Blog Anniversary and giveaway!

1st year anniversary

Hello everyone,

Until one year ago I had no idea there was such an amazing JAFF community out there and felt alone in this addiction to Jane Austen Fan Fiction.

I remember re-watching the BBC adaptation of Pride & Prejudice by Andrew Davies probably for the 100th time when I felt an incredible urge to have more of Darcy and Elizabeth, so I decided to search for something on Amazon. I mean, I couldn’t be the only one in need of more right? That is how I discovered Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife from Linda Berdoll and the doors of Jane Austen Fan Fiction were opened to me. With that book I discovered there were authors writing sequels and variations of Pride & Prejudice and soon I got addicted to this genre of literature. I started reading so much, that at a certain point I didn’t know which were the great authors I had loved and which were the ones I wasn’t so fond of. I also realized there were too many sub genres of JAFF and that I preferred some to others, even if Amazon didn’t distinguished that when it presented the recommendations to me.

When I started buying duplicate books and spending too much time in Amazon trying to discern which of those books being recommend to me would actually be the sub genres I preferred, my frustration increased and I started sharing this with my friends and even co-workers. One of them asked me if there was any place where I could find a list of these books by subgenre with a small description that would help me choose my next read, which prompted me to search for websites that could have these lists. I found some web sites with JAFF lists, but none of them would separate them by subgenre and rating, so I told him there was nothing of the sort, and that is when he suggested I did it myself. I started thinking on what I could do and that is how I imagined my Pride and Prejudice and North and South tabs where I have a list of all the books I have read per genre.

Before you tease me, I must confess I’m not very good with technology, so obviously in my initial search I did not discover one single JAFF blog. It was only after launching my blog and posting my first reviews that I discovered Meredith’s Austenesque Reviews, and with it all the other existing blogs.

When I saw Austenesque Reviews I thought that maybe my blog would not add anything to anyone so I was going to give it up, but then, I was so welcomed into the community and everyone was so very nice to me, including Meredith herself, that I decided to continue with my blog, even if it was just another blog dedicated to JAFF.

That was the best decision I have ever taken because until this day From Pemberley to Milton allows me to connect with people who share the same passion for P&P and N&S that I do. It allows me to talk and share experiences with people who understand me, and above all, it has allowed me to make friends that are now an important part of my life.

I am pretty certain Jane Austen never considered her books could one day have such an impact in the life of an unknown Portuguese girl, but she did, and for that I must thank her! Well…for that and for creating the most perfect, passionate, dashing gentleman ever known to mankind of course.

So, here we are, one year later celebrating the first anniversary of From Pemberley to Milton!!!

I hope to have the chance to celebrate many more blog anniversaries with all of you and many more readers who have not yet connected with our community.

From Pemberley to Milton still gives me much joy and today I would like to share that joy with you, by offering a giveaway of the 2 first books reviewed on this blog: Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections by Abigail Reynolds and The Subsequent Proposal by Joana Starnes.

The giveaway is for paperback copies and is international so that everyone across the globe can have an opportunity to read these 5 star books.

The Subsequent Proposal was offered and signed by Mrs. Starnes, so this is your opportunity to have a signed by the author copy.

To be entitled to the giveaway just leave your comment on this post. Let me know what you think of From Pemberley to Milton, if it meets your expectations or how I could improve it. Share your own experience of how you discovered JAFF, who are your favorite authors and genres or just share your love for Jane Austen. Everything is accepted 🙂

Thanks to all of you for taking this journey with me so far! And I hope we can continue to discover more of Darcy and Elizabeth and Thornton and Margaret adventures together.


Filed under 5 stars, Abigail Reynolds, giveaway, Joana Starnes, Pride and Prejudice

90 responses to “Blog Anniversary and giveaway!

  1. Congratulations on your first anniversary!! I think From Pemberley to Milton is a lovely blog and her writer is really nice 🙂
    I hope you will have a lot more anniversaries and I will be following them!
    Please do not add me to the giveaway as I have both books on paperback.
    Muitos parabens 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rita, I love your blog and I am so glad you stayed with your vision. I think with all of the JAFF being published and all of the things to discover about Jane Austen, you’ll have a lot to blog about for a very long time!

