An Interview with Georgiana Darcy, Star of Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling by Leah Page & Giveaway

Good Afternoon everyone,

I am delighted to welcome to From Pemberley to Milton for the first time Leah Page, author of the recently released P&P variation Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling. This is the author’s second JAFF book and I admit I loved the idea of having a story with Georgiana’s POV, in which she is the main character, but that is focused on Darcy and Elizabeth’s relationship. Usually stories with the secondary characters POV are focused on that particular character, but in this one it appears that Georgiana will be an intervenient party in Darcy and Elizabeth’s romance. It promises to be very interesting! Plus, it has some paranormal involved, so this could be a good addition to our BINGO 🙂

Have you heard about this book before? What do you think of the premise? What about the interview? Isn’t it enticing? Let us know your opinion in the comments and don’t forget to click on the raffle link to apply to the giveaway.

Thank you so much for visiting Ms. Page! It is a pleasure to have you here, and hopefully we’ll see you again 🙂

NEW interview

Please welcome Georgiana Darcy to today’s blog. Miss Darcy has agreed to share some of her thoughts on Leah Page’s newest book, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling. The book contains a series of diary entries written by Miss Darcy in the fall of 1811.

Miss Darcy, thank you for sharing your time with us today. Can you tell us what went through your mind when you learned that Leah Page had published your diary from the time you visited Netherfield Park?

 I believe the first thing I said was, “Miss Bingley will never speak to me again.” I then followed that comment with a happier, “Miss Bingley will never speak to me again!” On a serious note, I admit that I was concerned about the publication. My diary contains some very private information, and not just about me. There are several entries that highlight my brother’s, let’s just call them ‘romantic foibles’. I was naturally concerned that he would be embarrassed by what I wrote, but more importantly that his bride would be appalled to find out the truth about their courtship.

So what changed your mind? 

Ultimately, I decided that Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth’s story should be shared. It highlights that even the greatest of love stories have overcome obstacles. I also wanted other young witches, like me, to better understand what they are capable of. Using magic to remove pesky stains or reheat tea is all well and good, but to harness power so you can ensure the happiness of a beloved brother – that’s the real value of magical talent. 

You mentioned that your brother suffered from ‘romantic foibles.’ How did you use magic to assist him? 

When Fitzwilliam first met his one-true-love he called her “tolerable” and refused to dance with her. At first, I did not think much of it. She is, after all, his one-true-love. I thought, “How much damage could one ill-considered comment do?” But then, Mrs. Annesley reminded me having a one-true-love does not necessarily mean one has a happy-ever-after. That is when she and I concocted a plan to help my brother overcome his taciturn manner and win the regard of his lady. 

How did you know that Miss Elizabeth was his one-true-love?

I did not. Mrs. Annesley read Fitzwilliam’s tea leaves when he left the breakfast table, and they informed us that he would meet his lady love that evening. Since I knew he planned to attend the Meryton assembly with Mr. Bingley, it was simple enough to figure out where he would encounter her. It was several days later before I learned that the lady in question was Elizabeth. 

Diaries are often filled with private confidences. Does the book contain any of your most embarrassing secrets?

I wrote the book for my future niece. I wanted her to have a front-row seat to her mother and father’s romance. So knowing that she would someday be my audience prevented me from sharing my own secrets. It did not, however, prevent me from writing about some of my more unorthodox uses of magic. There are a few entries that I now wish I could rewrite. The reader will learn that I am not the sweet, proper girl everyone thinks me to be. 

Are you saying you are mischievous, Miss Darcy?

It would be impossible for a sixteen-year-old witch to not get into mischief every once and a while. But I have matured. I am now seventeen and my childish actions are behind me. Besides, I never did anything too bad. Only small things that annoyed a person. Except, well –  You shall have to read the book to learn all my misdeeds. 

Your aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, is known for her forthright manners. How did she respond when she learned about your brother’s romance with Elizabeth?

You will need to read the book to learn that, too. I will only say that she did not use her Fitzwilliam magic to best effect. Yes, you read that correctly. Lady Catherine also inherited magical talents. So if you hear someone refer to her as ‘that witch’ they are correct. 

Before you leave us, will you share a passage from your book?

Sure. This is a passage from the night of the assembly. Since I was not permitted to attend the dance, I had to cast a riding spell. That allowed me to see and hear everything Fitzwilliam experienced.

From Chapter Two:

“Georgiana, I am sorry to leave you alone tonight. Were it not for the fact that Miss Bingley would remain as well, I would stay here with you. You know I loathe a ball.” 

This drew a giggle from me. Fitzwilliam was correct. If he chose to remain at Netherfield Park with me, Miss Bingley would do the same. Without her brother to temper her, her company would prove intolerable. 

“I am glad you will attend the dance,” I said. “I suspect you will have a fantastic night and, perhaps, you will meet someone special.”

My brother scoffed at this. “Hardly. This is a rustic community filled with families of little consequence.” Fitzwilliam can act rather high in the instep at times. I know he does not mean it; it is only that he is reticent to meet new people and uses his place in society as a mask. But to others it can be quite off-putting. 

“Fitzwilliam, promise me that you will at least try to have a good time and will be polite to the people you meet.” 

“Of course, of course,” said he, waving away my advice. Perhaps a man of eight-and-twenty finds it challenging to heed advice from a mere girl of sixteen.

