Rational Creatures – Another Anthology Coming from The Quill Ink

Good Morning dear readers,

I am happy to bring to you some very exciting news when it comes to the JAFF community. In fact, what I am announcing today is something every Jane Austen enthusiast will be thrilled to know: Christina Boyd from The Quill Ink has once more gathered some of the best writers in the genre to honour Jane Austen and her feminist legacy. Each author will contribute with a unique story told from the point of view of an Austen female character that for some reason has shown the strength of character this anthology wishes to celebrate, but I will let Christina explain this project to you 🙂

I hope you get as excited as I am with these news, and I wish you all the luck for the fantastic giveaways Christina has brought for you 🙂

Christina Boyd

I am not a little proud to announce my third anthology in The Quill Collective series. Never heard of it? Aha! Likely because we have only coined the name when I decided to do another Austen-inspired anthology, and well, “series” would best indicate a number of books coming one after the other. You might better recognize the previous in the series as The Darcy Monologues and Dangerous to Know: Jane Austen’s Rakes & Gentlemen Rogues.

When asked about doing another anthology, readers frequently suggest another Darcy book or Elizabeth’s stories… But for me, it seemed to make sense, during this time of forwarding feminist sensibilities and given the verve of the present equality movements that the female perspective might be embraced amongst the Austen fandom—possibly beyond our polite borders. After all, Austen wrote of strong women who were ahead of their day.

Jane Austen’s novels evoke romantic imaginings of fastidious gentlemen and gently-bred ladies … Yet through her veiled wit, honest social commentary, and cleverly constructed prose in a style ahead of her day, Austen’s heroines manage to thwart strict mores—and even the debauchery of Regency England—to reach their fairytale endings. But have you never wondered about her other colorful characters like Mary Crawford, Hetty Bates, Elinor Tilney, Louisa Musgrove, et al.—and how they came to be? In Persuasion, Mrs. Croft says, “But I hate to hear you talking so, like a fine gentleman, and as if women were all fine ladies, instead of rational creatures. We none of us expect to be in smooth water all our days.” Those words have always struck me as terribly modern and I have wondered what Mrs. Croft might have been thinking of when she said those very words to her brother Captain Frederick Wentworth. I believe several of Jane Austen’s characters might have had feminist sensibilities, even if they yielded to the expectations of their sphere. It is our intent that in this collection of backstories or parallel tales off-stage of canon to remain true to the ladies we recognize in Austen’s great works—whilst stirring feminism in the hearts of some of these beloved characters. Thus, our title was born. Rational Creatures. Coming to you in October 2018. Stay tuned.

Once again, an extraordinary dream team of authors—I will refer to this group from here forward as #TheSweetSixteen—have entrusted their words to me. Previous anthology authors Karen M Cox,, J. Marie Croft, Amy D’ Orazio, Jenetta James, KaraLynne Mackrory, Lona Manning, Christina Morland, Beau North, Sophia Rose, Joana Starnes, Brooke West, and Caitlin Williams are joined by Elizabeth Adams, Nicole Clarkston, Jessie Lewis, and Anngela Schroeder. And if that isn’t enough for your “wow factor,” acclaimed author, Jane Austen scholar, and Guggenheim Fellow Devoney Looser is to write the foreword! I know, right? Wow! Just wow. #RationalCreatures indeed.


But wait! There’s more. Because this anthology is an homage to Jane Austen and her female characters, written by female authors, cover designed by Shari Ryan of MadHat Covers, and edited by me, Christina Boyd of The Quill Ink…it only made sense that our giveaways throughout this venture also highlight women-owned small businesses. And it is our sincere hope that whether you win any of our giveaways or not, you will support these business savvy, creative “rational creatures”:

  • Northanger Soapworks has specially created a “Rational Creatures” soap: fresh scent with notes of bergamot, apricot, and currant.
  • Paper & Slate has customized a “Rational Creatures” candle scent of white tea and plumeria.
  • PNW Vibes has bespoke tanks and tees, perfect for making the point that you too are a “rational creature.”

