A Man with Faults – Launch Post & Giveaway

Hello everyone,

I’m very excited to be sharing with you today the launch post of Lory Lilian’s new book, A Man With Faults.

Lory Lilian is one of those authors who doesn’t need introduction, as she has been writing JAFF for almost two decades and is well known in the community. But for those who do not know her, I must tell you she has long won the title of “Queen of Mush”, however, with A Man with Faults she decided to surprise us and go angsty! Can you imagine how happy I was to see that one of my favourite writers was now writing one of my favourite type of books?! I’m ecstatic and I can not wait to start reading this book!!!

Oh… and I better not start talking about the cover! It is just pure perfection!

But I will stop rambling, and let you read what Lory wants to share with you along with an excerpt of the book.

A Man With Faults has gone live a few minutes ago, and you can now find it in ebook format and on Kindle Unlimited at:



Dear readers,

I am very happy to be again at “From Pemberley to Milton”! It is one of my favorite cyber places dedicated to jaff and I wish to thank Rita for her kind invite.

Today I’m celebrating with you the launching of my new book (the 7th) “A Man With Faults!” 7 is, for sure, a magic number because my 7th book also marks 7*2  (fourteen) years since I have discovered jaff. And it is my first book with real angst! Scary, for an angst wimp like me!

As you might know, in my previous stories, my aim was to make my readers feel good. Low angst, lots of mush, more low angst, a little bit more hot mush. Well, this book is different. Fear not! It is the same Elizabeth and Darcy, the same love story & mush (at some point LOL). But with much more angst.

The story begins in London, three months after the Hunsford proposal which now is even worse than in original! (yeap)  Due to some health problems, the Gardiners cannot take Lizzy in the long promised tour, but she will remain in Town to help her aunt. In a small park near Gracechurch Street, Elizabeth meets a young woman accompanied by an elder one. They definitely do not belong there but Elizabeth keeps meeting day after day. And let us not forget that it is summer time. Even if Elizabeth is not at Pemberley, Wickham and Lydia are in Brighton … Need I say more? “evil grin here”

Well, how could I better explain, than post a short excerpt that you can read bellow? Let me know what you think and decide if I should angst again in the future or not!



“She soon heard voices, and a woman of middle age with handsome features and a confident posture appeared, measuring Elizabeth with critical eyes.

“I am Mrs. Gilbert, the housekeeper. I understood you came to see the master.”


“He is being informed as we speak, but I must warn you that it is very unlikely he will receive you without previous notice.”

“I understand that—thank you. I will wait.”

Elizabeth’s kind politeness seemed to gain the housekeeper’s sympathy.

“You should come inside and take a seat. May I offer you tea?”

“I thank you, no. I do not wish to interrupt your daily tasks. I will wait here for as long as is necessary.”

Elizabeth remained alone again; she clasped her hands together to hide her increasing nervousness. So far, she had found out that he was at home and there was a slight chance she would see him eventually. That was as good news as she could hope for.

To her disbelief, only a couple of minutes later, another servant appeared and bowed to her.

“Miss Bennet, the master is waiting for you in the library. I will show you to him.”

Her knees weakened, and her steps became unsteady. She prayed she would manage to fight her turmoil and to behave reasonably when she faced him.

The notion that he agreed so quickly to receive her was equally surprising and frightening. Was he willing to learn what she had to say and to offer his help, or had he hurried to see her just for the chance of throwing her out of his house?

The servant stopped in front of an impressive door and opened it slowly.

“Miss Elizabeth Bennet to see you, sir.”

She dared to glance inside the room. The curtains were pulled shut, and she could barely see. She only observed a long desk right by the window and a figure resting on the chair behind it.

His voice startled her, and cold shivers shattered her while a sudden lump in her throat left her speechless. The door closed, and a chill darkness gripped her.”


What did you think of this excerpt? I loved it! It gave me the impression that Elizabeth will pine over Mr. Darcy and I love books where that happens. Doesn’t it look like she cares for him already and is afraid of what his reaction will be? And why is she seeking him? Will she ask for his help with the Lydia/Wickham issue?

Honestly I can not wait to read it!!!

Thank you so much for allowing me to celebrate with you the release of A Man with Faults Lory! It is a great honor to receive you in From Pemberley to Milton, especially in special day. I wish you all the best with this new release and I am sure it will be a success as big as Rainy Days.

Now, I would like to share with you the book blurb and the giveaway details.


Resentment or love, anger or passion, guilt or hope—which will win? How does a man with faults and a resentful temper act when the woman he ardently loves fiercely rejects his marriage proposal and accepts no explanation from him?

How does he react when she finds him again in London four months later, asks for his help, and places all her hopes in him?

And what does he do if she is in a position to help him in return?

Their lives—and those of the people around them—are changed in ways they could never imagine. Happiness and peace seem lost forever, but Fate has other plans and propels them on a journey—difficult and romantic, tender and painful—in pursuit of their happily ever after.



