Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry S. Richman – Excerpt & Giveaway

Good Afternoon everyone,

I’m very happy to open the blog tour for Barry S. Richman’s Doubt Not, Cousin today. This is Mr. Richman’s first Austenesque book, and therefore his first visit at From Pemberley to Milton, but I hope to see him again soon, especially after having read the excerpt he choose to share with us 🙂

This is the first stop of the blog tour that will last for several days ending on July 21st at Austenesque Reviews, and I hope you join me in wishing Mr. Richman all the luck, not only with this tour, but also with his book. It appears to have a couple that is not seen very frequently in the genre, and I am curious! What about you? Did you ever imagined Kitty with the Colonel? Let us know what you think in the comments and apply to the giveaway Meryton Press is offering 🙂

I want to thank Mr. Richman for his kind words, Janet Taylor for the patience she always has with me, and Meryton Press for allowing me to spread the word about another wonderful book 🙂

NEW excerpt

Rita, thank you for hosting me. I am very grateful that such an influential website would entertain a first-time author such as myself. It makes my reading-turned-writing passion for Pride and Prejudice variations much more enjoyable. Who ever thought a crusty military veteran such as I would even attempt to write romance? Not I! So without further ado, …

The following scene is one I enjoyed putting together. It allows the reader to experience the long-term kinship between the two cousins and their incredible familiarity with each other. I laugh every time I read it. The grown men exchange personal banter and unspoken communication like the children they were during their summers together at Pemberley. It also marks their first concrete steps towards a Happily Ever After with their chosen lady loves. Get ready for a beautiful day lakeside.


Darcy waited for his cousin at the stables. Goliath was saddled and champed at his bit. Perseus, too, was saddled, but much like the colonel, awaited his rider motionlessly and mute. The colonel strode into the stable wearing an open military livery coat in blues and golds. Darcy’s surprise clearly showed.

The colonel closed his eyes. Darcy knew he did not want to entertain questions but opted to ignore him. “Interesting choice of uniform, Cousin.” He did not try in the least to hide the smirk on his face.

Richard narrowed his eyes, looked off into the distance, and exhaled through his nose. Darcy caught the glimpse of a grin.

“Where are your reds?”


Richard dissembling? Oh ho!

Darcy mounted Goliath. He heard Richard grunt his approval. “A tall beast requires a taller beast, and you, cousin, and Darcy are both very tall beasts.”

Darcy grinned. Richard smiled at his own clever wordplay.

Richard mounted Perseus. The war horse drew alongside Goliath. Looking over his shoulder, Darcy confirmed the Hursts followed in their carriage, ensuring that little in the way of footmen or chaperones would be required for the day’s outing.

Darcy continued to glance over at his cousin. His excuse regarding his red coat being delayed at the laundress was a bag of moonshine. Fitzwilliam uncharacteristically fidgeted. Darcy offered a helping hand. “Just tell me, Cousin. The boot is quite on the other foot this time, I daresay.”

Richard returned his cousin’s glance, his eyes flat and emotionless.

Darcy ignored the threat. He knew Richard was planning the many ways he would deal out some level of punishment without leaving marks. He decided the exercise was worth the risk.

Richard exhaled, shaking his head.

“Kitty favors blue,” he said in surrender.



The picnic goers left Longbourn an hour later, a mixed bunch. Darcy and Richard remounted their horses, respecting Mr. Bennet’s suggestion they travel as such. The carriage held Hurst and Louisa, Elizabeth, and Kitty. Driving the carriage was Reeves; Ron and Kale followed in a cart carrying chairs, linens, a table, and several baskets of food. A basket contained water and various fruit drinks. Mrs. Bennet had not approved of either wine or ale.

Their destination was the large pond east of Hertford, an hour-long carriage ride away.

After Ron and Kale set up the table and chairs, the footmen took the carriage to a vantage point far enough away to be out of the participants’ notice but still have a line of sight per Mr. Bennet’s orders.

The two single gentlemen suggested a walk around the pond, an invitation the ladies accepted. The Hursts, cognizant of the romantic setting, sat and partook of the delightful repast.