The Giveaways. Plural. And worldwide. The Quill Ink will giveaway three (3) prize packages of:

  1. An advanced copy of one story from Rational Creatures anthology; available in September
  2. One “Rational Creatures” custom soap by Northanger Soapworks
  3. One “Rational Creatures” novel candle by Paper & Slate
  4. One “Rational Creature” bespoke tank or tee by PNW Vibes
  5. E-books of The Darcy Monologues and Dangerous to Know: Jane Austen’s Rakes & Gentlemen Rogues

Giveaway closes May 10 at 11:59 PM, EST. How to enter:

  1. One prize package will be sent to one randomly drawn name. Simply visit and comment at all three blog stops for this announcement: JUST JANE 1813, Austenesque Reviews and From Pemberley to Milton.
  2. Two of the same above packages will be available to two winners via Rafflecopter

Thank you for supporting another indie project by The Quill Ink. If the stories that have trickled in so far are any indication of the quality of stories for this collection, I am expecting Rational Creatures to exceed even my exacting standards. Am beyond excited for the possibilities. This is sure to be a diverting journey. I hope you will join us. Follow us at Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/TheDarcyMonologues

And Goodreads.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39909769-volume-three-from-the-quill-collective


“But I hate to hear you talking so, like a fine gentleman, and as if women were all fine ladies, instead of rational creatures. We none of us expect to be in smooth water all our days.” —Persuasion

Jane Austen: True romantic or rational creature? Her novels transport us back to the Regency, a time when well-mannered gentlemen and finely-bred ladies fell in love as they danced at balls and rode in carriages. Yet her heroines, such as Elizabeth Bennet, Anne Elliot, and Elinor Dashwood, were no swooning, fainthearted damsels in distress. Austen’s novels have become timeless classics because of their biting wit, honest social commentary, and because she wrote of strong women who were ahead of their day. True to their principles and beliefs, they fought through hypocrisy and broke social boundaries to find their happily-ever-after.

In the third romance anthology of The Quill Collective series, sixteen celebrated Austenesque authors write the untold histories of Austen’s brave adventuresses, her shy maidens, her talkative spinsters, and her naughty matrons. Peek around the curtain and discover what made Lady Susan so wicked, Mary Crawford so capricious, and Hetty Bates so in need of Emma Woodhouse’s pity.

Rational Creatures is a collection of humorous, poignant, and engaging short stories set in Georgian England that complement and pay homage to Austen’s great works and great ladies who were, perhaps, the first feminists in an era that was not quite ready for feminism.

“Make women rational creatures, and free citizens, and they will become good wives; —that is, if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.” —Mary Wollstonecraft


Filed under JAFF

83 responses to “Rational Creatures – Another Anthology Coming from The Quill Ink

  1. Glynis

    Since Christina said she would be making an announcement today I have been trying to decide who it would involve. I must admit this never entered my head!
    I love the author line up and the cover so I will definitely have to read it even knowing there won’t be any Darcy stories! Great work as always Christina. Thanks to all for sharing this news.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m very curious myself Glynis! And I’m very happy she brought some new names like Nicole Clarkston and Elizabeth Adams into the group 🙂 Girls do run the world hunh?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Christina Boyd

      Thank you, Glynis. We wanted to try something a little different. Especially since we already did a big Darcy book last year and there seems to be a surfeit of Darcy POV novels these days… And there is always a lot with our believed Elizabeth… I do hope you will give this collection a try.


  2. jenettajames

    Thank you Rita for supporting this fun project! I completely love the cover and can’t wait to see it in “real” life:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christina Boyd

      Thank you for being part if this endeavor. You are one of the busiest women I know–I feel lucky that you are making time for this!


  3. Loren Dushku

    Hello Rita, thank you for this announcement post!

    I would like to make my compliments and best wishes for this new anthology to Christina and all the author that worked on it!
    I like the idea of a female anthology in this time when movements such as #metoo are spreading through the world, I absolutely have to share this! I am sure a lot of feminists will be happy to see that even after her death Jane Austen is doing her best!
    I like the cover too, the way the female face occupies all the space is inspiring!