Lory Lilian would like to offer 2 ebook copies of any of her books to my readers. You can choose any of her books listed below, including A Man with Faults which has just been released today 🙂

Remembrance of the Past, Rainy Days, His Uncle’s Favorite, The Perfect Match, Sketching Mr. Darcy, The Rainbow Promise, A Man with Faults.

All you have to do to enter the giveaway is comment on this post and share your excitement for this new story with us. To get a second entrance in the giveaway, share this post announcing the release of A Man with Faults on any social media and share the link on this post.

The giveaway is international and is open until the 30th of April. The winner will be announced shortly after.

If you don’t want to miss the announcement of the winner and therefore miss the opportunity to see your name there, please follow From Pemberley to Milton. By doing so you will receive an email every time a new post is published and will not miss your prize if you are the lucky winner.

Good Luck everyone!


Filed under JAFF, Pride and Prejudice

85 responses to “A Man with Faults – Launch Post & Giveaway

  1. Rita, thank you for this lovely post! Well, this 7th book was a strange thing! For mysterious reasons, it took it 3 times more than my others to go live and the cover is still not available (hopefully it will be soon). It must from the angst! I am afraid I won’t write anther angsty book anytime soon 🙂 🙂 🙂


  2. Nicole Barton Sasser

    Looking forward to reading 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Elizabeth calling on Mr Darcy alone? Without a chaperone? Hmmm … it will be very interesting to see how this turns out. Va doresc succes cu noua dvs carte, Lory. – Abia astept sa citeasca!
    Shared on FB at https://www.facebook.com/TeaGuide

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That was a great excerpt and made me so eager to read this book! I love Lory’s books, have read all of them and Rainy Days is one of my all time favorites. I have lost count of how many times I have reread it. I have this feeling A Man With Fault will be just as great! Thank you for the giveaway and congratulations on your new book, Lory!
    I shared it on my twitter:


  5. KateB

    Thanks Rita and Lory for this great post. 🙂 I’ve been checking Amazon all day for this book, and I have been wondering if I got the day wrong. 🙂 So excited!
    And of course I had to share my excitement. 😉
    Congratulations on the release of the book.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This sounds like another excellent book by you. Lory! I’m eager to read it and see what you have done with the angst. You definitely have my attention with this excerpt. I agree, Rita! The cover is lovely! Ellen P did it again! 😊
    Thanks Rita, for another great post. Congratulations Lory and I hope your book does exceedingly well. For some reason I feel quite confident in its success.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is isn’t it Janet? When I saw Lory’s cover reveal on Facebook I was amazed at how perfect it was! The letter is such a beautiful detail, and the silhouettes so classy! And the rose is the perfect color for the book. Not to mention the font on the title and authors name. I’m really in love with the cover and I think I’ll be in love with the book too. It seems the type of book I love 🙂
      Thank you for your kind words and support Janet 🙂


    • Thank you so much, Janet !


  7. Monica Perry

    Yay, a new Lory book! How exciting! I wondered too, if Darcy was depressed, or drunk. Or both. 😦 And the proposal scene is worse than canon?! I’m intrigued.
    Shared on twitter https://twitter.com/jaffobsession/status/854791964805537792


  8. J. W. Garrett

    OMG!! Rita, how cool to host the author’s book on launch day. I have read two Lilian books, have another in my TBR pile and three on my wish-list. Looks like I will be adding another to that wish-list. I can hardly wait. That excerpt was AWESOME!! I was a bit scared and nearly jumped myself … especially when that door closed. Whew! Blessings on a successful launch Lory!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do feel very honored to be doing the launch post for Lory’s book Jeanne. She is one of my favorite authors and I’m eager to read this new book, particularly as it is an angsty one 😉
      Which ones have you read? Have you read Remembrance of the Past? I think that one was my fav so far 🙂
      Good luck in the giveaway.


      • KateB

        Remembrance of the Past is wonderful, and I would say as angsty as you like Rita. My favorite is Sketching Mr Darcy. 🙂


    • Jeanne, thank you for your comment and good luck in the giveaway!
      Glad you liked the excerpt – yeap, that moment was a tensioned one. And the rest is even more 🙂


  9. Glynis

    At last! I do know how this story works out but now need to read it all in one go . If I bit my nails at all I’m afraid I would have none left. Will they, won’t they? For goodness sake say something! were my constant thoughts. I am not giving anything away as I personally hate spoilers . But Lory I will say I am very happy to read anything you care to write (although I myself prefer the romance rather than the angst) saying that this book is definitely a must read with a couple of fabulous new characters.. Please don’t enter me in the giveaway as I have all Lory s fabulous books. I look forward to your review Rita

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sheila L. Majczan

    Wow, another release by an author whose books I have enjoyed. I have read and reviewed 6 of hers (all 4 or 5 stars from me). Count me in on the chance of winning. …curtains closed and a dark room…I have to believe either Darcy is depressed or he has suffered an injury he does not want her to see. I know he is not setting the stage for a seduction…is he?


    • I love the suspens in this excerpt Sheila, and I hadn’t thought about the possibility of Darcy being depressed. Could it be? Now I’m even more curious! Good luck in the giveaway.