Darcy escorted Elizabeth along the water’s edge, satisfied to simply bask in his siren’s scent. Unfortunately, the lady was not of a silent bent.

“We must have conversation, Mr. Darcy.”

“Must we?”

“We must.”

“I am perfectly happy to oblige. Please advise me of what you would like most to hear.”

“That reply will do for the present. What say you of favorites?”

“Favorites? Such as…?”

“Colors, sir.”

“Colors? Umm…gold, I believe. Yes, gold. And yours, Miss Elizabeth?”

“Green. What of your morning beverage? Coffee or tea?”

“Coffee. Yours?”

“Tea. Oh dear, we are not in accord. Nevertheless, what of flowers?”

“Flowers, Miss Elizabeth?”

“Yes, flowers, Mr. Darcy. What flowers do you enjoy seeing on your desk? In your parlors?”

Darcy gave it a moment of thought. His Elizabeth’s favorite was surely lavender. Yet, his mother’s rose garden formed from the mists of his memory.

“Roses, mum…m…m,” he replied. He hoped his wordplay pleased her. She rewarded him.

“Well done, Mr. Darcy.” She squeezed his arm. Darcy wanted to jump up and capture a cloud.

“Had I thought you a flirt, sir, I would have expected you to offer lavender.”

“My mother adored roses.”

“As do you?”

“As do I.”

“Well expressed, sir.”

Her fingers kneaded his biceps again.

The couple walked on, chatting and exchanging favorites. They circled back to the food table and the Hursts.


Richard ambled along the water’s edge, satisfied with the silence of basking in his muse’s aura. Fortunately, Miss Kitty was also of a silent bent.

Richard saw a large tree atop a small rise that overlooked the pond. He led Kitty to the tree, and his eyes asked her permission to stop. She nodded. Richard stood still, unsure of how to declare himself. Kitty helped him along by raising her left hand.

Richard took her hand and applied the slightest of pressure guiding her toward himself. Miss Kitty stepped closer. Richard placed her fingers over his heart. He felt vulnerable because he knew that she would feel the scars beneath his linen shirt.

Kitty’s eyes glistened. He started to explain but stopped as she shook her head. He waited.

“I am overwhelmed at the honor you do me.”

Richard released her hand and passed her his handkerchief. She dried her eyes, smiled at him, and lifted her hand, palm up. Unsure of her gesture, Richard placed his right hand in hers.

Kitty raised his hand to her lips and kissed his scars. She lifted it to her face, turning it so that it cupped her cheek. Richard’s breathing went ragged. Her eyes were hooded.

Tightening his fingers the tiniest fraction, he gained her attention. Does fortune favor the bold?

“My dear, could you…could you ever love one…one such as I?”

The light from her eyes refracted through her tears into a rainbow of acceptance. Richard saw her swallow, her throat tight.

“I already do,” she rasped aloud.

Richard exhaled. His insides vibrated as they did after a battle. He realized he had just been in one, the most desperate in his life. He had lost—and won—the battle for his heart. He kissed her knuckles. He vowed, from that day forward, to bestow the same to this much-beloved appendage daily.

In victorious submission, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam held out his arm and escorted Miss Catherine Bennet back to the food table, more than happy to allow the Hursts to carry the conversation. Neither of the silent lovers hid their looks of shared longing.

NEW book blurb

Darkness, in many forms, must be conquered

to emerge into the light and embrace one’s happily ever after.

Fitzwilliam Darcy. Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam.

Two cousins, closer than brothers.

One finds love despite his inner demons; the other resists love because of them.

Elizabeth Bennet. Kitty Bennet.

Two sisters, strengthened by adversity.

One willingly yields to love; the other pridefully misinterprets it.

An epic saga steeped in intrigue and gift-wrapped in romance, Doubt Not, Cousin chronicles the trials and tribulations of three extraordinary families during England’s Regency era.

… But who is the girl with the violet eyes?

You can find Doubt Not, Cousin at:

and Kindle Unlimited

Barry S. Richman is a military veteran and corporate logistics professional. While he was recuperating at home after having his wisdom teeth extracted in 2003, he picked up a copy of Pride and Prejudice and has yet to put it down.

