Mrs. Collins’ Lover – Guest Post & Giveaway

Hello dear readers,

I hope you are all well and that it is warmer on your side of the globe then it is in mine. Well, I can’t complain, it is still very warm compared to some northern european countries, but it is not as warm as usual and that leaves me a little concerned. Climate changes are more and more visible and that is something to which I have been paying more attention in the last couple of years. But I digress…I should be taking about literature!

On a more literary topic, I am welcoming Bronwen Chisholm for the first time in From Pemberley to Milton to talk about her book Mrs. Collins’ Lover. I hope this is only the first of many visits from Mrs. Chisholm and that you all make her feel welcome with your comments and kind words 🙂




Hello! I am so pleased to be joining everyone here at From Pemberley to Milton. As many of you know, I have recently released my latest novel, Mrs. Collins’ Lover, and wanted to take a few minutes to sit down and tell you all about it. To begin, I must mention this is my first Christian themed work, though it did not begin that way.

My father was a lay speaker with the United Methodist church and coordinated a prison ministry. His favorite passage was The Prodigal Son. He preached it from every point of view. When he passed in 2014, his wish for his daughters was that we grow closer to God and follow the plans He had for us.

When the idea for this book first came to me, it was from Mr. Bennet’s point of view. The original first two chapters were even written in his voice. My first idea note was:

Mr. Bennet had been ill and it gave him a taste of mortality he did not like. Therefore, when Mr. Collins proposed to Elizabeth, he convinced her to accept. He indicated that, once an heir was born, he would request her presence at Longbourn more frequently so that the child could grow up in his home and learn his duties. She reluctantly and tearfully agrees (is forced to agree). “You are the rightful Mistress of Longbourn, Lizzy. You know more about and care more for this estate than your mother or sisters ever will.”

A few months into the writing, I heard a song which firmly set the direction of the book. While at our church’s women’s conference, the gifted Jacky Brigstock sang Reckless Love. (Attached video is Cory Asbury – original performer).


Every time I hear Jacky sing, she touches my spirit and this was no different. What was different was that my thoughts jumped immediately to this story and the battle Elizabeth would have to face was laid out before me. A story of adultery became a story of redemption.


Elizabeth Bennet was raised with a strong belief and faith in God’s plan for her life. She knew He had a plan, even if the details were hidden from her. But, when placed in an untenable situation, she turned instead to the arms of a man to find brief moments of joy. Finally, when able to realize the happiness which was always intended for her, the weight of her guilt over her past sins convinces her of her unworthiness. Only through reconciliation with the Lover of her soul can she truly fulfill the life He planned for her. But first, she must forgive herself in order to find redemption.

Remember: In order to be redeemed, there must be sin. This story is intended for mature audiences.

Trigger Warning: There are incidents of abuse in this story.



You can find Mrs. Collins’ Lover at:





Bronwen Chisholm began her writing career working on suspense romance, but finally became a published author with her Pride and Prejudice variations. She takes great pleasure in searching for potential “plot twists” and finding the way back to a happy ending.

Her love of writing has led her to several writing groups, and she is currently serving as the vice president of the Riverside Writers and organizes the Riverside Young Writers.

For more information, visit her at




And now, a GIVEAWAY! Just make a comment on this blog and Rita will pick 1 lucky winner to receive an ebook copy of Mrs. Collins’ Lover. Good luck! I can’t wait to read your comments.

Good Luck everyone!


Filed under JAFF

41 responses to “Mrs. Collins’ Lover – Guest Post & Giveaway

  1. Patricia Finnegan

    Congratulations on your new book!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pam Hunter

    Looking forward to reading this one! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I expect my dislike of Mr Bennet will continue with this story

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rose

    I have read other stories with Elizabeth forced into an abusive marriage and it’s always painful to read. Haven’t read you version yet but I will.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I feel so badly for Elizabeth as it sounds her life with Collins is unbearable. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Leeza Stetson

    Poor Elizabeth. To be forced into such a marriage. However, it sounds like all will turn out well. Thanks for the chance to win your book.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. evamedmonds

    My question is: is there adultery or Is Elizabeth a widow? How cruel for Mr Bennet force her to marry Mr Collins. Thank you for the giveaway.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Tami S

    I read the sample of this story off of Amazon. It is sad seeing Elizabeth forced into marrying the controlling Mr Collins. Can’t wait to read the whole story for Elizabeth and Darcy’s happily ever after!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Tami Scire

    I read the sample of this story off of Amazon. It is sad seeing Elizabeth forced into marrying the controlling Mr Collins. Can’t wait to read the whole story for Elizabeth and Darcy’s happily ever after!