      • Sheila L. Majczan

        As I could download this book under KU I am now 50% of the way through but would still like my own copy so don’t take my name out of the running. Darcy is certainly of firm opinions…so far.


    • Sheila – I loved all your reviews on my books! They are sharp, honest, detailed and very satisfying for me! Thank you!
      Well, on this new one – nope, definitely not a setting for seduction 🙂


  11. Sophia Rose

    There are not many authors’ books that make my re-read list, but Lory’s books do. Her heartfelt, warm and passionate renderings leave me craving more. This one sounds absolutely absorbing.
    Oh yeah, I’m wondering what she needs from him and how he’ll react, too, Rita. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. cvtperez

    I posted on Facebook but I can’t get it on the comment thread with my phone it Under Cherry Love

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jeannineinsd

    Lory, I have read and enjoyed all your books and will definitely read this one!


  14. Lenora Robinson

    I have all your books and reread them often, can’t wait to get this one


  15. Mary

    A new book by Lory??? Great news!!! I loved this excerpt. Just enough to whet our appetite and invite us to question what the outcome of their conversation will be!! Yes,it’s much darker than what we normally read in her books,but angst is necessary so we may all heave a collective sigh of relief when all is resolved!!! Cheers for a delightful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Ginna

    Well, I did not get the feeling of angst from that excerpt. However, it did *give* me angst, but you cut it off at such an illuminating moment! What happened next?! Why so ominous? Inquiring minds want to know!


  17. cvtperez

    My goodness I can’t wait to read this book I love Lory Lilian’s books. I have read all the ones I’ve been able to get my hands on.


  18. That was a very tantalising and intriguing excerpt, Lory! Why is Darcy hiding away in the dark, I wonder? Drunk, ill, depressed, injured? One or several are possible, I guess. I love a bit of angst in my JAFF and if it comes leavened with some “hot mush”, then so much the better.
    The cover design is absolutely stunning! Thanks so much for the giveaway. After I post this, I’ll go off and tweet and then come back with the link.


  19. jennifer Redlrczyk

    I’m so excited to read this new book. Thanks so much for featuring Lori. She is one of my favorite authors. Jen Red


  20. BeckyC

    Wonderful excerpt. I am left quite curious to see what would make Elizabeth seek out Darcy. And why is he sitting in the dark? I can’t wait!


  21. Carole in Canada

    Congratulations Lory on your 7th release and congratulations Rita on hosting the launch! I was holding my breath through that excerpt! Angst indeed! Looking forward to reading this one! Thank you for a chance at winning it! Love the cover too!


  22. A worse proposal than the original, ouch, I can’t wait to read. Glad that there might be a bit of pining on Elizabeth’s part as I love when that happens. Thanks for the blurb and giveaway!


  23. Laura C

    I can’t wait to read this!! I love all of Lory Lillian’s books and can’t wait to see what happens in this story with more angst! Love the idea of Elizabeth approaching an angry Darcy for help. Thank you for sharing!!


  24. Maria

    It sounds so interesting. Elizabeth going to a mad Darcy…wow! Can’t wait for this read. Thank you


  25. The excerpt makes Mr Darcy sound so frightening! Would love to read it anyhow, thanks for the giveaway.


    • Hi Priscilla 🙂 Yes, I know the excerpt sounds frightening, but trust me – I am a well-known angst wimp :-). Nothing can be TOO bad in my books:-)
      Good luck in the giveaway.


  26. Sheila L. Majczan

    I finished reading this delightful book and posted my review…5 stars


  27. This sounds fantastic! And the cover is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!


  28. Pam Hunter

    Loved the excerpt! Elizabeth in a darkened library with Darcy? I think it will either go very well or horribly wrong!
    Thanks for the giveaway! I love Lory’s books and would be thrilled to win her latest.
    Shared on twitter.


  29. Maria

    … via @Fromperberleytomilton


  30. evamedmonds

    Oh, my, Elizabeth calling on a single man (let alone Darcy) – what scandal has brought her to his door and what has happened? I thoroughly enjoy Lory Lilian’s books. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.


  31. I must confess I am just beginning my acquainted with Ms. Lilian’s work (blush) but I dare say that if it all reads such as the excerpt, I’ll be clinging to dear life after sleep deprivation from reading all her books cover to cover non-stop.
    The suspense in the excerpt is a killer, especially having chosen to cut off our “complimentary sample” at such a spot! 😀
    Now I must read it all!


  32. Dung

    Congrats on your 7th book! I’ve enjoyed reading your other works and can’t wait to read this one too!


  33. OMG! another awesome excerpt!! to be read now!!
    It has given me the chills!! I need to carry on reading from that excerpt 😀


  34. Look forward to reading another of your books


  35. Congratulations on successfully publishing your new P&P variation, Lory! The stunning cover made me think Meryton Press is publishing it because it looks just like their covers. But I was wrong. Anyway, the excerpt left me on tenterhooks and I wish to know what happens next.


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