In the past twenty years, he has read thousands of Pride and Prejudice variations. Watching him complete a book every other day, his wife of thirty years suggested he write one.

Doubt Not, Cousin is his first book.

Barry and his “Jane Bennet” live in Los Angeles and Alaçatı, a small seaside town in southwestern Turkey.

Contact Info

Facebook * IG * GoodreadsAmazon Author Page  * WebsiteYouTube Channel 

The blog tour has just started, but it will go on for several days, you can continue to follow it to obtain more information about Doubt Not, Cousin 🙂

July 13 From Pemberley to Milton

July 14 Babblings of a Bookworm

July 17 Delighted Reader 

July 18 Savvy Verse and Wit

July 19 My Jane Austen Book Club

July 20 Interests of a Jane Austen Girl

July 21 Austenesque Reviews

Meryton Press will be giving away one eBook copy of Doubt Not, Cousin to readers stopping by at From Pemberley to Milton, if you’d like to enter the giveaway please leave a comment below and let us know what you think about this premise and excerpt. The giveaway is open until the 22nd of July and the winner will be announced shortly after.

Good luck everyone!


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45 responses to “Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry S. Richman – Excerpt & Giveaway

  1. evamedmonds

    Congratulations on this novel! I did love Colonel’s comment that “Kitty likes blue”. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.


  2. Glynis

    Please don’t enter me in the giveaway as I have this book and will be reading it as soon as possible.
    I love this excerpt, even though it seems the path to true love may be more straightforward for the Colonel than for Darcy. However I’m certain that they’ll both have a happy ending.


  3. Glory

    CONGRATULATIONS on your book & I have added it to my wish list/ to read pile 😉


  4. Nope, Colonel and Kitty is a definite no.


  5. Cristina Silva

    Wow! So happy to see a new story featuring the Colonel. Always though that he also deserved a happy ending and finding a soul mate to travel those troubling Regency times! I will be checking it out!


  6. Happy release day, Barry! I look forward to reading your novel! 🙂


  7. sheilalmajczan

    Just borrowed this from KU. Looking forward to reading it. Good luck with the release.


  8. Sophia Rose

    Fun byplay between the cousins. I’m looking forward to reading the whole story.

    Please don’t enter me, Rita!


  9. coleen561

    I enjoyed the excerpt, and I’m intrigued by the blurb. I also enjoy various pairings for the colonel, so I don’t mind the idea of him and Kitty at all. What fun would there be if there was no variation in the variations? LOL


  10. I love books that focus on the Colonel as long as he’s not paired with Elizabeth so definitely one I’d love to read. Congrats on the release!


  11. Mihaela

    Great choice of an excerpt – looking forward to reading the entire story.
    Great choice of the breaking the blog tour also by first visiting lovely Rita’s site!
    Congratulations and have a great week “travelling”.


  12. Julie Goodman

    Congrats on your new book! Would love to read.


  13. suzanlauder

    That excerpt was sure romantic! I look forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing, Barry. Obrigada to Rita for hosting.


  14. TC

    Congratulations on your first book! I love interactions between these cousins.


  15. editingzeal

    I like the Richard and I especially like to see him marry Charlotte or one of the Bennet sisters, particularly Jane, so she’s not stuck with Charles, but never Lydia. This means I expect to enjoy this work.


  16. Taswmom

    I have read a couple of Kitty and Richard variations, and really like them both. I would love to know what lead up to this moment, and, I guess I will, when I read the full book. I love the blurb!
    Congratulation and best of luck in your new writing career!


  17. Colleen

    Ooooh, Kitty! I’m so excited!


  18. caroleincanada

    Congratulations, again! There is so much I love about this book…outside- the-box premise, Kitty, and drama…that I had to buy the paperback! It will be my treat to read after the family has left at the end of this month!


  19. Janet Taylor

    The lovely excerpt makes me want to read this book again. Thanks for sharing it, Barry, and best wishes with your book baby. Rita, thank you for hosting Barry and his new book. It is always good to stop by “your place.”


  20. buturot

    Thank you for sharing. Enjoyed this excerpt, especially The Richard and Kitty’s moment


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