  10. Congratulations on your release. Looking forward to finding out how ODC reach their HEA.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. J. W. Garrett

    I love that music video. That is one of my favorite songs. It is so powerful and so appropriate to this story. Blessings on the launch and success of this work. I know it was hard to write and will probably be hard to read. However, redemption if a story for us all. Thank you for tackling a hard topic.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Michelle H

    I read this story when it was online, and it is simply amazing. My review is on Goodreads, so I’m not going to go into a lot about the story here. Your intro is so enlightening to read. Although I read it as a redemption story (just beautiful) it’s ever so lovely to get the background from the author. I loved it and I will want to read it again and again.

    Shortly though, for anyone sitting on the fence this Darcy is the swooniest ever! And Bronwen, you made Mary and Anne my heroes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bronwen Chisholm

      Thank you, Michelle! Your review was wonderful – food for a writer’s soul. I’m pleased that Darcy met your approval. 😉


  13. I honestly never thought that you will write a Christian-themed P&P novel because your previous releases are all non-inspirational variations, Bronwen. I didn’t wish for Elizabeth to suffer in the hands of her abusive husband so I don’t agree that she accepted her fate as urged by her dear father. Knowing her independent spirit, she would surely not take Mr Collins as her husband without a fight. You paint a very different Elizabeth than what I am used to so I hope to change my mind when I get the chance to read this book.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bronwen Chisholm

      I did not intentionally begin this story as a redemption story, but once that path was before me, I could not turn away.
      You are correct, Elizabeth is very different. I did not hash this out in the book, but a big part of her circumstances was her reactions. The Elizabeth we normally see always looks to the positive. Of her sisters, she was the one most affected by her father’s illness. Instead of fighting against his wishes, she bowed down. The problem is, she didn’t continue to look for the good. Our outlook makes our reality.
      I hope you do give this book a chance.


  14. jennysolis2526

    Congratulations on your new release! This sounds like a great read and I am excited to see how you worked out their HEA. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Glynis

    I read this as it was posting and was amazed by how much I loved it! Normally I wouldn’t touch a book where Elizabeth marries Collins with a barge pole but I had to see where this was going!
    I really felt for poor Elizabeth and I loved this Darcy. Some of Elizabeth’s family were less than pleasant at times and the least said about Collins the better.
    I am definitely looking forward to reading the finished product!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. sheilalmajczan

    This sounds so intriguing even though I usually steer away from stories with abuse, i.e., rape. To me being forced to marry and then bed a man I didn’t want to marry is in the same category as rape…over and over again. I do want to read this and thank you for a chance to win.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bronwen Chisholm

      Thank you! There is only one scene which falls in this category and I tried to make it as brief as possible.
      Good luck in the giveaway!


  17. Buturot

    Touching quote ” a syory of adultery before redemption” Than kyou for sharing. One reflection/image I love is the Lost Lamb in Jesus’ embrace. Eager to know and feel this with EB in this story

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Buturot

    Hard responsibility for a favorite and deserving (heir) daughter. It seems reverse in this story, EB has the greater responsibility than FD. Can’t wait to read. Thank you for the excerpt and the chance to win

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I just listened to the video – how very poignant – moving…tears at the corners of my eyes. So glad our redeemer liveth!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bronwen Chisholm

      I listened to this song so much while I wrote to stay focused on the truth of this story – we can never out love Him.


  20. Thank you for the chance in this giveaway. The video is very moving.

    Liked by 1 person

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