    I think the winner should be the first person to comment on this post, because those are two of my favorite JAFF reads!

    Best wishes on your blog birthday… although there has to be a more delightful way to say that…Happy Blogday, Happy Blogiversary, etc…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Claudine!! Just like Ana you were one of those people I was lucky to meet, even with an entire ocean separating! That is how powerful JAFF is 🙂
      I’m sure we’ll continue to talk, talk, talk about all things Jane Austen in the future years 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sheila Majczan

    Love that you have two of my three favorites celebrated here…now to find someone who includes Outlander. I found Meredith’s blog after I retired and began writing reviews on Amazon and noticed her opinions reflected mine and saw the link to her blog under her name on Amazon. Before that it was hit or miss for me also and I only bought paperback then so I didn’t buy as many due to the budget for books. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I would love to win a paperback copy of either story.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy blog birthday! I am reading North and South for the first time and am entranced by it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dung

    Happy first anniversary to you and your blog! I’m glad you stayed the course and continue with your blogging. Love reading your reviews and interviews. The JAFF community is such a welcoming and passionate group of individuals from all over and I love connecting with others on various social media outlets. I remember discovering the JAFF community and was in awe that one exists because there were others like me who can’t get enough of P&P variations, prequels, sequels, etc… Cheers to many more years of blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you s much for all your comments and support through all his time Dung! I was also amazed by this community that keeps surprising me everyday with new books and ideas to discuss :))


  6. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I have enjoyed reading your reviews, long may you continue! Please don’t enter me for the giveaway, as I have both books, both wonderful reads 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jan Ashton

    Congratulations, Rita! Your blog is so well-done and here you are, celebrating two great books! Happy Blogiversary!


  8. Mary

    Dear Rita,
    Warmest congratulations on this,the first anniversary of your blog!
    Had no idea it was in its infancy!!!

    Must say I love dropping by and reading the wonderful reviews of the fantastic books that you’ve read and enjoyed. Your blog is so welcoming that all comments,irrespective of the disparity of opinion,are read and replied to,which personally means a lot to me.

    I stumbled upon JAFF quite by accident and one of the first books I read in this genre was One Thread Pulled by Diana J.Oaks. Needless to say I was hooked from the first word and I enjoyed the book so much that having finished reading it,I duly started the book again!!!

    Have read and loved the two books that you are giving away.
    Joana and Abagail are both fantastic wordsmiths,with a very evident love of all things Austen. As a reader,I feel ‘safe’ starting any book penned by these authors,as I know whatever trials ODC will endure,they,along with the reader will relish the HEA they so richly deserve!!

    I finally read North & South this year and this book, along with Pride & Prejudice hold a very special place in my heart. I love the fact that your blog caters for lovers of both these books,as variations of N&S are sadly a very rare commodity!!

    I’m raising a glass of champagne to you,Rita,to celebrate you- your enthusiasm, your hard work and most importantly to thank you for a most enjoyable blog experience. Take a well deserved bow and have a sip of the champagne!
    Here’s to the next year of reading great books,writing intriguing reviews, fantastic giveaways and friendship! 😌

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for all your kind words and support Mary! I love reading your comments as they are always incredible insightful, and I’ve come to realize we have the same tastes! I know I will love any book recommended by you!
      I’m also very, very happy that I’ve found a N&S fan in you! It is so good to know I can talk to you not only about Darcy and Elizabeth but also about John and Matgaret! I don’t know many readers who love both books as much as you do, and I confess I feel a special bond to you because of that (and many other things, of course).
      I’m having that sip of champagne hoping we will continue in touch for many, many years :)))
      Thank you for everything Mary!!