    In the end I want to say my thanks for the giveaways, the prizes are wonderful… even if I would like to win the book, it seems a little piece of art!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like the cover and look forward to reading some varied female points of view

    Liked by 1 person

  5. J. W. Garrett

    I was just over at Claudine’s [Just Jane 1813] and was so surprised to learn of this project by Christina Boyd. So many NEWS worthy firsts. I love that cover. Thanks Rita for hosting … you guys are doing a fantastic news blitz and that is so exciting. I will check out the other posts. I wish much success to the authors and can’t wait to see this in print.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Fantastic! Can’t wait. Thanks for sharing. Lovely cover and awesome authors.


  7. Patricia Finnegan

    Congratulations on the new book!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. So glad that the secret is out! I love the cover of the new collection–very excited!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am so excited! I have been patiently (well…sort of) awaiting this announcement! Gorgeous cover! I can’t wait to see what these amazing authors bring us! I am thrilled Dangerous to know is now on audio! Such a fun way to revisit these stories! Congratulations one and all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christina Boyd

      Thank you! It has been a busy 24-hours of news. The audiobook for our #RakesAndGentlemenRogues went live yesterday. Hope you get a chance to listen. Our voice actor is marvelous.


  10. I’m so excited to see the release of another anthology. I look forward to reading!


  11. Thank you, Rita, for your participation in — and your enthusiasm for — this collection of stories.
    Isn’t the cover gorgeous? I love the contrast of pink and charcoal and the ribbon tying this book to her brothers, TDM and DtK.
    I’m thrilled to be on Christina’s #TheSweetSixteen team. But, wow, it’s been many, many decades since I reached that teenage milestone. In the spirit of feminism and to quote Helen Reddy’s song, “Oh yes, I am wise, but it’s wisdom born of pain.” It will be interesting to learn the wisdom — and, perhaps, the pain — of Austen’s female characters, her Rational Creatures, in this latest Quill Collective anthology. Can’t wait!
    Good luck to your readers in the fabulous giveaways!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christina Boyd

      Joanne, You are always so good! I can’t wait until readers read your Rational Creature. They will be sooooo moved, I think. I know I was when I first read it.


  12. caroleincanada

    Congratulations to all involved! Break out the Champagne!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. pedmisson

    Yay, another one!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Jennifer Redlarczyk

    Love the cover and looking forward to some wonderful stories by a fantastic group of authors. Jen Red

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Sophia Rose

    Yay! I’m so glad you could host us, Rita. The secrets out and I don’t have to keep mum about that gorgeous cover. 🙂 Such a treat to be part of this fabulous project.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christina Boyd

      Thank you, Sophia, for bringing your pen to another anthology project. Now just waiting on your full length work! (impatiently tapping foot)


  16. Thank you, Rita, for hosting this! Excited to be working with such a fantastically talented group on this project.


  17. virginiakohl

    Congratulations to all the lovely ladies involved! This sounds like a wonderful anthology! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I absolutely adore this cover! It fits so beautifully with the colour scheme of ‘The Darcy Monologues’ and ‘Dangerous to Know’, and the lady chosen for the cover is just perfect!

    Thanks so much for this wonderful announcement for the Rational Creatures, Rita!

    I’m so excited to be part of Christina’s new anthology along with my favourite authors and dear friends – this dream team is amazing! I can’t wait to read your stories, lovely ladies!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. another all-star cast of authors for the anthology


    Liked by 1 person

  20. Kristin Jennings

    Loved the first two anthologies, can’t wait for this one!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Anne

    Wonderful feature and giveaway. Great authors. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Getting excited! And I think I’m going to go ahead and order that tank top… 🙂
    Thanks for hosting, Rita!


  23. Reblogged this on elizabethadamswrites and commented:
    I’m in an anthology! AND there’s a BIG giveaway package. Check it out!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  24. karenmcoxbooks

    Reblogged this on Karen M Cox and commented:
    My next writing project is announced!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. karenmcoxbooks

    Thanks so much, Rita, for helping us spread the word about the new anthology! I’m really excited about writing -and reading- about the women of Austen. And those Rational Creatures shirts are calling my name 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Christina Boyd

    Thank you, Rita, for hosting this announcement and cover reveal. I appreciate all your enthusiasm from the start and for all your author suggestions when first assembling this collection together. I am hoping others are excited about this endeavor as you are. Thank you so much.


