Author of the Month – Victoria Kincaid


Good Afternoon everyone,

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I have created a new feature called author of the month where each month I give a shout out to a specific author for a particular reason. This month’s Author of the Month is Victoria Kincaid and she was actually the reason why I created this feature. I remember reading President Darcy and thinking how incredibly diversified her work is and how that deserved to be talked about, and that is how I came up with the idea of the Author of the Month post.

In my opinion, Victoria Kincaid deserves a place here because she is very versatile in her writing and we never know what to expect from her which can be very thrilling for those of us who are following her work.

I absolutely loved the first book I ever read from her, The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth, which is what we would call a regular what if story, but ever since writing that, Victoria Kincaid has presented us with a humorous book: Chaos Comes to Longbourn, seasonal books such as Christmas at Darcy House, a sequel:  A Very Darcy Christmas (another favourite of mine), a mash-up inspired novel: Darcy Vs. Bennet, a secondary character centered book: When Mary Met the Colonel (again my favourite of the genre), and a modernization such as President Darcy. The truth is, we never know what to expect next and I keep wondering what she will present us in her next release! The stakes are now getting very high because honestly I keep waiting for her to surprise us with yet another different approach to Pride and Prejudice.

I find her novels very easy and pleasant to read and that is the consistency she presents through all these different types of novels. No matter what sub genre she is writing, she makes it a page turner, I don’t even like modernizations and she made me love President Darcy! Victoria Kincaid has everything to be a bestseller in the genre, she is able to present varied books but always providing readers with an incredible need to keep reading. Her books have the perfect length, they are not too short nor too long, and they focus exactly on what readers want to read. It seems Victoria Kincaid is studying her audience and doing a great job at it! I dare say there isn’t anyone out there who hasn’t read and loved at least one of her books because she doesn’t write to a specific audience, she doesn’t specialise, she diversifies and tries something different each time, reaching therefore a wider range of audience. That is not an easy approach and Victoria Kincaid deserves my respect for going along this path.

Authors such as Victoria Kincaid keep the genre interesting and appealing to readers around the globe and for that I have to thank her, her contribution to the JAFF community is very valuable.

These are the books that made me choose Victoria Kincaid as author of the month:


My Review

My Review  (coming soon)

My Review

My Review

My Review

My Review (coming soon)

My Review

My Review

My Review (coming soon)

My Review (sorry, haven’t read this one yet)


I know she is working on another novel and if I am not mistaken she will once more take our characters to France! But I will let her talk to you a little about that 🙂

Hello Rita, and thank you for having me as Author of the Month!  What an honor!  In your post you mentioned the wide variety of my books: secondary characters, modern, Regency, set in different countries, humor, etc.  I hadn’t really thought about that before, but I guess I do vary the setting and focus of each book quite a bit.  Greater variety gives me greater enjoyment in the writing process.  Each book is a new challenge because it’s different than the ones I’ve written before.  That way the writing is always a process of discovery.  I’m never quite sure how I will resolve the plot, although each one of my books has ended with a wedding.

You also asked me how I got the idea for The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth, which is a particularly apt question since the book I’m in the process of writing now also takes our heroes to France during the war.  The seed for The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth sprouted when I learned that there had been a brief peace between England and France in 1803.  During that time, English tourists flocked to Paris—only to be endangered when hostilities resumed.  Suddenly hundreds of English citizens needed to flee France, and the French government was arresting any English men it could find.  I’d been reading Jane Austen Fan Fiction and thinking about writing a book of my own.  I thought the Peace of Amiens would be a great setting for Darcy and Elizabeth to encounter each other—and then be forced to escape France together.  Since that was my first JAFF book, I wasn’t at all sure how it would be received.  But it got a warm welcome from the JAFF community, and here I am—nine books later!

I don’t want to say too much about the plot of my work in progress, The Unforgettable Mr. Darcy, because it’s still in process.  But it starts with Darcy discovering that Elizabeth has been killed in a shipwreck off the coast of France.  Fortunately, she doesn’t stay dead. 😊  He goes to France and finds her alive, but without her memory.  They must evade capture and escape from France.  The new book required me to do a lot of research about the lives of everyday people in France during the Napoleonic Wars as well as about espionage between England and France.  I was surprised how little has been written about both subjects (at least in English), while there are tons of books devoted to military strategy, uniforms, canons, and naval battles.  But what I did find out was fascinating.  Toward the end of Napoleon’s reign, he was unpopular in many parts of France—having dragged them into endless wars that drained the country’s wealth and killed its youth.  The espionage activities were also quite different from what expected.  I didn’t know where the plot would take me, but I also ended up doing research on the Channel Islands, barge traffic along the Seine, and smugglers between England and France.  Thank goodness for the internet!

Of course, a lot of the research doesn’t show up in the book, although it’s still fascinating.  But other historical details push the plot in new and unexpected directions.  Hopefully my readers will enjoy it as much as they have enjoyed my other books.


Victoria has a Ph.D. in English literature and has taught composition to unwilling college students. Today she teaches business writing to willing office professionals and tries to give voice to the demanding cast of characters in her head. She lives in Virginia with her husband, two children who love to read, a cute (but clumsy) puppy, and an overly affectionate cat. A lifelong Jane Austen fan, Victoria confesses to an extreme partiality for the Colin Firth miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice.

You can visit her website at and her Amazon Author page here.



Victoria Kincaid would like to offer my readers a copy of the Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth and I would like to offer a copy of When Mary Met the Colonel, my favourite secondary character story so far.

The giveaway is international and ends on the 11th of May. To enter it you only need to comment on this post and let us know which is your favourite book from Victoria Kincaid and why 🙂

Good Luck everyone!