  9. karenmcoxbooks

    Congratulations, Rita! I’m so glad you decided to continue your blog. Here’s to many more years of celebrating Jane Austen and North and South! 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations! Your blog is great as it is!!!! or as Mr D. from Bridget Jones would say “I like you very much. Just as you are.” 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  11. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Thank you for sharing your JAFF journey this past year, Rita. Congratulations for quickly growing into a go-to blog for this reader/author. Please do not enter me as I have signed print copies of both.
    Balloons! Confetti!! Chocolate!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Christina Boyd

    Fantastic site! Don’t change a thing. Congratulations. Ps– I own both so please don’t include me in the giveaway contest. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Happy anniversary!!! I like your blog and try to read it when I have time (unfortunately, not very often 😦 )

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Laurie May Aquino

    Hello! I’m very new in the world of JAFF and Austen, and consequently this blog. I’ve always loved P&P but I never thought there were all manners of books available on it, until this year. It’s a bit daunting at times, but in a fun way. It’s always an adventure to find a good book. That’s why this blog, along with your list and reviews (and others) are such a great help! Since I’m new to this, it’s nice to have a guide in the world of JAFF 🙂 Thanks! And more power to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome to th JAFF community Laurie!!
      I’m so glad you’ve found this blog, and possibly many others that can help you select the best books!
      The problem is that there are so many good books out there we hardly have the time to read all we want. I honk that is also another good reason to have these books categorized, because this way we will know which type of books are our favorites (variations, sequels, modernizations, secondary characters etc) and focus on those 😉
      I’m a fan of variations, what about you?
      Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  15. Lisa Hatfield

    Happy Blog Anniversary!!!!!! I own both of those amazing books…both are superb five star reads!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Congratulations on a wonderful year!
    No need to add me to the giveaway either, I also own both books!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I remember my own journey when I discovered the great world of the JAFF community. I was equally excited. I am very happy you did your blog. It is a great addition to the community!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pam Hunter

    Congratulations on your 1st anniversary! I’m sure it will be the first of many more! I love your blog, and I appreciate all the interviews, information, and reviews you bring to us. Thanks for all the hard work!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Glynis

    Keep up the great work Rita. I love to read your reviews. I too was desperate for more P&P and came across the first of Sharon Lathan’s Darcy and Elizabeth books in my book club. Loved it and there was an advert for the Linda Berdoll book in the back so I got that and their others. Then I started to search on Amazon and was lucky enough to find Imperative by Linda. Wells which blew me away. Luckily I had ordered both books and as soon as I had finished them I ordered all her others and re-read that while I was waiting for them. I have since found several other favourite authors and have many many books. I have Abigail’s book in paperback but only have the ebook of Joana’s so I would love to win the signed copy of that please. Thanks again Rita 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • It always amazes me to know that some people actually discovered JAFF in bookshops, books clubs or libraries Glynis. For me JAFF as always something I could only find online (I guess It’s one of the problems of living in Portugal). I never read Imperative, maybe I should add it to my TBR pile, what do you think?
      Thank you for stopping by and for all your incentive and kind words Glynis, they make me very happy 🙂


      • Glynis

        Yes Rita you should definitely read Imperative. You need to set aside a little time as each book is 800 pages but I loved every page and have read it so many times now that I have lost count. I am currently re-reading Fate and Consequence another of her great books also for the …….th time? I hope you do give it a try and would love to know what you think 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Happy Blog Birthday, Rita!

    It takes guts (and time), energy (and time), persistence (and time), and love (and time) to keep a blog running. Thank you, thank you for sharing your world and your favorite reads with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Laura!
      It does take a lot of time, lol. My husband already tells me I have my day job and the night shift for JAFF 😉 But even when I loose some hours of sleep because I need to post, I still feel it’s all worth it 🙂
      Thank you for giving us more of Darcy and Elizabeth! I have to Confess Darcy by Any Other Name is on my favorites list this year :)))) I hope to post the review shortly 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rita, thank you! I look forward to reading your thoughts.

        I still smile as I scroll past your Darcy By Any Other Name “book selfie” in my pictures file. Such a nice beach. Ahhh….summer for a few weeks more.


  21. BeckyC

    Happy blog birthday! I love your blog and appreciate the time you put in! I am thrilled with the N&S addition. So glad you stuck with it!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Congratulation, my dear! You did a wonderful job with this blog !