He stood then and walked to the sideboard to pour another glass of port. Mrs. Annesley gave me a nudge, prompting me to cast my magic. The absence of the Bingley family from the room was a relief, as their presence would have complicated my task. I took the moonstone from my pocket and gripped it tightly between my hands. 

Whispers, glances, let me borrow,

See and hear through joy and sorrow.

Through your eyes, a world unfolds,

Through your ears, the tale is told.

I had to whisper this part, otherwise Fitzwilliam would have known I had placed him under my spell. I observed him closely. He did not seem to be impacted by my words at all. He still stood with the decanter in his hand, meticulously pouring a perfect serving into his glass. I, however, felt an instantaneous difference. Normally, casting a spell feels much like scratching an itch. It is delicious and satisfying. This spell did not feel at all like that. My body jumped with new sensations. Electric currents raced along my spine, clouding my mind. It was a bit like the time I had three glasses of wine with dinner. My head lolled to one side, and Mrs. Annesley edged closer to steady me. “I believe you could do with some tea,” said she. She wedged me into the settee and then rose to pull the bell cord. 

Soon after, the party left Netherfield, and Mrs. Annesley and I retired to my room. Normally, a riding spell would only allow the caster to see what was happening; however, Mrs. Annesley wanted to have her fun, as well. With a bit of her own magic, she cast the visions, so they played like a moving picture on the blank pages of this very diary. It was much like watching a play, but from the comfort of my suite. What a pity that not all possess witchcraft, for watching a story unfold while wearing a nightdress and eating cakes is a lovely way to spend an evening. 

NEW book blurb

Sixteen-year-old Georgiana Darcy harbors a secret—she’s recently discovered she is a witch! Under the tutelage of a wise and witchy companion, she spends her days casting spells and plotting the occasional hex against the irksome Miss Bingley.

When the tea leaves reveal that her brother, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, is destined to meet his one true love at a local assembly, Georgiana cannot resist using her newfound powers to eavesdrop. Unfortunately, the encounter is far from magical. Fitzwilliam’s clumsy attempts at affection are doomed without her intervention. Armed with her trusty diary and a knack for magical mischief, Georgiana vows to document—and secretly improve—each of her brother’s courtship efforts, ensuring he never strays from his path to true love. But when Lady Catherine de Bourgh senses a budding romance, the stakes rise.

Will the fledgling witch secure her brother’s happiness and manage the magical realm’s unpredictable twists? Or will her enchanted endeavors fizzle just when she needs them the most?

Humorous, heartfelt, and utterly enchanting, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling invites you to experience Darcy and Elizabeth’s romance through the eyes of a clever, charming, and slightly meddlesome young witch. Her diary isn’t just a record of magical mayhem—it’s a confirmation of the love, laughter, and lunacy that make up her witchy life.


You can find Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling at:

and on Kindle Unlimited

NEW author bio

Leah Page loves books, hiking, and the Bengals (Who Dey!).  She has a passion for travel, is doing her best to learn Spanish, and has plans to live “a little bit of everywhere” when her husband retires. For now, you can find her sitting at her writing desk in Kentucky while her sidekick pup sleeps in her lap.   

Leah writes Pride and Prejudice fan fiction. If you would like to learn more, visit

Leah Page is offering one free copy of Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling to a lucky From Pemberley to Milton reader. To qualify for the drawing, comment on this post and click on this link. Good luck!

Good luck everyone!


Filed under JAFF, North and South, Pride and Prejudice

11 responses to “An Interview with Georgiana Darcy, Star of Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling by Leah Page & Giveaway

  1. Georgiana is a witch? I am looking forward to reading that. Thank you for the excerpt and the giveaway. Congrats and best wishes on the new release.


  2. Jessica Lowery

    Looking forward to reading this!


  3. Magical witchy younger sibling mischief in pursuit of older sibling felicity? Sign me up, this one has all I could want! It’ll be at the top of my tbr as soon as I get it!

    lovely way to introduce the book, too! Very creative!


  4. Jeanne Garrett

    Oh, this sounds cute. I’ve put it on my TBR wish list.


  5. TC

    This looks like a lot of fun. I love the cover!


  6. Juli

    I’m definitely reading this! Georgiana as a witch… ❤️‍🔥


  7. Glory

    Rita – I love how you did the interview style, it adds lots of fun to reading the post.

    I got to do an ARC read for this & there are some laugh out loud things that are too good! Oh the 2 step forward & 4 back – hahahaha

    (I dont need to be entered into the drawing).


  8. Love magic in stories so I’m sure this is one I’d enjoy.


  9. TLM

    Interesting perspective on a love story. I love witch-y stories and that it was written as a diary entry for a niece means it’s a “clean” romance. This will probably be one I’ll open & then read right thru til the end.


  10. Hi Rita!

    I’ve enjoyed so much the interview with Georgiana!

    And this book is my cup of tea: fantasy and fun 😉

    Thank you Leah, for the chance to win a copy. You won me with the cover, then with the story and…finally…you’re learning spanish! I’m spanish LOL

    Good luck with the release! Although you don’t need it because you have “magic” 🙂



  11. glyniswhitelegg

    I like the sound of this one, I’ve only just heard of it but love the idea of Georgiana helping Darcy to win Elizabeth. Great interview as well. I’m adding this to my list as I don’t enter Rafflecopter ever!


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