  27. Congratulations on another upcoming anthology! I can’t wait to see what stories have been created around those fascinating characters of Jane Austen’s.


  28. I am so excited to have a new anthology to look forward too!!


  29. evamedmonds

    I am sure this will be as wonderful as the previous two anthologies. Looking forward to reading it. Thank you for the giveaway.


  30. Hetty Bates, I must shamefully admit that I never gave her much thought in reading Jane’s masterpiece, again and again. But am rather curious to see things from her side! Thanks for a great giveaway 😀


    • Christina Boyd

      I know — who would have thought she had any courage or independence…CAN’T WAIT for you to read that story! It is surprisingly poignant — yet still so true to the Miss Bates we know.


  31. The cover is stunning! Looking forward to reading this new collection this fall.


  32. Maria

    The more I look at the cover, the more I like it!


  33. My initial guess is that Christina Boyd will once again gather several well known and popular authors of Austenesque fiction to tell stories from Jane Austen heroines’ perspectives. I feel it is time for the female voices be heard as she has already edited two anthologies from Darcy and Austen’s bad boys point of view. Thank you for sharing this good news with us, Christina.


    • Christina Boyd

      I am so happy you are as excited for us—thank you.
      And this project. I am super proud of the effort so far and the stories from #TheSweetSicteen.


  34. bubblie100

    The cover of ‘Rational Creatures’ is seriously gorgeous! And what a stellar line-up of authors – I heard Devoney Looser speak on Austen’s illustrators when she came to Australia last year! I’ve added this title to my ‘To Read’ list 🙂


    • Christina Boyd

      Thank you! We are thrilled that Devoney Looser has agreed to write the foreword. I couldn’t think of anyone more perfect to introduce this anthology about several of Austen’s female characters, written by female authors, and for anyone with interest in the themes. Feeling honored.


  35. Mary

    What a very clever idea!!
    Looking forward to reading this anthology account hope to gain new perspectives on Austen’s other feminine characters.
    Wishing all involved the very best of luck with this new book!
    Thank you for hosting,Rita.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. ColleenL

    Great group of authors and such a stunning cover. Can’t wait to read it! And thanks for the giveaway. .

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Thanks for being part of the announcement and cover reveal Rita. I may be absent a lot at the moment, (that pesky thing known to us all as Real Life is being particularly annoying in that respect at the moment) but I just had to pop in, somewhat belatedly, to wish Christina and #TheSweetSixteen, more congratulations and best wishes for the (eventual) release of Rational Creatures. October seems so far away! The cover is simply gorgeous and it’s lovely to see the ribbon motif linking this with TDM and DtK.

    Although this is a volume of a number of Austen’s female characters, I’m sure none of us would object to an Elizabeth Bennet equivalent of TDM if there’s to be a fourth anthology in the future!


  38. Christina Boyd

    Thank you, Anji. Working hard to make all our deadlines. October will be here sooner than expected. (We had to announce now—it would have been too much to to ask 16 Authors—and me—to keep the secret that long.) At least this way we can do promotion and have more giveaway opportunities!


  39. Charlotte

    This book sounds like another winner. Though I had hoped for more Darcy. Can you ever have enough stories about him? I really like that the ladies that do not take centerstagr now get to shine.


  40. We owe so much to the strong women who came before us. Thanks for getting such a good group together to share their stories with us.


  41. Looks like a wonderful book, lovely cover! Fantastic giveaway, thank you to all for the opportunity!


  42. Debbie

    I loved The Darcy Monologues and I can’t wait to see what Rational Creatures has in store for us! Thanks to everyone for this wonderful giveaway!


  43. Michelle Fidler

    I like wraparound covers. Haven’t read any of these. I need more JAFF anthologies.


  44. Christina Boyd

    First off, thank you to all who continue to support our indie projects and all who enthusiastically cheered this coming anthology. Congratulations to Debbie—who was selected as a winner by RandomNamePick for this announcement blog hop. Also, Sharon Legg and KasiaB won the other two gift packages via Rafflecopter.
    We appreciate all the support and interest. We hope you will continue to follow and talk about our project as we have many more giveaways and promotions planned for our “Rational Creatures”!


  45. Sharon Legg

    Thank you soo much Christina Boyd!!


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