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Sophia Rose

    Love celebrating this milestone with you, Rita! Your blog is very special and a definite asset to the JAFF and N&SFF community. Your insightful reviews and guest posts are a highlight for me so I have nothing, but praise. 🙂
    Wishing you another wonderful year of blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Woo hoo! Happy anniversary and have a lovely day in celebration!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Congratulations on you blog anniversary!! I discovered your blog recently after a long search for good reviews on the JAFF books I’ve come to love so much. Keep up the good work 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  26. jenettajames

    Congratulations on a year of fine blogging Rita:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Theresa M

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I enjoy reading your reviews. The only problem is my TBR pile is rather massive as a result 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Happy blog anniversary! I only recently discovered your blog, and I’m a big fan. The JAFF community is wonderful, and I’m so thrilled to have found so many people who read and blog about the same things I do! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Anna! It’s curious because I have also only discovered your blog recently and I enjoy it immensely! I love it that there are so many people loving the same type of literature that I do too 🙂 I especially love to discuss opinions on books 🙂 I love it when people love the same things that I do 🙂


  29. Charlotte

    Yay happy blog anniversary 🙂 Love to read your reviews and get a good idea of the books I might like. These two sound great aswell, have not read them. So please count me in, thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Lyn Kaufmann

    Congratulations one your one year anniversary. I confess my opinion is plainly I need more time to read the things that bring me joy and binge watching Pride is on my list before school starts again!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. writinglynda

    Well congratulations! I am just now finding your blog from a link on Facebook and look forward to exploring it. I love the idea of knowing about the various fanfiction stories and selecting them rather than choosing blindly. And thanks for the giveaway, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Mary

    Rita,just dropped by to say please don’t include me in the giveaway as I’ve read both books!

    What a fantastic celebratory atmosphere your blog anniversary has generated!!! Such positive vibes and happy thoughts must make you so proud to be the recipient of such! ☺️Oh,happy day!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mary you really know how to make me happy!! Thank you so much for your positive comments! I truly value your opinions and love reading what you have to say about the books and reviews 🙂
      Thank you once more for your support :))


  33. Congrats on your Blogiversary, Rita! That is so exciting and what a great way to celebrate! 😀 Woot! I was honored and stunned by what I read in your post. I hope you never again doubt that you should blog! Your blog is lovely and unique and special to the JAFF community! I love how wanting better search options and classifications on amazon led you to starting your own blog! That’s amazing!

    No need to include me in the giveaway since I’m happy to say I own those two lovely books!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Happy Anniversary, Rita, and wishing you many more. I very much enjoy reading your posts here and on Facebook. My own introduction to JAFF came about around the beginning of the year when I was searching amazon for DVDs of filmed versions of P&P (still haven’t found the 1967 or 1938 versions) and several suggested items popped up — most of them were JAFF titles but I did not understand what they were at that point. One title was offered for free — Four Days in April by Maria Grace — so I figured what have I got to lose and ordered it. Once I read it I was hooked (and it’s still one of my favourite JAFF titles). I began to search: Bing, Facebook, amazon, you name it. And this introduced me to charming people like yourself who dedicate so much of their time to writing books and blogs about all things Jane. Other than an occasional vegetarian cookbook 🙂 almost all the books I buy for my kindle are JAFF. With all the FB posts, blogs, JA sections of general FF websites, and of course books, I have immersed myself in the wonderful world of JAFF stories and writers. If only there were more hours in the day! Many thanks for maintaining this blog and for your generous giveaway offer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s curious how we found JAFF in similar ways isn’t it. It seems strange but I have never read anything from Maria Grace! I’ll have to do it 🙂
      Thank you once more for your support!


  35. I love your blog, Rita! I’m so glad to have a fellow N&S lover too! 🙂 Isn’t it wonderful to find new friends and nice people through our love of stories!

    I have both books already so no need to enter me in the giveaway. By the way, in ‘Mr. Darcy’s Noble Connections’, there is a Lady Janet Taylor! Yes, that was my cameo! I won the privilege in a contest of sorts. 🙂 It was fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Janet! I love More Agreably Engaged too, It is wonderful to see all the support you give to North and South fanfic in there! It’s good to know I’m not the only one in love with both these stories 🙂
      Really? Having a character named after you is such an honor!
      Thank you again for stopping by and for everything you do for the JAFF and North and South community 🙂


  36. Michelle Fidler

    I think this is my first visit to your blog. I first got into Austen back in 2008 when they had a bunch of Austen movies on P.B.S. Then I discovered Austenesque books. I think I saw some at the main library (on display because of the P.B.S. event) and then looked some up on Amazon and discovered books such as Mr. Darcy’s Diary. I ordered some and started collecting them. I don’t have either book in your giveaway so I’d love the chance to win them. Mostly I read mysteries (cozies and historical).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome to From Pemberley to Milton Michelle! I hope you like it here 🙂
      I loved Mr. Darcy’s Diary! It was one of the first books I’ve read and I think it’s time I re-read it 🙂
      Good luck in the giveaway!


