dadโ€ฆ?โ€

They were family friends, not personal friends, and until now, Emma had never contacted him, other than in a group email or the occasional text. To which he never responded. Hence the phone call.

โ€œNo, no,โ€ she assured, โ€œeveryoneโ€™s fine. But I wanted to talk about the choir. About Halli, the new soprano. What do you know about her?โ€

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then a voice that sounded exactly like the disapproving older brother she was glad she didnโ€™t have replied. โ€œEmma? Why are you asking me? If you want to know more about Halli, ask her.โ€


โ€œI donโ€™t want to come across as stalkerish. And I donโ€™t want to seem like Iโ€™m giving her the third degree. I just want to be friendly, and if I know something about her, itโ€™s a start to finding things to talk about. Please?โ€ Oh heavens, she did sound a bit like a whiny five-year-old, didnโ€™t she? โ€œI just want to help. Do you know anything? You were chatting with her for a while on Thursday night.โ€

She swore she could hear his eyes roll over the phone.

โ€œI donโ€™t know much. She just told me a couple of things. It was hardly an interview. We were talking about job options and school. What do you want to know?โ€

โ€œFirst,โ€ Emma informed him, โ€œwe need to do this in person. You never answer emails or texts, but no one talks on the phone anymore. Or I can email you, if you promise to reply.โ€

Another moment of silence.

โ€œFine. In person. And no one uses phones to talk anymore? I suppose Iโ€™m a dinosaur, then. Come over, and we can order pizza. Do you know where I live?โ€

โ€œSame place as when you had everyone for the Christmas party last year, unless youโ€™ve moved. Itโ€™s not far. Iโ€™ll bring cookies.โ€

NEW book blurb

Beautiful and successful, Emma Massey has the world figured out. Sheโ€™s the star soprano in the Eglinton Echoes, a popular Internet influencer, after all, and didnโ€™t she just make the best match ever for her choirโ€™s musical director? So, it makes perfect sense for her to use her matchmaking powers to help others find their perfect mates. Right? Like that pretty new girl in the choir, and that rather handsome tenor who keeps hovering about.

What a pity her annoying childhood friend Gordon Knight isnโ€™t on board with her plans. He might be the choirโ€™s pianist, but that doesnโ€™t give him the right to step in and tell her sheโ€™s making a big mistake. Especially since heโ€™s usually correct, annoying man.

Gordon is always sure heโ€™s right, but Emma is equally sure heโ€™s wrong. Wrong about the gorgeous new baritone just arrived from Montreal, and definitely wrong about boring Ashleigh, who he insists is far more interesting than Emma could imagine.

But despite her supposed matchmaking skills, it seems thereโ€™s one heart Emma doesnโ€™t understand at all, and that heart is her own. When her eyes are finally opened, will it be too late?

This musical reimagining of Jane Austenโ€™s belovedย Emmaย will have you cheering the characters on, pulling you into their world and into their hearts.


You can find The Matchmakers Melody at:

and on Kindle Unlimited

NEW author bio

Born in South Africa, award-winning author Riana Everly has called Canada home since she was eight years old. She proudly boasts one husband, two grown(ish) children, three degrees, four recordings, five instruments (of varying proficiencies), six languages (also of varying proficiencies), and ten novels (and growing). She also canโ€™t count very well.

When not indulging her passion for Jane Austen, Riana loves cooking, travel, and photography. Sheโ€™s a historian and trained classical musician, specialising in viola, and is delighted to be able to combine her love of writing and music in her novels.ย 

She now lives in Toronto, Canada, with her husband, a secret stash of chocolate, and far too many books.

You can contact her through the following links:






Riana Everly is delighted to be able to offer a giveaway of an eBook at each stop on this blog tour. She will randomly select one person who comments on the post here through Please make sure she has a way to contact you if you win! She will take comments until midnight, North American Eastern time, five days after the blog post goes live. Good luck everyone!

Good luck everyone!

Austen Echoes on purple


Filed under JAFF, North and South, Pride and Prejudice

Miss Bingley’s Christmas by Summer Hanford & Renata McMann

miss bingleys christmas4.5 stars

Miss Bingleyโ€™s Christmas starts when Miss Bingley and Louisa Hurst are returning home from a shopping outing on Christmas eve and their carriage gets stranded on the road. After waiting too long for the roads to be cleared Miss Bingley decides it would be better to try and find their way back to civilization than freeze in their carriage, but of course she doesn’t know her whereabouts and gets lost. Cold, wet and tired, Caroline is rescued by Jane Bennet who is passing by with her aunt and sister in a carriage and is taken to Gracechurch Street where she ends up spending Christmas Day.

I loved how Miss Bingley’s Christmas was able to incorporate the real Christmas spirit by introducing us to a character that we cannot like, and slowly showing us how a few disruptive elements can change her. I didn’t know where this story was going for a long time, and I just savored it as events kept occurring, but when I realized that Caroline’s redemption was brought by a romantic interest, I absolutely loved it.

I am impressed at how beautiful and well-built this story is considering its length. Even though the authors didn’t have much page time, they were able to bring about changes in the main character in a very believable manner. I also liked the fact that many know P&P characters are present in this story, such as Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, but they never steal the thunder from Miss Bingley. This is her story from the first moment until the last, and I ended up loving her. It was also interesting to have a few characters present in the story without having them say a single word, that was very curious, but a detail I particularly enjoyed.

Even though this is not a Darcy & Elizabeth story, I highly recommend it to readers over Christmas time, it is a very beautiful story that demonstrates one never really knows people, and that everyone may have a hidden side we are unaware of. It demonstrates that sometimes all people need is the right people, or the right circumstances to become a better person, and if that is not the Christmas spirit, I don’t know what is.

You can find Miss Bingley’s Christmas at:

and on Kindle Unlimited



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