Filed under Author of the month, JAFF

38 responses to “Author of the Month – Victoria Kincaid

  1. such a wonderful collection of books she has written


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Enjoyed this post and look forward to reading both The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth and The Unforgettable Mr Darcy. Although there are many of Victoria’s titles on my wishlist, I’ve only had the chance to read A Very Darcy Christmas which I really enjoyed. It was just the book to raise my sprits around the holidays. Thanks for the giveaway.


  3. J. W. Garrett

    I already own both books in the give-a-way… plus 4 more and the rest are on my wish-list. My favorite book would actually be two books… A Very Darcy Christmas and Chaos Comes To Longbourn… both were 5-stars for me. I have not read the others in my TBR pile. I must declare a Kincaid marathon and take care of that backlog. Blessings to Ms Kincaid on the new book and hope all goes well for you. Thanks to Rita for hosting.


  4. Claire Ferguson

    I loved The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth, and Mr Darcy to the Rescue! And although I read them almost a year ago they still stand out in my mind. Secrets was such a beautiful book ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have to say, President Darcy ended up being one of my favorite modernizations. I really loved it. Victoria’s other work is amazing too. She is totally an inspiration!


  6. Pingback: I’m Author of the Month! And Giveaway! | Victoria Kincaid

  7. What a fabulous post ladies! Thanks for sharing your new book’s premise with us. You both know how much I love The Secrets Between Darcy & Elizabeth, now I can’t wait for your next book!!

    Happy writing !!


  8. Sorry I mistyped the title! It’s The Secrets of Darcy & Elizabeth!


  9. Sharon Legg

    I am also excited to read more of Victoria’s books. Sometimes my the list is longer than I can complete! So happy at a chance of another giveaway! Thank you both!!


  10. lbischoff53

    It is hard to say which is my favourite Victoria Kincaid novel. I think it has to be The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth, but I absolutely loved President Darcy (and I don’t like modern fan fiction as much). I look forward to reading The Unforgettable Mr Darcy.


  11. Glynis

    Oh no Rita, I just realised that I haven’t read Secrets. It’s on my wish list along with President Darcy. I do love Victoria’s books and would be hard pressed to pick a favourite. Maybe Darcy’s Honor or could be Chaos as I do like a funny book now and again. I have big, big plans – one day I will manage to read all the books on my TBR list AND go through my wish list getting (and reading) as many as possible, all this along with the regular ‘re reads I have to do 🙂
    Thank you for sharing this lovely post and choosing another worthy winner of Author of the Month. And may I say that Victoria’s new book sounds fabulous!


    • Hi Glynis, I feel your pain. My TBR list is so long I’m not sure I could finish it even if I quit my job and did nothing but read for the rest of my life. 🙂 Good luck with the giveaway!


  12. Congratulations on being chosen for this accolade, Victoria. It’s most definitelt well deserved.

    I first read The Secrets of Darcy and Elizabeth when I was lucky enough to win a giveaway copy just after it was published. It remains a firm favourite to this day, even though I’ve read ALL of Victoria’s books published since (so please don’t put my name in the giveaway hat). Three of my other favourites (oh, it’s so hard to choose!) are: President Darcy – this Brit learned quite a bit about US politics from that; Darcy vs. Bennet, and Chaos Comes to Longbourn. I don’t think any other Austenesque author has attempted so many POVs in one book before but Victoria did it so well and I was never once confused about whose POV it was. The comedy also reminded me of a particular series of comedy plays that was popular over here when I was growing up. If you Google “Whitehall farces” or “Brian Rix” you’ll find out more. One of the reasons they came to mind was the way the wrong people ended up engaged in the book, which sometimes happened during the plays, but they all ended up with their HEAs eventually, by many and various circuitous routes.


    • Hi Anji, It’s great to hear your perspective since I know you’ve read all of my books! I’m glad you enjoyed Chaos. I think it was too humorous for some JAFF readers, but I had great fun writing it.


  13. virginiakohl

    Congratulations, Victoria!

    What a wonderful post and giveaway 🙂

    I cannot choose a favorite (it’s similar to chosing a favorite dessert) but after checking my library I am so excited because both of the books are on my wishlist. 🙂


  14. Betty Campbell Madden

    There are some authors’ books I can’t really rank. With good P&P authors, such as you, I enjoy all of them, they are simply different storylines. So, keep supplying us, please.


  15. Sharah McConville

    I would love to read The Secrets Of Darcy and Elizabeth. I am yet to read one of Victoria Kincaid’s book so this would be a perfect time to start!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Patricia Finnegan

    My favorite is when mary met the colonel. It is rare for Mary to have a book of her own and I like that Colonel Fitzwilliam was her love interest in the story.


  17. I’ve only read A Very Darcy Christmas. As Christmas is after everything Jane Austen a great passion of mine. Loved the writing and combibation of my two favorites in this story!!


  18. Having never had the chance to finish reading any of Victoria Kincaid’s novels (I’m a slow reader, btw), I cannot tell you my favourite of her novels. But I’ve always adored your beautiful covers, Victoria. Did you purchase stock images of Regency couples and design the covers?


  19. Charlotte

    I have yet to read a story by this author, can’t believed I’ve missed so many promissing books… Would love the chance to try one 😀 So please count me in, thank you!


  20. arjanne

    It’s hard to pick one favorite (I’ve all Victoria’s books except The secrets of D&E and Chaos comes to Longbourn). I’m going to say Pride & Proposals (but it could be replaced by President Darcy soon as I haven’t read that one yet, but it’s on my pile).
    Always nice to hear there’s a new story coming!


  21. Amazingly, I don’t believe I’ve read one of Victoria’s books yet. It needs to be rectified!

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!


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