  37. suzanlauder

    I remember it as if it was just yesterday! I thought it was a cool twist to have an Austen/Gaskell centric blog because many readers love both. Even though I’m not a Gaskell fiction follower, some of my fave authors got their first writing mojo going because of Armitage, er, North and South! You were supportive of my writing from day one, and I only have to be embarrassed that I haven’t put my next book out sooner. We’re all readers, and I for one think we need reviewers like you who only add value to those who have been around for a while. You’ve quickly become one of the most enjoyable of the pack! Obrigada!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Suzan! You are so kind!!!
      Yes, please,please, please publish your next book soon!!!
      Obrigada to you too :))) Your support has also been there from day one and I really appreciate it :))


  38. Amanda

    Happy Blogiversary! I loved Pride & Prejudice since I saw the 2005 movie. Now to clear things up, I was 11 at the time and did read the book first. Actually, I refused to see the movie until I read the book. Being 11 at the time I got confused at times at which Miss Bennet was who, so when I saw the movie it clarified things a bit. I can’t tell you when I first read Emma but I believe Persuasion was in 12th grade. I really didn’t find out about or explore JAFF until late last year and started visiting blogs around April. I think one of things that helped me branch out was when I discovered The Lizzie Bennet Diaries on youtube last year. It’s just spread from there really. I couldn’t be happier reading the small amount of JAFF ebooks I have and now I have 1 book too. I always loved historical fiction and as I grew up liked a little bit of romance in it and JAFF gives that to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Amanda! I never saw the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube! I guess it’s one more ink I need to check 😉
      I also love historical fiction and when we add romance to it, it’s the perfect combination 🙂


  39. Congratulations on your blog’s First Anniversary! Sad to say, I had never heard of Pride and Prejudice or Jane Austen until I was in my mid-forties, half a dozen years ago, when my husband introduced me to it via the 2005 movie adaptation.

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  40. Happy Anniversary! I was in high school when I first read Pride and Prejudice and since then I became addicted to more Austen and Austenesque books, movie adaptations, and just anything that has to do with Miss Jane Austen! I’d be very happy to have the chance of having those books on my hands/in my shelves because I’m sure those books are just wonderful. I hope you keep on writing and happy blogging~!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Happy Anniversary! Wonderful blog for JAFF and N&S-related books.

    dholcomb1 (at) aol (dot) com

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  42. Well, from the beggining I knew this a special place 🙂 You dragged me into this and I am glad of it, for it brought us back together after so many years!
    Since my first JAFF book was from Mrs. Starnes, I see it so fitting that you have one of hers in this giveaway (fingers crossed that I might win it) – I have grown quite fond of her writing 😀

    Now I am plowing through North & South, which I feel is heavier because of all the sociological implications entwined in the plot, before heading to the BBC series with the dashing Richard Armitage (sigh). Once I am done (which I bet will be during my vacation), there’s a ton of JAFF in my kindle waiting to be read. But a paper book always wins priority, so… we’ll see! 😀

    Happy anniversary and here’s to many more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Rellaenthia!
      I’m so happy to have introduced you to JAFF, as now you are even reading books I’ve never read and recommending them to me! You are my greatest achievement in what comes to JAFF 🙂
      Good luck in the giveaway 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  43. Happy Anniversary, Rita!!

    Your blog is absolutely awesome and I’m SO glad you started it. There can’t be too many places where we can all get together to share our love of Jane, and yours is unique in that we get the chance to worship Mr Thornton as well as Mr Darcy 😀

    I’m so honoured that The Subsequent Proposal is part of your celebrations, along with Abigail’s book (BTW, please don’t enter me in the giveaway, I have & love Mr D’s Noble Connections).

    Here’s to many happy years at Pemberley and Milton and have lots of fun, whatever you do!


  44. Pingback: The Subsequent Proposal Giveaway Winner | From Pemberley to Milton

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